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Quicksilvers 04-15-2020 07:16 AM

Radar detector choices
Been searching and did not find the answer I was looking for. Looking at radar detectors and am considering the Escort passport 9500ix since I read good reviews that it has longer range and fewer false alarms. Using a radar detector in our cars based on your experience what radar detector do you recommend Z community? I’m also looking for a really good radar detector mount to use?

dave11 04-15-2020 08:33 AM

How about the new Valentine? That has front an back detection.

Jayhovah 04-15-2020 09:23 AM

Go check out - much better info there.
I haven't kept up in about a year, but I believe Uniden is the current king for standalone units. I have an R3 and am very happy with it, even picked up some real trophy detections of 4+ miles. Uniden has been great about listening to the community and making frequent software fixes and adding features. If you want a top tier unit with Front/Rear, go for the R7. The Unidens have tested out with some of the longest ranges and have some of the best blindspot monitoring filters.

You will also want to research what equipment law enforcement is using in your area (also discussed on so that you are protecting yourself appropriately, this goes beyond radar vs lidar, but what actual guns are being used and which countermeasures will stand up the best. I am using Antilaser Priority jammers in front to go along with my Uniden radar detector and the combo has been strong for me so far. Antilaser used to be the best bet in lidar protection by I believe TMG is a newer company that is really coming on here... again though my knowledge is more than a year old.

Stay away from escort - they have been going downhill. The last good detector they made was the 9500ix, and that was forever ago. I bought a MAX360 when I upgraded from that and it was extremely disappointing.

POS VETT 04-15-2020 10:09 AM

Valentine One just released the Gen2. Too much to type here, so just head on to their website.

Nixin 04-15-2020 11:43 AM

I also suggest the Uniden R series models. I have an R1 and it has saved me many times. Check out Vortex Radar on youtube. The reviewer is excellent and has many videos on this subject.

madwi 04-15-2020 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3925231)
Go check out - much better info there.
I haven't kept up in about a year, but I believe Uniden is the current king for standalone units. I have an R3 and am very happy with it, even picked up some real trophy detections of 4+ miles. Uniden has been great about listening to the community and making frequent software fixes and adding features. If you want a top tier unit with Front/Rear, go for the R7. The Unidens have tested out with some of the longest ranges and have some of the best blindspot monitoring filters.

You will also want to research what equipment law enforcement is using in your area (also discussed on so that you are protecting yourself appropriately, this goes beyond radar vs lidar, but what actual guns are being used and which countermeasures will stand up the best. I am using Antilaser Priority jammers in front to go along with my Uniden radar detector and the combo has been strong for me so far. Antilaser used to be the best bet in lidar protection by I believe TMG is a newer company that is really coming on here... again though my knowledge is more than a year old.

Stay away from escort - they have been going downhill. The last good detector they made was the 9500ix, and that was forever ago. I bought a MAX360 when I upgraded from that and it was extremely disappointing.

Thank you for that. I was looking at ALP but another choice is always great. :tiphat:

Jayhovah 04-15-2020 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3925306)
Thank you for that. I was looking at ALP but another choice is always great. :tiphat:

Check out the rdforum for sure. Last I looked TMG was performing on par with ALP but at a much lower price point. Not sure if there are any new developments there, but I have been very happy with my ALP.

madwi 04-15-2020 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3925310)
Check out the rdforum for sure. Last I looked TMG was performing on par with ALP but at a much lower price point. Not sure if there are any new developments there, but I have been very happy with my ALP.

Looks like to be quite a bit cheaper. The fuji front bumper is so low I cant use a tx head up there, only 16 inches off ground so would need extra regular heads from ALP that drives the price up. Will have to research their stuff. Thanks again.

cv129 04-15-2020 03:08 PM

YouTube channel Vortex Radar is a good reference.

Few questions to ask yourself:

Do you need GPS Lockout?
To what degree does false K band alert annoy you (many blind spot monitoring aka BSM systems use K band)
Do you need directional indication of where radar signal is coming from?
Is long range and around the curve detection of the utmost importance to you?

Example: if you drive the Z for leisure only, weekends morning no traffic highway stretching the legs, then you want every ounce of long range and around the curve detection. If you drive mostly in the city traffic, then BSM filtering and GPS lockout maybe the preferred priority.

Spooler 04-15-2020 04:26 PM

Don't get an Escort 9500ix. As stated above, Vortex Radar is your best beat on Youtube. I have a Uniden R3 and an older Escort Redline. The Redline is chatty due to blind spot monitors. As far a laser jammers. ALP are the best. Get front and rear since you are in Atlanta. The Dragon Eye gun is everywhere up there. They will shoot you from the rear too.

