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FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 4043382)
Too bad Epstein took his secrets with him. Bet he had dirt on everybody.

For sure, in equal measures conservative and liberal too. I’ll say it again for the xxxx time, it’s never been about left or right, it’s the 99% vs the 1%.

Rusty 07-28-2023 07:35 PM

Bipolar reps have been delivered. :tiphat:

eastwest2300 07-28-2023 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by FL 4Motion (Post 4043660)
For sure, in equal measures conservative and liberal too. I’ll say it again for the xxxx time, it’s never been about left or right, it’s the 99% vs the 1%.


how are you man?

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY (Post 4043430)
I’m. Not going to get too deep into this subject due to the strong feelings on both sides. All I’ll say about abortion is…

it’s not (and never was) a Constitutional right.
It shouldn’t be taxpayer funded.
It is not illegal for certain exceptions in any State I know of. (rape, incest, etc.)
If it has a heartbeat, it’s not a fetus anymore.
Late term abortion is murder.

Just my :twocents:

Definitely agree about not being taxpayer funded, I view it as a medical procedure up to a point in most cases and someone’s elective medical procedures should be self funded.

As far as not being a constitutional right, no it’s not explicitly stated as a right in the constitution vis a vis firearms, speech etc. But, it imo falls under being an unenumerated right ie it’s a right guaranteed in the constitution not explicitly stated but in order for someone to have personal freedom it is covered.

We all reasonably expect that we have autonomy over our bodies and medical care as adults. That’s not explicitly stated in the constitution but it’s not a stretch to say it is covered by the same, can’t have life, liberty and the persuit of happiness if someone else forces or denies you medical care that you can pay for.

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by JNews86 (Post 4043461)
Not sure what exactly happened with the dispute but I can tell you this. A lot of police jobs vilify their officers if basically ANYTHING happens with them, especially off duty stuff. Domestic incident? Stripped of your badge and gun until the investigation or whatever is complete, even if the husband/wife is full of ****. Something minor such as stress/anxiety and you try to talk about it? Stripped of your badge and gun. They make you feel worthless. The problem with all of this? Cops don't seek out help BECAUSE of those reasons. You are looked at like a liability and/or something is wrong with you when its usually not the case. Then it builds up leading to incidents of suicide. It really needs to be fixed.

Even with say the drugs tests. Say you get anxiety with flying and are prescribed Xanax and take it only for flying. Pop on a drug test? Stripped of your gun and badge. Tell the medical division you take it because of it even before a drug test? Drug test then stripped of your gun and badge when you pop positive. So ridiculous. All these departments claim "oh we care and want to help you" but when it comes to it they NEVER do.

And I'm speaking from experience. Someone I personally knew took his life.

The military is the same way unfortunately.

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by filip00 (Post 4043474)
I'm not even arguing with you. I only said a few pages ago that I agree and disagree with you and explained why. Also, not a bad idea to look at the rest of the world once in a while, you could learn a thing or two, regardless if you're living in the best country in the world or not.

One of the biggest reasons our foreign policy has been such a clusterfvxk so often is our arrogance and inability to look at issues from the other’s perspective. Kinda gives you some insight into why our politics are so fvcked up too eh? :)

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 4043567)

"Larry Summers, the former Obama and Clinton official, slammed parts of President Joe Biden’s economic agenda as “increasingly dangerous” this week, saying it could end up causing higher prices for Americans.

“I am profoundly concerned by the doctrine of manufacturing-centered economic nationalism that is increasingly put forth as a general principle to guide policy,” Summers said on Tuesday while speaking virtually at an event held by the Peterson Institute for International Economics."

I talked about this before on here, you can restore American manufacturing and then we all pay higher costs to offset higher production costs incurred.

Unfortunately average peoples salaries have been declining since the 70s so since our purchasing power is eroded we notice increased manufacturing costs more (inflationary).

Or, we can make our sh1t in China, India, etc and have cheap goods that help people ignore/forget wages have not been increasing for the majority of Americans fairly for the last 50 years but that money has gone to the csuite, stock values and executive compensation at our expense.

You can’t have it both ways.

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by filip00 (Post 4043588)
Also, as I really don't want to argue over topics that have no absolute value, but rather just an imposed one that we made up - one country one way, the other country different way....let me steer into a different direction.

Serious question. Why is the USA presidential election focused on just two candidates? On previous elections it was a choice between a demented old pedofile vs a crazy old maniac. I am quite sure that your country HAS better candidates. Can't they make it through? And why aren't there any other choices, other than just two clowns? Serious question. The year before it was Killary, whose only campaign was "I am a woman". WTF. What am I missing here, serious question.

