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LOST the Final season: discussion thread

So I am a HUGE Lost fan. If I could name 3 things in life I couldnt do without it would be my Z, LOST, and of course equally beutifully

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Old 02-02-2010, 10:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default LOST the Final season: discussion thread

So I am a HUGE Lost fan. If I could name 3 things in life I couldnt do without it would be my Z, LOST, and of course equally beutifully shaped women.

So the premier of the 6th and final season of LOST was tonight, and I thought I would start a thread for fellow Z and LOST fans to discuss the new episodes, and post any theories of whats gunna happen.
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Old 02-03-2010, 10:46 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Yeah I'm gonna get MORE LOST
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Old 02-03-2010, 11:01 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Watched it lastnight. I have a few ideas about what is going on.
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:14 PM   #4 (permalink)
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huge fan here!!!!!
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Old 02-03-2010, 05:34 PM   #5 (permalink)
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going to reveal something about myself some of you dont know.....

lost is probably the single most important thing in my life. if i had to choose between burning my GTR and not seeing how it all ends i would go get the gas can right now..
i love it to an obsessive amount where it interferes with my life, i even alienate people because all my conversations will turn into ones about lost..

i admit i almost cried when they were wheeling locke out of the plane to the piano music anyone got a problem with that

stayed up and watched the premiere again on hulu without commercials to analyze. the commericals were killing me last night because i re watched all the seasons this summer on DVD and blu ray...

things i didnt notice the first time in LA X

-juliets comments about going for coffee seems to be her conciousness drifted into the alternate reality thus how she knew "it worked" ( i think we might see a scene with her and sawyer in the other reality)

-the airport lady refered to sun as ms paik instead of mrs kwon. ( maybe they arnt married)

-the water turned back clear after sayid "died" im not sure if it was dark at first and didnt work like it should because jacob was dead or it has something to do with his damned soul ( the convo he had with hurley) seems sayid said "what happened" in a different accent. either he isnt himself anymore ( dont think he is jacob) or just doesnt remember anything and is "not the same" just like what happened to little ben

things i dont know yet are:

now that we understand more about the ash... whos cabin was it? did jacob even ever stay there? if he did was the ash there to keep the smoke monster out or was it to trap him inside.... and who broke the ash ring? my guess is either hurley when he ran away from the eye or claire when she followed christian

was richard a slave or a prisoner on the black rock?

is the temple other guy "Dogan" ( the japanese dude) agless too

-whats up with christian's coffin, was it never loaded on the plane or did it flash off the plane as they crossed the sunken island

-whats up with desmond? is he interdimensional traveling?

-was charlie trying to kill himself or just botched the smuggling of his heroin. he told jack he was supposed to die, but i took that more as jack shouldnt have interfered with fate ( that he had written on his knuckles in the other reality) also remember when he almost choked to death when ethan hung him?

-cant figure out the sunken island i wouldnt assume jughead did it yet . we may be really seeing not a parallel universe but a 2004 universe thats created after and as a result too....what takes place on the island in 2007 kind of like how they showed us the oceanic 6 before they got off in season 4 .. i think jack has some memory of the reality we have been watching for 5 seasons..

-for the most part (besides jacks hair) they all looked like they were in 2004 although it hasnt confirmed that yet.

-why where there little kids at the temple ( not the ones from the plane) if the others cant have children

also i was right all along about fake locke being Man in black /smoke monster just not sure where is "HOME" is. some say its the temple but i think based on the comments about wanting the opposite of locke that its off island.... maybe tunisa which is the "exit"

also if christian was just him all along like yemi or if there is something more to christian than just the smoke monster pretending to be him.

if the smoke monster accounts for all the apperances of dead people "on" the island did little ben see his mother and locke see walt?

got a bunch more but most of it would be ramblings so i need to gather my thoughts some more
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:12 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Holy hell MC you analyzed the hell out of last night! Some interesting things there though. I'm going to go rewatch it, lol.
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Old 02-03-2010, 06:16 PM   #7 (permalink)
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yeah its a sickness i have... and those are just the questions i got from rewatching the one episode this it though

i like it because not only are the characters great it really challenges you to think and noticing every little thing actually pays off although you sound pretty crazy discussing it with people who arnt into it.. my GF likes it but doesnt go that deep into it like i do so i was annoying the **** out of her when i was like even though thats some piss poor CG hey i think that shark had a dharma logo on it or the underwater statue has a fallen ankh beside it when the one in 2007 beside the beach doesnt... she is like WTF

looking foward to next week, to find out whats up with sayid and i think titus welliver as the Man in Black is back in some fashion, want to see how that plays out
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Old 02-04-2010, 01:27 AM   #8 (permalink)
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MC I totally hear ya about being obsessed with LOST. I cant even skip a single second or frame. You have some pretty good theories and found some good stuff I didnt realize.

Heres my theory, tell me what you think..

I think that Jacob is actually the bad guy. Those people from Ajira flight with the guns that said that were body guards for Jacob claimed that "they were the good guys" Idk about you but almost every movie the bad guys always say "but we are the good guys".

So in saying that I think Jacob is evil and fake locke, MIB, smoke monster, or whatever we want to call him is really the good guy. I think he might even be in some sense Jesus. Take Locke for example, he has never ever been evil in anyway, in a sense he believed in something, when all others outcast him, but over time he gathered followers to accept his faith. (also see the picture I have attached, its the great supper scene, and locke is sitting in jesus's seat)

Also at the very end, fake locke says to everyone on the beach "I'm very dissapointed in all of you" ....Maybe he is dissapointed that after thousands of years, the world has lost faith in him(jesus)

Just a little note, I am NOT a religious person by no means, Im just stating facts about the whole idea of catholocism and how it is seaming to relate to LOST.

Another thing, the fountain they brought Sayid to, could this possibly be the Fountain of Life?? Maybe that is how Richard has not aged (one of the effects from drinking out of the fountain of life) It also looks like the temple is of some Mayan design, but also has egyptian glyphs. Maybe that temple is one of the oldest of its kind, from the beginning of "time" and human life, which has a collaberation of all ancient civilazations. (Kind of like that AvP movie)

thats all I got for now

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Old 02-04-2010, 01:48 AM   #9 (permalink)
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wow great theory, i agree.

*cough* the LAST supper.
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Old 02-04-2010, 01:48 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Oh and I mightve just had my theory confirmed.

The following is from an exerpt from a Q&A session with

Q: Are there teams supporting Jacob and the Man in Black? And what should we call that guy, by the way?

Cuse: The Man in Black.

Lindelof: Call him the Man in Black.

Q: Are there teams? Are there people that are going to take sides this season?

Cuse: People are going to take sides, but that doesn't mean they're not going to switch sides later on. It's a little bit like baseball pre-season. You're on a team, but there's a lot of trading going on.

Lindelof: I think one thing to keep in mind though is that just because one guy wears white and the other guy wears black, don't make immediate judgments over who's good and who's evil. Jacob has kind of put our guys through the wringer in a lot of ways, so it might be interesting to see what the Man in Black has to say for himself.

Cuse: He might have a good perspective.
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:08 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Haha yea yea thats what I meant to say

Originally Posted by STItoEVOX View Post
wow great theory, i agree.