Spooler 04-15-2020 04:28 PM

For a mount, I use a Blend Mount for the mirror on both of my cars.

vtec to vvel 04-18-2020 07:56 PM

Sub'ed to read about people's thoughts. I personally don't believe in them because by the time it alerts you, you're already screwed.

cv129 04-18-2020 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3926773)
Sub'ed to read about people's thoughts. I personally don't believe in them because by the time it alerts you, you're already screwed.

It depends.

Even with every and best counter measures, one has to exercise judgement on where to speed.

Constant-on radar signals are useless against top tier RD’s. It’ll alert driver up to few miles away.

Instant-on radar signals are much deadlier. You’ll likely get caught if, just so happen, you are the the cop’s first target....if you have a top tier RD, and cop is already shooting at cars up ahead of you, the RD will pick up on even the momentary signals.

Laser signals....need Laser Jammer for that. But Laser does require officer to accurately point at a reflective surface of your car (headlight, grill...), also needs a direct line of sight, and the cop has to be stationary; therefore the cop will be more visible. Cop can’t just be driving along then flip on the laser to get a reading.

My experience: RD has done me well, easily paid for itself 4-5 times over. Yeeeears ago, I used to drive from Dallas to Galveston (320 miles door to door) every weekend. I would depart Friday night around 9pm to ensure clear road. My Escort 8500 (top of the line back in the days) not only saved me, but also the driver behind me one time.

I used to feel the same way about RD, until my first speeding second trip to Galveston, doing 90 ish in a 65, F150 following me....then all of the sudden he slowed down.....I kept going like a dumbass.....about 10 seconds later, cop sitting on the side way ahead, turned on all the lights, got me so dead on, I just stopped behind him voluntarily. Clocked me at 97. :owned:

That one ticket could’ve paid for the detector. :shakes head: ticket was $387 or something like that.

Spooler 04-18-2020 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3926773)
Sub'ed to read about people's thoughts. I personally don't believe in them because by the time it alerts you, you're already screwed.

LOL, not if you buy the right one and know how to use it. I pick up cops from 5 miles out on the interstate, easy. Old trusty Escort Redline and a Uniden R3. They both have crazy range.

vtec to vvel 04-18-2020 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by cv129 (Post 3926792)
It depends.

Even with every and best counter measures, one has to exercise judgement on where to speed.

Constant-on radar signals are useless against top tier RD’s. It’ll alert driver up to few miles away.

Instant-on radar signals are much deadlier. You’ll likely get caught if, just so happen, you are the the cop’s first target....if you have a top tier RD, and cop is already shooting at cars up ahead of you, the RD will pick up on even the momentary signals.

Laser signals....need Laser Jammer for that. But Laser does require officer to accurately point at a reflective surface of your car (headlight, grill...), also needs a direct line of sight, and the cop has to be stationary; therefore the cop will be more visible. Cop can’t just be driving along then flip on the laser to get a reading.

My experience: RD has done me well, easily paid for itself 4-5 times over. Yeeeears ago, I used to drive from Dallas to Galveston (320 miles door to door) every weekend. I would depart Friday night around 9pm to ensure clear road. My Escort 8500 (top of the line back in the days) not only saved me, but also the driver behind me one time.

I used to feel the same way about RD, until my first speeding second trip to Galveston, doing 90 ish in a 65, F150 following me....then all of the sudden he slowed down.....I kept going like a dumbass.....about 10 seconds later, cop sitting on the side way ahead, turned on all the lights, got me so dead on, I just stopped behind him voluntarily. Clocked me at 97. :owned:

That one ticket could’ve paid for the detector. :shakes head: ticket was $387 or something like that.

All good points you mentioned. However, a radar detector won't save you from other methods, such aircraft enforcement or pacing, etc. And just because a cop doesn't have your exact speed doesn't mean he can't get you for other things, such as reckless driving. Also, what about speeding cameras? We don't have them in FL (or at least none in my area), but do they emit a signal?

cv129 04-18-2020 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3926827)
All good points you mentioned. However, a radar detector won't save you from other methods, such aircraft enforcement or pacing, etc. And just because a cop doesn't have your exact speed doesn't mean he can't get you for other things, such as reckless driving. Also, what about speeding cameras? We don't have them in FL (or at least none in my area), but do they emit a signal?

