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JLarson 01-07-2021 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostvette (Post 3980487)
I guess I was trying to examine too many things under a microscope, instead of looking at it through a macro lens. :ugh2:

Well the question does need to be asked, and it's worth considering, but Occam's Razor comes in handy here. That and the old adage "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably..."

For the record, I know many good and law abiding Trump supporters the same way I know many good and law abiding BLM supporters (and I don't mean supporters of the marxist doctrines which some of the founders embrace and which is often used as a talking point).

Edit: Oh and the media can absolutely suck a nut because their reporting is anything but fair and even handed. Not that any of us had any questions about it at this point, but you can't just call protests "mostly peaceful" up until you don't agree with what they're protesting, and then change the language to "violent coup attempt"

redondoaveb 01-07-2021 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by JLarson (Post 3980489)
Well the question does need to be asked, and it's worth considering, but Occam's Razor comes in handy here. That and the old adage "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably..."

For the record, I know many good and law abiding Trump supporters the same way I know many good and law abiding BLM supporters (and I don't mean supporters of the marxist doctrines which some of the founders embrace and which is often used as a talking point).

Edit: Oh and the media can absolutely suck a nut because their reporting is anything but fair and even handed. Not that any of us had any questions about it at this point, but you can't just call protests "mostly peaceful" up until you don't agree with what they're protesting, and then change the language to "violent coup attempt"

Very well said :tiphat:

Spooler 01-07-2021 11:42 AM

Lighten up.....

God-Speed 01-07-2021 11:53 AM


JARblue 01-07-2021 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Pintsize725 (Post 3980461)
So when I got the Mazda 6, I put on Konig wheels and have had them on ever since (5.5 years). I went to get my front rotors looked at for vibration when braking and was told that every single one of my wheels had some type of bend in it and that is what was causing the vibration. Is that possible? I'm sure one of them has it (curb check) but surely not all 4.

Bring it by :twocents:

JARblue 01-07-2021 12:47 PM

America is now the Land of Idiocy and the Home of Idiots.

From what I can tell, there's no reason to think positively anymore. All the attention is negative, so that's what people have to focus on if they want to accomplish anything.

I had to ask people to turn off the fuckin news yesterday. And they got mad at me for that :rolleyes: I subsequently called them The Problem and laughed while they got more angry :rofl2:

geeteezee 01-07-2021 02:15 PM

Idiocracy. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you do.

Rusty 01-07-2021 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by JLarson (Post 3980484)
I agree with just about all of your conclusions, but regarding your first point, these are not just agent provacateurs. Some of the persons visible in the riot videos have long and public histories of being radicals and QAnon followers. If they're provacateurs we're talking deep undercover and planning for an unknown event months in advance, and an extraordinarily large group of people willing to do it.

The problem with conspiracy theories is they rely upon an often unsustainable level of complexity to support them, and it's not needed. Let's be blunt - a lot of people (on every side - it's not just 2) have a lot of reasons to be unhappy with our both our current government and with the government incoming. If I were a Trump supporter who believed my leader had been denied the election due to corruption, and my leader called upon me to march to take things back, I would probably do it. These people did.

Neighbor got back from DC late last night. Just got done talking to him. What he said it was peaceful until they got to the capitol building. In the crowd around him and his friends. They could hear what some of the people was planning to do. And it wasn't good. He said they was all AntiFa with MAGA hats on. He saw them pulling ropes, gas masks, hammers, and some other stuff out of their back packs. He this group got their azz beat pretty good by another group. He stood back and watched what happened. He didn't want any parts of it.

JLarson 01-07-2021 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3980510)
Neighbor got back from DC late last night. Just got done talking to him. What he said it was peaceful until they got to the capitol building. In the crowd around him and his friends. They could hear what some of the people was planning to do. And it wasn't good. He said they was all AntiFa with MAGA hats on. He saw them pulling ropes, gas masks, hammers, and some other stuff out of their back packs. He this group got their azz beat pretty good by another group. He stood back and watched what happened. He didn't want any parts of it.

Hopefully this comes across well, but how does your neighbor know these guys were Antifa? I'm asking this because despite the fact that I'm involved somewhat heavily in local politics and know a lot of people from a lot of groups, I haven't met a single person who meets that description, much less an organized group of individuals spanning the US who do. AntiFa is a label - anti fascist. As far as the name goes, I'd hope that many of us are indeed anti fascists, but as far as the way I hear them described by people as an organized and violent group of extremist left wing nuts, I'm not meeting them or aware of their existence. On the other hand, I'm very aware of groups like the Oath Keepers.

I'm not unwilling to change my perspective, but what we are encountering in our areas is very different.

Pintsize725 01-07-2021 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3980510)
Neighbor got back from DC late last night. Just got done talking to him. What he said it was peaceful until they got to the capitol building. In the crowd around him and his friends. They could hear what some of the people was planning to do. And it wasn't good. He said they was all AntiFa with MAGA hats on. He saw them pulling ropes, gas masks, hammers, and some other stuff out of their back packs. He this group got their azz beat pretty good by another group. He stood back and watched what happened. He didn't want any parts of it.


madwi 01-07-2021 03:21 PM

Pictured in the capital building standing next to the Qanon shaman Jake angeli is two known white supremacists. Dont miss the Camp Auschwitz hoodie.

Leingod 01-07-2021 03:35 PM

WeRe aLl AnTiFa SeCrEtLy

geeteezee 01-07-2021 04:02 PM

Antifa is basically Meg from Family Guy to the right. If it’s bad, Meg did it. Even if they thought it was good at first, as soon as the optics are bad, Meg did it.

redondoaveb 01-07-2021 04:19 PM

If Antifa is "an idea" as Biden called them, then I wonder who's been burning down our cities, attacking the elderly and Trump supporters for the last four years. BLM?

JLarson 01-07-2021 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3980515)
Pictured in the capital building standing next to the Qanon shaman Jake angeli is two known white supremacists. Dont miss the Camp Auschwitz hoodie.

Exactly. And the people that I know personally who were supportive (not condemning of) this takeover of the capitol, violence included, are most assuredly not left leaning.

I want to stress heavily I'm not attacking a side here. We've touched on this stuff in discussions in the past and I know that most of us on this forum are strongly in agreement on any number of political points. Polarization is the enemy. If we can't have civil discourse, we've already become as lost as most of the country.

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