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Rusty 04-14-2020 09:56 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ghostvette (Post 3924783)
Welcome to the Grand Solar Minimum.... :tiphat:

Solar cycle 25 is about to start. Predicted low sunspot count. Cold sun. Brrrrr.

Rusty 04-14-2020 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3924797)
You do all this yourself? :eek: If so, you got serious talent! Quite the architect/carpenter.

He's great at building arks upside down. :tup: He lays the kneel on top.

vtec to vvel 04-14-2020 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by jchammond (Post 3924775)
:yum::yum: (- cranberry juice)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mr. JC, why so many kid's Bibles? lol I'm gonna send you a big-boy Bible. Name your version/translation preference: KJV, NIV, NRSV, NASB, etc.

JARblue 04-14-2020 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3924805)
Solar cycle 25 is about to start. Predicted low sunspot count. Cold sun. Brrrrr.

So then that means... we'll actually be better off with global warming to help balance out the cold sun. At least we've been doing something right :tup:

Rusty 04-14-2020 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3924800)
I have never seen snow in real life :mad::shakes head:

Don't know what you're missing. :rofl2:

vtec to vvel 04-14-2020 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3924801)

I'z up. :yawn:

I'm not fogging a mirror, but blowing dust on it from my lungs. :icon14:

It's cold here. :shakes head: 36F with a high of 45F. Avg high is 66F. :shakes head:

We had a mild winter. Bet we have a mild summer too.

36 is mild? lol while I love the cold, the coldest it gets in FL is 40 and even then, the thick boots, scarves, peacoats, gloves, etc. all come out.

And no donuts?

Hotrodz 04-14-2020 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3924808)
So then that means... we'll actually be better off with global warming to help balance out the cold sun. At least we've been doing something right :tup:

I will be curious to hear what the so called experts have to say about carbon footprint since no one has been doing much driving around the world for a month or more?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

bunk 04-14-2020 10:07 AM

Went to Nissan stealership yetserday to order a few fasteners. As I was closing the door on the gf;s ford focus, I realized I left the keys inside....DOH!! Locked out. Asked the service guy if they had tools to open my door (didnt want to wait for my roadside assistance). Yep, they did. The tech comes out, fumbling with opening the door. He manages to unlock the lock, but instead of removing the door wedge out, then opening the door, he keeps it wedged and pulls the door handle...UGH.. he breaks the little plastic clip that manipulates the door mechanism. Then another tech comes out and helps and they had to go to the passenger side to unlock it.
Took them almost an hour. The first tech knows he broke the handle, and as he walks away, he looks back looking a little freaked out because he broke my sht. lol
Nah dude, Im not gonna file a complaint. That door handle was a pain to pull open and I was planning on replacing it anyway. lol

vtec to vvel 04-14-2020 10:07 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3924809)
Don't know what you're missing. :rofl2:

We build sand angels and sandmans in FL :mad::shakes head: a plus for them is that they don't melt :icon17:

oh and we have sand ball fights, though this tends to lead to actual fist fights :confused:

JARblue 04-14-2020 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3924799)
Count your blessings. I'm sure us FL folks would gladly trade hot@$$ weather for the cold breeze with open arms.

lol I bet EW wouldn't. I was kidding earlier. 48 ain't even cold lol ... that's still shorts weather.

It is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous again today. High in the mid-60s :)

bunk 04-14-2020 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by vtec to vvel (Post 3924810)
36 is mild? lol while I love the cold, the coldest it gets in FL is 40 and even then, the thick boots, scarves, peacoats, gloves, etc. all come out.

And no donuts?

I was in -10 degree weather in Missouri one winter. One saturday was nice and sunny. Washed my car in shorts, a tshirt and flip flops. It was 30 degrees but felt like a

JARblue 04-14-2020 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3924811)
I will be curious to hear what the so called experts have to say about carbon footprint since no one has been doing much driving around the world for a month or more?

How many manufacturers shut down, too?

I guarantee whatever the impact, the green freaks will deny it or downplay it tremendously :rolleyes:

Hotrodz 04-14-2020 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3924814)
lol I bet EW wouldn't. I was kidding earlier. 48 ain't even cold lol ... that's still shorts weather.

It is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous again today. High in the mid-60s :)

Same here in Kingman!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

vtec to vvel 04-14-2020 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3924811)
I will be curious to hear what the so called experts have to say about carbon footprint since no one has been doing much driving around the world for a month or more?

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Let's see where to start. The canal waters in Venice, Italy are clear from lack of boat traffic, the peaks of the Himalayas can be seen in India for the first time in over a few decades due to less air pollution, the entire Earth's vibrations are significantly less due to COVID-19 lockdowns, the pollution map of Earth is way down compared to even just a year ago....

This is, of course, what the media tells us anyway, so do take with a grain of salt :tiphat:

Hotrodz 04-14-2020 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3924816)
How many manufacturers shut down, too?

I guarantee whatever the impact, the green freaks will deny it or downplay it tremendously :rolleyes:

Yup! Without a situation like this that kind of action would never be possible.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

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