Speeding camera detection - I believe it is still on the earlier stage, not very mature yet. I think there are detectors better equipped for that in Asia and Europe. I’ve been out of the game for a while. I drive like grandpa mostly nowadays ha

As far as pacing and chopper...that’s why I said one has to be mindful. There’s no countermeasure for those lol.

For the types of ticket I try to avoid though, pacing isn’t a concern.

If you like to speed, there’s no doubt a RD easily pays for itself. It only takes 1 or 2 tickets to offset the cost.

Mick_12Nismo 04-19-2020 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3926827)
Also, what about speeding cameras? We don't have them in FL (or at least none in my area), but do they emit a signal?

If you are referring to the cameras often used around, for example, school zones, they might not always be operational, but their location is known and usually fixed. Uniden maintains a database that is uploaded to the RD and provides you with an alert as you approach the location of one. Same thing with red light cameras. Uniden periodically updates the database as cameras are added or retired.

I use an R3 and have been extremely satisfied with its performance. Alerts many miles before encountering the LEO are common place. The prior comments here about laser and instant on radar are well taken. Short of installing a laser jammer (illegal in many states), running Waze along with a RD are pretty effective countermeasures.

vtec to vvel 04-19-2020 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mick_12Nismo (Post 3927036)
If you are referring to the cameras often used around, for example, school zones, they might not always be operational, but their location is known and usually fixed. Uniden maintains a database that is uploaded to the RD and provides you with an alert as you approach the location of one. Same thing with red light cameras. Uniden periodically updates the database as cameras are added or retired.

I use an R3 and have been extremely satisfied with its performance. Alerts many miles before encountering the LEO are common place. The prior comments here about laser and instant on radar are well taken. Short of installing a laser jammer (illegal in many states), running Waze along with a RD are pretty effective countermeasures.

Whenever I went to GA, there were these cameras on the highway pointing your way and against traffic, and seemed to be present every other mile marker. Not sure what they were, but I'm guessing they were speed cameras :confused: Luckily in FL, we don't require front bumper license plates.

Quicksilvers 04-20-2020 02:40 AM

Thank you for all the responses. If you are driving in GA watch out.After research I ended up going with Valentine V1 Gen 2. I had great luck with the Valentine V1 Gen 1 in the past.

dave11 04-20-2020 08:12 AM

Keep us informed about the performance of the new Valentine.

Quicksilvers 04-20-2020 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by dave11 (Post 3927166)
Keep us informed about the performance of the new Valentine.

Will do Dave I will be testing it out this week.

Bay Area Z 06-12-2020 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Quicksilvers (Post 3927353)
Will do Dave I will be testing it out this week.

Let's hear the update. Lay it on thick.

cossie1600 06-12-2020 04:14 PM

How about the new Redline ?

Spooler 06-12-2020 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 3941416)
How about the new Redline ?

I think Vortex just got his. Not much longer and he will do a review.

Zyonara91 06-15-2020 10:46 AM

I live in Ontario Canada. Here the police cry for the advantage on getting you off guard. They say they don't have quotas on speeding tickets here, they do.

My first ticket was in a 2004 Corolla. I was on my way to uni to present and the cop stopped me, not the people in front of me ripping it. By that time I was driving for 4 years, clean record. But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, had to stop me for going 10 over in a industrial area.

Ironically I was stopped in front of a newly built prison. I should have fought that ticket, but I was to much of a ****y back then.

willdoms 08-18-2020 03:07 AM

I have a Valentine 1 and it works great.

cossie1600 08-18-2020 04:27 AM

I got the V1G2 and returned the Uniden R7. The Uniden R7 has pretty much the same range as the V1G2 on KA, but the K filtering is horrible. It is so noisy that I can't deal with it. On the other hand, the V1 is definitely quieter, but it is still not perfect and it doesn't have GPS lockout on its own. You have to pair it with your phone to get it.

Spooler 08-18-2020 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by cossie1600 (Post 3954874)
I got the V1G2 and returned the Uniden R7. The Uniden R7 has pretty much the same range as the V1G2 on KA, but the K filtering is horrible. It is so noisy that I can't deal with it. On the other hand, the V1 is definitely quieter, but it is still not perfect and it doesn't have GPS lockout on its own. You have to pair it with your phone to get it.

Being as you were in Cali, you could have turned off K band. My reading has said that KA is all the copper's use.

cossie1600 08-18-2020 10:36 AM

Yes you are right, but I want to try it for a few more months to test it more.

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