We have a two party system. Yes, technically there can be as many parties as we want but the political system almost from the get go was designed around two. So that’s where the money goes and ergo the power.

A two party system reduces choice but also increases stability, look at the cluster Fvck that coalition parliamentary systems deal with, we avoid that. (Israel, Spain for example).

Each party has a primary season where various candidates vie for the nomination of their respective party to represent them in the general election. Only registered voters (citizens) of that particular party can vote for a nominee. The contests are held in a handful of predetermined States at different times and you get points (delegates) when you win that state so when the Party’s convention happens later on, we know who the nominee of each respective party will be. Historically, the incumbent president automatically gets his party’s nomination.

Because a limited number of states and within them, a limited number of voters pick the nominee, the contestants (politicians) cater to only a small extreme right or left agenda/group to clinch the nomination and historically, then try to convince the general population in the general election that they didn’t really mean all those extreme things while winking at the extremists who got them nominated to reassure them that they actually did.

Yeah, it’s pretty fvcked up. :ughdance:

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 4043662)

how are you man?

Surviving and about to eat dinner. :tiphat:

eastwest2300 07-28-2023 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by FL 4Motion (Post 4043668)
Surviving and about to eat dinner. :tiphat:

what's for dinner kin folk?

Trips 07-28-2023 08:56 PM

This thread has turned into a dumpster fire. :mad:

I've brought out the firehose and will try to save it.

I've started with an example member and if it continues I'll move on to someone else that continues with the political posts after my last warning.

Please take those discussion or comments elsewhere.

I personally don't care what side of the fence your on.

This is not the place for it. especially in the public off topic section.

And having to see the treatment of fellow members towards each other is also disappointing.

I'll be taking more action if members can't seem to remember to be respectful.

Have a good weekend and stay cool and hydrated. It's Hot even in Cali. :ugh2:

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 4043669)
what's for dinner kin folk?

Wifey made bowl of organic brown rice, broccoli, organic baked chicken breast and peas.

Dessert was some pineapple. :yum:

If it’s not obvious, we’re eating healthy round here. :tup:

FL 4Motion 07-28-2023 09:23 PM

Let’s act like adults please.

Originally Posted by Trips (Post 4043672)
This thread has turned into a dumpster fire. :mad:

I've brought out the firehose and will try to save it.

I've started with an example member and if it continues I'll move on to someone else that continues with the political posts after my last warning.

Please take those discussion or comments elsewhere.

I personally don't care what side of the fence your on.

This is not the place for it. especially in the public off topic section.

And having to see the treatment of follow members towards each other is also disappointing.

I'll be taking more action if members can't seem to remember to be respectful.

Have a good weekend and stay cool and hydrated. It's Hot even in Cali. :ugh2:

/\ I know I enjoy and have participated/started conversations around politics and other hot button issues, BUT, I have also done my best to keep things respectful and not personally attack anyone or harass or troll others.

I don’t understand why this seems to be so hard for some folks on here. I for one enjoy a vigorous and even heated debate, it’s not hard to NOT get personal about it.

I’m old enough to remember there was a time in this country, only a decade and a half or two ago when someone’s political leanings didn’t factor into whether you were friends with them and whether or not you considered them a good person or not.

How about we try being a bit more understanding and patient with each other and less trolling, personal insults etc.

I was excited some new “old” members cam back to hang out and then understandably they left cause some folks here treated them with disrespect and trolled them. Come on y’all, we can be better. :mad:

blackcherry20 07-28-2023 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 4043656)
My comment was more rhetorical and wasn't directed at you lol.

I'm all for equal women's rights, but at the same time, they have to take the good with the bad. If a female comes up to me and hits me, she should expect for me to hit back, just as I would with a dude.

Oh for gods sakes. It has nothing to do with female. Stop ghosting. Please.

blackcherry20 07-28-2023 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by FL 4Motion (Post 4043674)
/\ I know I enjoy and have participated/started conversations around politics and other hot button issues, BUT, I have also done my best to keep things respectful and not personally attack anyone or harass or troll others.

I don’t understand why this seems to be so hard for some folks on here. I for one enjoy a vigorous and even heated debate, it’s not hard to NOT get personal about it.

I’m old enough to remember there was a time in this country, only a decade and a half or two ago when someone’s political leanings didn’t factor into whether you were friends with them and whether or not you considered them a good person or not.

How about we try being a bit more understanding and patient with each other and less trolling, personal insults etc.

I was excited some new “old” members cam back to hang out and then understandably they left cause some folks here treated them with disrespect and trolled them. Come on y’all, we can be better. :mad:

I’ll move on. Maybe Trips won’t delete my account. Lol.

My apologies for rocking the boat. :tiphat:

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