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madwi 05-29-2020 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter (Post 3937797)
Holy chit I hate going to the hospital. Ask me the exact same questions 45 times in 10 min when ALL THE FVCKING ANSWERS ARE IN THE COMPUTER YOU'RE LOOKING AT. Add everyone asking me about covid symptoms when I have to answer that and get a temp check to get in the building :mad:

Now I sit around waiting so I can go sit and wait some more in another room soon. Ffs just get people in and out I got chit to do.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Yep, even staff have to answer daily questions about covid symptoms and get laser scanned. The EMR has to have those questions answered before the chart can be accessed and treatment begins. If you end up going back today for non-covid reasons, DO NOT GIVE A DIFFERENT ANSWER THAN YOU DID EARLIER! It locks up the emr and then someone like me has to go in and change the answers so they match. :rolleyes:

madwi 05-29-2020 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter (Post 3937798)
I like not having a connection at times. I know I'm in the minority but that's one of my favorite things about screwing around in the mountains.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

a forced break from tech is wonderful. :iagree:

Leingod 05-29-2020 09:27 AM

indoor date night tonight. Going to get a few bottles of wine, tons of sushi, and find a fun movie to watch. Suppose to rain the entire day. And getting my first haircut in close to 3 months tomorrow!!! I could possibly give Madwi's dog a run for its money on homelessness.

madwi 05-29-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3937722)
Think drugs are no longer an option.

Sounds like you just need to try some new ones. :yum: :icon17:

JLarson 05-29-2020 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3937807)
Sounds like you just need to try some new ones. :yum: :icon17:

With Frank living so close, I'm quite surprised he hasn't!

Hotrodz 05-29-2020 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter (Post 3937798)
I like not having a connection at times. I know I'm in the minority but that's one of my favorite things about screwing around in the mountains.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Agreed! I enjoy unplugging from the real world for a minute or two.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Spooler 05-29-2020 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3937819)
Agreed! I enjoy unplugging from the real world for a minute or two.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Me too. Calling the wife and checking in is the only thing I do. Nobody would like for me to have my phone on. It will drive you nuts.

Hotrodz 05-29-2020 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3937822)
Me too. Calling the wife and checking in is the only thing I do. Nobody would like for me to have my phone on. It will drive you nuts.

LMAO, I have had people try to video while riding with me on the Dragon and they have to stop because they were getting sick. I laughed at them because I was only driving 70%.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

madwi 05-29-2020 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3937823)
LMAO, I have had people try to video while riding with me on the Dragon and they have to stop because they were getting sick. I laughed at them because I was only driving 70%.

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

I cant be a passenger, even just watching the road, it is spew city!

madwi 05-29-2020 11:57 AM

JARblue 05-29-2020 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3937800)
a forced break from tech is wonderful. :iagree:

I find myself leaving my phone at work every once in a while. Sometimes I leave it there on purpose and take the next day off work as well :)

JARblue 05-29-2020 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Hotrodz (Post 3937823)
LMAO, I have had people try to video while riding with me on the Dragon and they have to stop because they were getting sick. I laughed at them because I was only driving 70%.

I gotcha next time :tup: I was still drunk the morning I rode in Spooler's Z a couple years ago. He could have gone faster except someone in front was slowing us down :stirthepot:

Zoren 370 05-29-2020 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3937829)
I find myself leaving my phone at work every once in a while. Sometimes I leave it there on purpose and take the next day off work as well :)

Once every often I only look at my phone and log in when Im on the toilet.

Which actually happens 4x to 5x in a day!!!

Is there a replacement part for gall bladders?

-ZS-Carpenter 05-29-2020 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3937799)
Yep, even staff have to answer daily questions about covid symptoms and get laser scanned. The EMR has to have those questions answered before the chart can be accessed and treatment begins. If you end up going back today for non-covid reasons, DO NOT GIVE A DIFFERENT ANSWER THAN YOU DID EARLIER! It locks up the emr and then someone like me has to go in and change the answers so they match. :rolleyes:

I get the covid questions, I can answer those before they ask them at this point:rofl2: It's the entire medical history questions that drive me nuts. I was asked 6 times when I had my shoulder surgery today. It was done in that building, the date and time and everything else is in that computer :shakes head:

And why did I have to show up 30 min early to sit in the waiting room 45 min in the middle of a pandemic :shakes head:

Then about to be tossed in that god awful MRI machine they are asking about any metal I might have anywhere and I said "what about this wire in my mask?" and the 2 girls looked at each other confused :ugh2: so I got another round of covid questions and took the mask off:roflpuke2:

madwi 05-29-2020 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by -ZS-Carpenter (Post 3937834)
I get the covid questions, I can answer those before they ask them at this point:rofl2: It's the entire medical history questions that drive me nuts. I was asked 6 times when I had my shoulder surgery today. It was done in that building, the date and time and everything else is in that computer :shakes head:

And why did I have to show up 30 min early to sit in the waiting room 45 min in the middle of a pandemic :shakes head:

Then about to be tossed in that god awful MRI machine they are asking about any metal I might have anywhere and I said "what about this wire in my mask?" and the 2 girls looked at each other confused :ugh2: so I got another round of covid questions and took the mask off:roflpuke2:

My man, you let that machine suck the mask right off your face next time! Pain and suffering and the stress it put on your heart...its hard to put a dollar sign on that but we can try! :roflpuke2::roflpuke2:

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