*cough* the LAST supper.
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:10 AM   #12 (permalink)
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yeah i dont wouldnt say its a black and white as jacob is purely good and MIB is purely evil

there is alot of religious/philosophical metaphors and imagery but i wouldnt say anything its literal like someone is actually jesus or the devil or thats actually jacob and essau ( youve got egyptian ..the hyrogliphs and the images of anubis ( summoning the smoke monster) and thawert ( the statue) and youve got christian too with saviors ( he who will save us all) and the idea of redemption, not to mention some eastern themes too ) so its got alot of that but to me its about seemingly oppossing concepts

jacob represents free will ( think the progress comments and what he told ben before he was stabbed) MIB is fate ( they have no choice and it will always end the same)

the same as john is man of faith jack is man of science..

i dont even think jacob and MIB are equals, i think jacob has created this game and is and using humanity as the game pieces. i think its all to prove a point about free will ( choice, faith) vs determinism (fate, science) so i dont think he is evil because it seems he does believe in humanity i just think its just a game to him the players are expendable and its thats been repeated time after time after time and the MIB has been forced to play along all that time and has grown tired of it.

think this scene

or this KICKASS promo

everything youve seen on the island has been a play to find the loophole in some preset rules they have to play by ( it seems ben and widmore have to play by those rules too) the whole compass thing and how that started the false belief that locke was special is just an awesome mind **** that i cant even begin to go into.

it seems jacob knew that MIB might find a loophole and seems to have a back up plan just incase. ( i think they they're coming refers to the people he touched/on that list. not his body guards.

im still confused on who was using the cabin and if the others were taking orders from MIB impersonating jacob..remember in season 2 sawyer , kate and juliet were being forced to build the runway for ajira 316 on hydra island.. remember the others said jacob told them to build it.. so why would he tell them to biuld the runway that led to his death..unless it was all planned.
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:16 AM   #13 (permalink)
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oh and i a new theory now about the sunken island and believe it or not its sort of SIMPLE..

in the alternate reality they never crashed and thus they never went back in time to 77' to detonate the bomb.... the bomb acted as the original failsafe key and stopped ( or atleast controled) the electromagnetic energy from destroying the island that dharma was about to release from drilling too deep.... my proof is the failsafe key... dharma learned from the jughead incident that as a last resort they can use a small nuclear blast to contain it.. so the alternate reality is what if the island never existed past the point of the incident... which could some how account for all the differences weve seen in a butterfly effect sort of wat and that could mean alot of people dont exist in this new reality

basically they crashed on the island in 2004 because they detonated the bomb in 77 so there would be an island to crash on in 2004.. think of it as an endless loop like richard giving the compass to locke in 2007 and locke giving it back to richard in 1954 so he could give it back to locke in 2007... the compass doesnt exist outside of that loop..
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Old 02-04-2010, 02:47 AM   #14 (permalink)
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ahhhh!!! haha good points! Idk man, but LOST has to be the greatest thing ever invented. No book, movie, or anything has captivated my imagination so much before. Can you imagine if everyone was this creative and there was other tv shows such as lost out there to watch? I mean LOST even forced the president of the united states to move out of its way!

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Old 02-04-2010, 05:03 AM   #15 (permalink)
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this is a little bit abstract and has some holes in it but still fun to think about.. and check back in a few weeks and see how wrong we were lol....

the two realities post jughead explosion could be like the Schrödinger's cat expeiriment. basically dumbed down it states if you put a cat in a box and expose it to a posion the cat is both alive and dead until you open the box and find out. so faradays plan " worked" and didnt work at the same time

"the consequences of a 'random' event can lead to both outcomes simultaneously - until, that is, the event is observed and the true outcome becomes reality"

The quantum-mechanical "Schrödinger's cat" paradox according to the many-worlds interpretation.

In this interpretation every event is a branch point; the cat is both alive and dead, irrespective of whether the box is opened, but the "alive" and "dead" cats are in different branches of the universe, both of which are equally real, but which cannot interact with each other.

not sure about the non interacting part.. my craziest theory and probably most wrong is that maybe they bleed into each other and its the island that can merge them... so the reason that locke isnt paralyzed in the reality that we are used to is that jack fixed him in the new reality... but the problem with that is when he lost faith in the island and he couldnt walk anymore... so i think its more along the lines that it was an trick by MIB to make him think he was special..
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