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Jayhovah 06-07-2019 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by sirnixalot (Post 3858781)
How is it you have all 3 of your 10mm's sockets accounted for :rofl2:

3 of 4... the deepwell is missing ;)

sirnixalot 06-07-2019 11:13 AM

I missed that one :icon17:

BettyZ 06-07-2019 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z (Post 3858773)
Nice. Thanks for the tip.

I like the way the socket size is clearly printed on the holder - my eyes aren't what they used to be.

They come with a big ole pack of stickers with all the #s you'd ever need printed on them. I used a set of tweezers to place the stickers bc I have big, non-brain surgeon hands lol.


Originally Posted by sirnixalot (Post 3858781)
How is it you have all 3 of your 10mm's sockets accounted for :rofl2:

Man.. I always lose one, order another, and find the original the week after the replacement comes.. so I have 2 or 3 spares for each 10 you see there lol.

MrMannilow 06-08-2019 10:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
For the sake of throwing out ideas I ordered a bunch of this stuff from WallControl for my basement. I wanted something a bit more "professional looking" to display some stuff. Very happy with it

I've been heavily working to clean out my garage as well as run some new electrical as the Z got a big brother a couple months ago.

I needed a new garage door seal I found on Amazon for like $30 I'll be trying to put that on tomorrow.

Great idea about the screen! Will definitely be looking to order one of those myself

SouthArk370Z 06-09-2019 10:53 AM

Found some hangable/mountable socket holders at Home Depot while I was getting styrofoam and some other odds and ends. Husky brand. Don't have the size marked on them but they were only $7 each and they hang well on the pegboard. The part that holds the socket is just like most ratchet heads - a spring-loaded ball. A few one-handed trials indicates they will fit my purposes well. :)

BettyZ 06-09-2019 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z (Post 3859188)
Found some hangable/mountable socket holders at Home Depot while I was getting styrofoam and some other odds and ends. Husky brand. Don't have the size marked on them but they were only $7 each and they hang well on the pegboard. The part that holds the socket is just like most ratchet heads - a spring-loaded ball. A few one-handed trials indicates they will fit my purposes well. :)

:rofl2: that's just the start. Soon, everything will be hanging from the pegboard. When I changed my oil gallery gaskets I had every piece of the car forward of the timing cover hanging off my walls lol.

For hooks, I've found these "Wall Peg Hook Kit, 100-Pack, Black" from Amazon to be sturdy and effective.

SouthArk370Z 06-09-2019 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by BettyZ (Post 3859221)
:rofl2: that's just the start. Soon, everything will be hanging from the pegboard. When I changed my oil gallery gaskets I had every piece of the car forward of the timing cover hanging off my walls lol.

For hooks, I've found these "Wall Peg Hook Kit, 100-Pack, Black" from Amazon to be sturdy and effective.

LOL I've got most of the pegboard covered and still have more tools to be hung - I've been collecting for over 40 years. I have a LOT of pliers of different sorts. For some reason, most of my slotted screwdrivers have disappeared - picked up a pack of cheap ones while shopping to use while I look for my lost sheep.

Got some hook assortment packs whilst at Home Depot. They even had a gizmo to hang drills that fits my drill.

Also got some spade bits to drill holes in the cabinets for the stereo wires. Got one hole drilled, so far.

Still throwing crap away. I've been in this house for about 25 years and it's amazing how much stuff has accumulated.

BettyZ 06-09-2019 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by SouthArk370Z (Post 3859237)
LOL I've got most of the pegboard covered and still have more tools to be hung - I've been collecting for over 40 years. I have a LOT of pliers of different sorts. For some reason, most of my slotted screwdrivers have disappeared - picked up a pack of cheap ones while shopping to use while I look for my lost sheep.

Got some hook assortment packs whilst at Home Depot. They even had a gizmo to hang drills that fits my drill.

Also got some spade bits to drill holes in the cabinets for the stereo wires. Got one hole drilled, so far.

Still throwing crap away. I've been in this house for about 25 years and it's amazing how much stuff has accumulated.

"I didn't burn down the house for the insurance money, I burned it down to get rid of all this ****."

SouthArk370Z 06-09-2019 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by BettyZ (Post 3859278)
"I didn't burn down the house for the insurance money, I burned it down to get rid of all this ****."

:icon18: :inoutroflpuke: :tup:

SouthArk370Z 06-09-2019 09:40 PM

Well, crap! Got to looking at seams in ceiling drywall where it has started to droop and found out that the drywall panels and rafters don't match-up very well and some of the drywall screws don't hit wood. Not that big of a deal since some 3-4" wide trim board along the seams will solve the problem (it's a garage, it doesn't have to be pretty). While measuring for trim board, discovered that rafters are on 24" centers, not 16" as in the rest of the house. My styrofoam panels for 16" centers aren't wide enough. :(

BettyZ 06-09-2019 11:54 PM

Ugh... reference my prior comment ab burning it down and starting anew..

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

jchammond 06-10-2019 02:27 AM

I’m hoping to get something started up pretty soon; just haven’t ironed out all details...even thought of getting a nice portable 16x24 or 32 with roll up front & side entrance door...can always use for storage afterwards :ugh2:
They’re some pretty nice ones out there & would be easy to insulate, heat & cool :tup:
Some people are actually buying these & living in them...because of the building codes that they follow :eek:
But I’d call it a “doofer”(do for now) till I can get the larger one installed behind house :ugh2:

jchammond 06-10-2019 02:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
One like this for now & wouldn’t go to waste,,,as I’m a collector :icon17:

SouthArk370Z 06-10-2019 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by BettyZ (Post 3859378)
Ugh... reference my prior comment ab burning it down and starting anew..

It's a little disheartening but only a minor setback. If HD doesn't have 22-1/2" wide styrofoam, they should have something that will work. I'm mainly looking at ease-of-installation.

I've heard rumors of fiberglass in a flattened paper tube so that only the ends have exposed fiberglass. Plus a higher R than styrofoam.

It's not always fun but it's never boring. ;)

BettyZ 06-10-2019 09:02 AM

I know they have batts that'll fit. Or you could cut every other styrofoam board in 8 inch slices and then seal the connecting edges... but that's the opposite of "ease of installation" lol

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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