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JLarson 03-15-2018 08:00 AM

The Fitness Thread
Is anyone else here into fitness?

I'm 35 and got into lifting more seriously around 3 or 4 years ago. Up until my mid-late 20s I'd worked in construction so I had a decent base of strength/fitness to start with, but once I transitioned to a desk job working in aerospace qa, I realized I needed to do something to stay active.

I've got a few brothers who lift and I'd done it off and on for a long time, but I'd never really developed a routine, took any time to understand the science behind nutrition, or made any real progress. I was pretty slender, maybe 165ish at 6'0. So I started working out with one of my buddies and really trying to stick with it and progress.

Fast forward a few years, I've learned a lot, some by making mistakes and some by getting it right! Initially, I started "bulking" and got a bit fat - around 203 lbs without much definition. From that, I leaned out too far, and was back down to 174 and lost a lot of my strength (but had a nice 6-pack). Finally, I seem to have struck a balance. I know how to gain weight slowly and in controlled fashion, I know how to lose it when I need to lean out, and my strength is still increasing. I also have managed to avoid injury this entire time.

Currently doing a 5-3-1 system with supplementary cardio work. I lift a minimum of 3x per week, and am currently scaling up running to 3x per week.

Max I've lifted:
Bench press 305 lbs x2
Deadlift 415 x5
Squat 450 x3

Bodyweight 181.6 lbs

Run speed max 4:50 mile
Current 7:15/mi (it's cold out and I hate running)

I welcome your own stories. Maybe we can share routines and tips?

Desert Rat 03-26-2018 04:28 PM

I like fitness.

Like trying to fitness whole piece of pizza in my


I hate gyms but I hike a lot. Did 11.1 miles yesterday on the trails.

solidus 03-26-2018 04:51 PM

I compete in NPC Physique. Started hitting it hard for my first comp 3 yrs ago and never looked back. Currently cutting for this season. My walk around off season weight is 205 or so but last competition I competed at 155 due to a bad cut on Keto. I'm doing keto again this time but so far I'm down to 178 from 206 7 weeks ago. I start cardio in about two weeks. If you want mass drop the running and try HITT sprints or just 45 min on the treadmill after workouts 3x a week. Running will affect holding muscle mass.

370zBLAST 03-30-2018 07:22 PM

I work out for good health! Try to go as often as i can.

In my past years ive always been pretty fit. Im hitting 30 in a month, and i just wanna be look good naked sorta speak. Ive always been on the muscular side wrestling all threw High School, farming, construction with my dad and my weight was 160-185, That was me anywhere from 16-21 years old, i was in my best shape. From 22~25 i gained weight peaked at 230 pounds yikesss. Didn't like where my body was going and i made a change. At first i just ran and ran and ran, dropped unnecessary weight but didnt have no muscle tone, because i was just focusing on losing the weight. When i got to around 210 i started working out and getting toned up. Nothing crazy. Just Muscle tone. Kept throwing cardio and throwing works out in and slowly i was dropping weight and toning up. Now I'm usually around 195 to 200 pounds. Which im ok with. Im doing it for good health. Now my girl comes with me and we work out together because she just wants to tons up as well.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

JLarson 04-02-2018 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by solidus (Post 3741948)
I compete in NPC Physique. Started hitting it hard for my first comp 3 yrs ago and never looked back. Currently cutting for this season. My walk around off season weight is 205 or so but last competition I competed at 155 due to a bad cut on Keto. I'm doing keto again this time but so far I'm down to 178 from 206 7 weeks ago. I start cardio in about two weeks. If you want mass drop the running and try HITT sprints or just 45 min on the treadmill after workouts 3x a week. Running will affect holding muscle mass.

My running is a mixture of HIIT and longer stretches at an even pace. I've tried keto diets before (and like the results) but at this point in time it's not practical. Too many meals with family and friends to demand people adjust their cooking for my needs.

What kind of lifting routine do you like?

JLarson 04-02-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Desert Rat (Post 3741942)
I like fitness.

Like trying to fitness whole piece of pizza in my


I hate gyms but I hike a lot. Did 11.1 miles yesterday on the trails.

I'm a big fan of hiking. I didn't get out as much this past year due to massive life changes (bought a house, renovated said house, got married, bought car, modified car) but this next season should be great. Planning to hit the Grand Canyon of PA in a couple weeks. It's not as good as yours, but still fairly pretty ;)

JLarson 04-02-2018 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by 370zBLAST (Post 3743213)
I work out for good health! Try to go as often as i can.

In my past years ive always been pretty fit. Im hitting 30 in a month, and i just wanna be look good naked sorta speak. Ive always been on the muscular side wrestling all threw High School, farming, construction with my dad and my weight was 160-185, That was me anywhere from 16-21 years old, i was in my best shape. From 22~25 i gained weight peaked at 230 pounds yikesss. Didn't like where my body was going and i made a change. At first i just ran and ran and ran, dropped unnecessary weight but didnt have no muscle tone, because i was just focusing on losing the weight. When i got to around 210 i started working out and getting toned up. Nothing crazy. Just Muscle tone. Kept throwing cardio and throwing works out in and slowly i was dropping weight and toning up. Now I'm usually around 195 to 200 pounds. Which im ok with. Im doing it for good health. Now my girl comes with me and we work out together because she just wants to tons up as well.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

Awesome! It's very cool having your girlfriend as a workout partner. I find having someone going with me definitely keeps me working at it hard, not slacking over time.

370zBLAST 04-02-2018 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by JLarson (Post 3743851)
Awesome! It's very cool having your girlfriend as a workout partner. I find having someone going with me definitely keeps me working at it hard, not slacking over time.

Yea definitely helps. We motivate each other and keeps the bond strong. Working out is fun. Something in actually look forward to after work.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

JLarson 04-02-2018 09:36 AM

Are you using any kind of formal routine?

370zBLAST 04-02-2018 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by JLarson (Post 3743854)
Are you using any kind of formal routine?

So basically. Tuesdays is cardio (15-30min on the elliptical) then its chest and triceps. Ill do 4 or 5 machines/free weights...what ever is a available at that time and ill isolating each workout. Wednesdays ill elliptical and do back and biceps, again 4 or 5 different machines ....3 or 4 reps roughy 12 to 14 times each set on medium-weight. Thursday Ill just strickly do legs and abs no elliptical cause my legs are like jello when im done hahaha. Fridays shoulders and abs again and elliptical again. My sets are usually as stated before. Saturday is just a rinse and rep. Im usually at the gym max hour in a half. Monday i dont go cause it usually packed and I hate it. I us kill it and aminos and protein....thats all. I eat somewhat on the healthy side. But i have a cheat days

My girlfriend in the other hand does the same things i do just wayyyy lighter weights and no supplements just aminos energy. Just smoothies we make that have yogurt,oatmeal,fruits,honey and almond milk sometimes with protein powder.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

NeverBoneStck 04-02-2018 11:34 AM

I am 42 will be 43 this year. Been Lifting for eight years. Last three years I started to Eat Clen And Tren Hard. Results have been what I expected and haven’t looked back.

NeverBoneStck 04-02-2018 11:35 AM

I am 42 will be 43 this year. Been Lifting for eight years. Last three years I started to Eat Clen And Tren Hard. Results have been what I expected and haven’t looked back.

JLarson 04-02-2018 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by NeverBoneStck (Post 3743882)
I am 42 will be 43 this year. Been Lifting for eight years. Last three years I started to Eat Clen And Tren Hard. Results have been what I expected and haven’t looked back.

Can you give an idea of your eating habits and workout regimen?

JLarson 04-02-2018 11:48 AM

FYI - current routine I'm using is a 5/3/1 inspired routine.

My rest breaks for my primary strength lifts are 3 minutes, the others vary from 1-2 minutes depending on the workout. During those "rest breaks" I cycle HIIT and steady state cardio, so my workout is about an hour of pure activity without a real break - exceptions being the time it takes me to drink water, or take notes of the weight I've lifted.

My strength has improved using this program, but I'm starting to plateau a bit since I've increased activity and decreased calorie intake. However, I've also lost several pounds and until last week I was steadily increasing my lifts, so if I can continue to drop weight while maintaining, I'll be fine with that (next 2 weeks should be telling).

Previously, I've used and enjoyed Jim Stoppani's Shortcut to Strength and Shortcut to Shred programs, and a variety of home brew setups.

Diet - oatmeal and protein powder for breakfast, almonds as a mid morning snack, lunch is chicken/beef/pork and some kind of carb (I like sweet potatoes for a slow digesting carb). Pre workout I typically have a protein shake and some creatine, post workout I like white potatoes or other similarly fast burning (the potassium from the potatoes is a big reason why I go for them too) along with a lot of veggies and a fattie protein source like some cuts of beef (need fats for proper testosterone production, lot of people cut fat too much - big problem).

NeverBoneStck 04-02-2018 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by JLarson (Post 3743884)
Can you give an idea of your eating habits and workout regimen?

I try to stick to a Keto diet. I do eat vegetables and sweet potatoes to keep a full look. If I don’t I look to flat. I don’t eat pork or beef. I will eat fish and chicken on the daily. 6 small meals spread throughout the day. 1 protein shake a day as well.

I use to have the mentality of always lifting heavy. That just made me stronger and did not really change my physique. Also had a lot of injuries as well. When I changed to a lighter weight and focused on the pump my body changed. Factor in my supplements and it was a game changer. I lift 5 days straight 2 days off.

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