Originally Posted by vtec to vvel
(Post 4046762)
Unless you grow and eat your vegetables in your own backyard, everything is bad for you, even the "organic" sh!t. But I will agree on the cycle effects, as I don't think I've had it this bad before and coming off of a very dirty bulk. Aside from the health side, cutting off lots of items cold-turkey, esp. the weekly 10 Big Mac's, really took a toll, where any and every little thing pretty much would set me off, so I avoided people whenever possible during the cut phase this time around.
I'm trying to experiment with a hybrid cycle, where I still don't have anything processed and have natural carbs, but start to incorporate red meat/certain fats back into my diet.*
Less bad is still better than really fvcking bad imo. :icon17:
Yeah, I would’ve been impossible to be around in that same situation.
That’s kinda where me and the wife landed. We decided to get serious again about our healthy eating in march so lots of seasoned baked chicken (so much chicken lol), lots of fruits and veggies. Only whole wheat if we eat pasta occasionally. We pretty much completely cut out all bread. Baked potatoes are a go once a week with a dash of butter and garlic, gotta eat the skin as well for 5he nutrients. We do 2 cheat meals per week (2 dinners, no full cheat days). That is usually either pizza or steak. We only eat red meat about once a week.
Not the most hard core diet but it works and while strict, it’s not insane strict. In fact we feel so much better on it we actually feel poisoned after going out to eat or getting pizza once in a while so it’s like a delicious treat, but then your body’s like, nope, not again for a while.
We started in march of 5his year and in 5 months my total cholesterol dropped from 248 to 160, and i went from little pot belly to a hint of a six pack at rest and a half decent six pack flexed. No cardio bc I fvcking hate it and i hardly ever leave the house (health issues). Unfortunately im only able to train once every 7-10 days bc of injury/health problems. Still hav3 gained 9 lbs so far this year after 11 1/2 years off being bedridden 90% of that time, in and out of the er, getting throat and lung surgeries etc, and only eating once every 24-48 hrs. I got :owned: by my body lol. (Currently 230 lbs, hoping to hit 235 by next spring).
Seems like your moving into a similar type diet with your hybrid phase.
Even though the whole world is poisoned at 5his point, I still think it’s slightly helpful to try eat organic/non gmo. It’s not a miracle or anything, but it’s a bit better.
The biggest thing is staying away from processed and ultra processed foods, especially meats, ie deli meats, bacon, sausage, pepperoni (my cheat meal :icon23:, all fast food, frozen ready to eat dinners etc. just trying to increase the amount of natural foods and decrease the amount of processed food is probably the biggest health improvement anyone can make. Sounds like we’re both doing that. :tup:
Congrats btw on your 17.7” cannons. :tup: You inspired me to hit it harder. :icon17: I’m only at 16.5” measured cold, am, flexed. Got to add two mor inches to get back to my best #s, but at this point it might be a pipe dream. Goal is to get to 17.5” by next Halloween. We’ll see if my health holds up. :ugh2: