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Spooler 05-17-2021 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by FPenvy (Post 3995376)
2 days til zdayz for me. wish you guys were all attending though.

I have work overload. In class all week plus my car is down getting upgrades due to the wonderful plastic intake separating.

Rusty 05-17-2021 08:08 AM


I'z slowly moving. :yawn:

Went to bed with no aches or pains. woke up with everything hurtin'. :icon14:

Have to get another 12 bags of base for the fire pit after work. Ran out yesterday.

Rusty 05-17-2021 08:10 AM

Only 187 people are registered for ZDayZ. :icon14: That's way down from years past. :shakes head:

Ghostvette 05-17-2021 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by NissanTracker (Post 3995093)
Vacation in Long beach CA was awesome. Just got back yesterday. Now i'm back in Boston... thinking to myself, why do i live here.

Need to ponder about this.

California was a nice place to visit, but there's not enough money in the world to get me to live in either Boston or Kommifornia. I'll take the MidWest. :tup:

Zyonara91 05-17-2021 08:17 AM

Turned 30, but with the draconian lock down in Toronto couldn't do much. Just had some good gin from the after noon till evening with the pleasant weather we are finally getting.

Took the car up north and enjoyed some twisties and just had some quite time to reflect on life. Stay safe and enjoy the roads boyos!

Ghostvette 05-17-2021 08:25 AM

Who stole my weekend? I need to hunt that little chit down and BBQ his butt...:shakes head:

It seemed like all I did was runrunrun....:icon14:

We went to a graduation party for my fiancee's neice on Sunday. OMG.....:eek::eek::eek:
There must be something in the water nowadays... the girls didn't look like that when I was in high school......:bowrofl:

Leingod 05-17-2021 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostvette (Post 3995387)
Who stole my weekend? I need to hunt that little chit down and BBQ his butt...:shakes head:

It seemed like all I did was runrunrun....:icon14:

We went to a graduation party for my fiancee's neice on Sunday. OMG.....:eek::eek::eek:
There must be something in the water nowadays... the girls didn't look like that when I was in high school......:bowrofl:

I annoy the living hell out of Susan now by slowing down when we drive through college campuses and girls are running outside. I just tell her "I get older, but they retain the same firm jiggle in all the right areas."

JLarson 05-17-2021 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by Leingod (Post 3995388)
I annoy the living hell out of Susan now by slowing down when we drive through college campuses and girls are running outside. I just tell her "I get older, but they retain the same firm jiggle in all the right areas."

I fully expect to learn that she's killed you in your sleep one of these days.

Morning all! Hope you had a great weekend. I leave for Hawaii tomorrow night but have a lot to get through first! Wish me luck.

Rusty 05-17-2021 08:51 AM

One thing I noticed after high school. The girls that looked good in high school. Were heavy 5 yrs out. The ones that were so-so. Looked good after 5 yrs. The ones who got married right after high school. Were divorced with 2 kids after 5 yrs. :icon14:

redondoaveb 05-17-2021 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Ghostvette (Post 3995385)
California was a nice place to visit, but there's not enough money in the world to get me to live in either Boston or Kommifornia. I'll take the MidWest. :tup:

As fuked up as commiefornia is, I'd kill myself before I move to the midwest. At least Indiana where all my relatives live :icon14:

Leingod 05-17-2021 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by redondoaveb (Post 3995391)
As fuked up as commiefornia is, I'd kill myself before I move to the midwest. At least Indiana where all my relatives live :icon14:

Same. I'd still suffer with outrageous taxes, housing prices, and overall gross financial negligence in weird areas, but i'd be in warm weather and not have a heart attack at 40 shoveling 13 ft of snow each day for 8 months out of the year.

Spooler 05-17-2021 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Leingod (Post 3995388)
I annoy the living hell out of Susan now by slowing down when we drive through college campuses and girls are running outside. I just tell her "I get older, but they retain the same firm jiggle in all the right areas."

You forget that most have anaconda's in the brain and are bat chit crazy. OK to look at but run like hell otherwise.

Zyonara91 05-17-2021 09:36 AM

I remember my days in University and being single, good lawd those were the days. Time and place for everything, I had my fair share of unicorns and vipers, no regrets.

Still, I went to my nephews graduation as well a year or two ago and some of the kids looked older than me. I was perplexed. I guess all the crap they throw in the food and water these days is quite effective.

These days kids just want to grow up so fast they don't enjoy the freedom they have aka no taxes, mortgages and other responsibilities that come with adulthood. Plus it doesn't help when they're constantly bombarded with ads and how to live life on instagram and Tik Tok.

Spooler 05-17-2021 11:14 AM

Thread FAIL for someone who wouldn't listen. Wish the side gig folks would go away.

Ghostvette 05-17-2021 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3995413)
Thread FAIL for someone who wouldn't listen. Wish the side gig folks would go away.

Any bets on what power level that Dynosty block lets go at? :eekdance:

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