Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
(Post 4047858)
You apparently are holier than me. That or I must have struck a nerve to where you felt so compelled to respond to my post of what was intended as a PSA. Either way, I don’t care if my posts get “ignored and laughed at” because I am not needing nor seeking validation from the likes of you or anyone else, let alone on a forum with maybe 5 active members.
Do I get worked up when some idiot holds up my workout time? You damn right I do, just as I’m sure there are things you get pissy about that I couldn’t care less about. I know people that share the same sentiment when it comes to the gym (I see it a lot during this time of year). Different strokes for different folks. For example, I won’t name names, but there are those that can “afford” a nice car but have trouble buying ice cream despite using multiple cards, while others keep asking for build advice in very bad English while wrecking out a few times. Also, yes this is a car forum, but my PSA’s were posted in the OFF TOPIC section, so not sure what the big deal is on this.
In regards to my point of men pretending to be women and vice versa, I’ll connect the dots for you on this. You previously posted, “Whoever is a regular gym goer, or has been in the game 15+ years, know all of this is just a recurring theme, and doesn't get worked up about it.” Just because something is a “recurring theme” doesn’t mean it should be the norm and def. doesn’t make it right, and I won’t go with the flow on that. For example, transgenders, for the longest time, have been trying to be identified as the gender post-op and other than their birth gender. Now I am not denying their humanity, but no matter how long and how hard they try to convince me, they are the gender in which they were naturally born as at birth and not post-op. So since their argument is a “recurring theme”, should I teach my kids that it’s the norm to call men women and women men for those that wish to identify as such?
And singing doesn’t make me feel good (not much of a singer), but going to the gym and working out does. At the end of the day, I don’t care if you agree/disagree with me, and while others may “ignore and laugh” at my posts, you are the one reacting to them by replying :tup: