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vtec to vvel 07-25-2023 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY (Post 4043482)
Yea, it’s too bad Epstein killed himself before we could get answers… :rolleyes:

I'm willing to bet there is verifiable knowledge and information that is out there somewhere regarding this. I'm sure Epstein kept a tight circle, but there are people with first-hand knowledge on his sh!t.

vtec to vvel 07-25-2023 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY (Post 4043483)
Glad someone else is taking the baton. I’m not interested in getting into another p1ssing match over a subject I really don’t care about.

Nope, I already put in my 2 cents and this will be the last time I speak of that topic.

vtec to vvel 07-25-2023 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY (Post 4043484)
I wasn’t arguing, I was pointing out facts you probably wouldn’t know since MOST people in this country refuse to understand what happened.

As far as greatest country? Undefeated in two world wars, sweetie. You’d be speaking German if it wasn’t for us. :tiphat:

There he goes with the "sweetie" :rofl2::rofl2:

MZ DAIZY 07-25-2023 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 4043487)
There he goes with the "sweetie" :rofl2::rofl2:

I threw that in for you, Cupcake! :hello::roflpuke2::stirthepot:

blackcherry20 07-25-2023 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 4043480)

"Billionaire Leon Black made a $158 million payment to Jeffrey Epstein. Senators want to know why."

WTF. I'd like to know why also :gtfo2::gtfo2::gtfo2::gtfo2:

Won’t matter. Nothing will be done.

blackcherry20 07-25-2023 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by MZ DAIZY (Post 4043484)
I wasn’t arguing, I was pointing out facts you probably wouldn’t know since MOST people in this country refuse to understand what happened.

As far as greatest country? Undefeated in two world wars, sweetie. You’d be speaking German if it wasn’t for us. :tiphat:

“Two time world war champ”
My kid got me a tee with that on it. Lol

vtec to vvel 07-25-2023 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by blackcherry20 (Post 4043491)
Won’t matter. Nothing will be done.

Gotta stay frosty, strong, and hydrated :iagree::iagree:

Rusty 07-25-2023 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by blackcherry20 (Post 4043492)
“Two time world war champ”
My kid got me a tee with that on it. Lol

And the only country to drop a nuke or two on another country.:tup:

Rusty 07-26-2023 03:57 AM


sx moneypit 07-26-2023 07:09 AM

Good morning everyone!:tiphat:

danegrey 07-26-2023 07:12 AM

Happy Hump Day
almost the weekend
which is good news
Hot and sweaty it will be...

eastwest2300 07-26-2023 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by danegrey (Post 4043506)
Happy Hump Day
almost the weekend
which is good news
Hot and sweaty it will be...

have a good day mr. danegrey... enjoy it.:tiphat:

JARblue 07-26-2023 11:40 AM

:hello: and Happy :leghump: Day everyone!

JARblue 07-26-2023 11:46 AM

I happily support abortion and disagree with anyone who tries to define a term length arbitrarily calling it murder after a certain amount of time has passed. That's the same reason and logic we used to come up with constitutional rights: WE MADE IT UP!!

People make dumb choices all the time, so do not categorize me as pro-choice. If you want to define my stance on abortion, you can say I'm Pro-Death :)

MZ DAIZY 07-26-2023 11:55 AM

Just got word that no A/C at work today… I get to spend 5 hours in front of a 600 degree pizza oven in 95 degree heat this afternoon. Yay!!

Yes, I’m hydrating myself as we speak, Kin Folk! :rofl2:

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