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onzedge 01-31-2018 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726262)


cigarclifford 01-31-2018 09:22 AM

:hello: Good morning forum Sister's and Brother's and Troll's

:ugh: and those stuck with dead end career's


JLarson 01-31-2018 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Leingod (Post 3726234)
Labelers aren't communicating properly, I have 8 whole IP addresses left with no way of adding more because I don't have control over my own infrastructure, dumb users complaining things won't print yet they're printing to a different floor, renovating my switch infrastructure, pissing everyone off for implementing web proxy's, IP conflicts out the ***, rf guns randomly dropping connections, rf guns randomly resettings, all desktops slow after corporate forced me to image them, and small stupid issues that should be fixed with common sense on the users end but never happens...

Sounds like a busy day (week? month? lifetime?) On my side, I've got a 62 year old inspector who can't use a PC even after multiple trainings, tutorials, and one on one sessions, and he's pissed off because I gave him a hyperlinked list of files he uses, instead of giving him individual shortcuts on his desktop. His hands shake like a palsy victim having a seizure and he's constantly half-moving icons because he can't keep from shaking during double clicking an icon. Hyperlinks seemed safest. I will be relieved when he retires.

JARblue 01-31-2018 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3726265)
:hello: Good morning forum Sister's and Brother's and Troll's

:ugh: and those stuck with dead end career's



I have given out too much rep :(

cigarclifford 01-31-2018 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3726270)
I have given out too much rep :(

Never worry :tup:

Visit here once and awhile :icon17:

:ugh: this place is dead

eastwest2300 01-31-2018 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726260)
What up, man?

chill'n duuuuude.

eastwest2300 01-31-2018 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726262)


eastwest2300 01-31-2018 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3726265)
:hello: Good morning forum Sister's and Brother's and Troll's

:ugh: and those stuck with dead end career's



Rusty 01-31-2018 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3726272)
Never worry :tup:

Visit here once and awhile :icon17:

:ugh: this place is dead

When are you coming home?

Rusty 01-31-2018 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 3726228)
eastwest has terminal painus.

Just had some left-overs that would fix you. :eek: Wife made some cajun dish the other night. It had beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, rice, and some veggies.:yum: Plus a ton of cajun spices. :eek: I can normally eat 4 alarm heat. This was about a 7~8! :eek: So when I sit down to go. I will have some ice ready. Because I know it will cauterize anything in it's way. :eek:

onzedge 01-31-2018 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3726265)
:hello: Good morning forum Sister's and Brother's and Troll's

:ugh: and those stuck with dead end career's




Rusty 01-31-2018 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3726323)



JARblue 01-31-2018 12:10 PM

Lunchtime!! :yum:

JARblue 01-31-2018 12:11 PM

I haven't spent this long in the office since before Christmas I think :eek:

Rusty 01-31-2018 06:06 PM

Rep freely. :tup:

madwi 01-31-2018 06:18 PM

:yawn: Is it Friday yet?

DeliriousClam 01-31-2018 06:58 PM

I gotta take a picture of the interface I'm using at work and show it to you guys tomorrow

BoneZ 01-31-2018 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3725498)
I bought some of this -- not bad...

We drink this at work. :yum:

BoneZ 01-31-2018 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3726270)

I have given out too much rep :(

Me too... but I saved one for you my friend. Rep with Man Love.

onzedge 01-31-2018 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by BoneZ (Post 3726435)
We drink this at work. :yum:


madwi 01-31-2018 09:39 PM

Chicken tacos. :rock:

madwi 02-01-2018 06:57 AM


Leingod 02-01-2018 07:05 AM

Taco bell fries for dinner :yum:

Leingod 02-01-2018 07:06 AM

Madwi. Get a PS4 and Monster Hunter. We need a 4th to game with lol

madwi 02-01-2018 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Leingod (Post 3726543)
Madwi. Get a PS4 and Monster Hunter. We need a 4th to game with lol

Do I want the Pro model? Can I download the game also?

Leingod 02-01-2018 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726547)
Do I want the Pro model? Can I download the game also?

No, not needed. And yes, can be downloaded from the store. Pro is only for if you reeeeealllly want 4k, HDR, and locked 60fs on some titles. Totally not needed for this game.

Wait...... you're actually contemplating this after a single post? lol

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 07:28 AM


eastwest2300 02-01-2018 07:30 AM

RepZ out itcheZ!

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 07:31 AM

receive them wisely.

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 07:32 AM

Im hurt'n duuuudeZ.

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 07:32 AM

dudeZ. dudeZ. dudeZ.

madwi 02-01-2018 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by Leingod (Post 3726549)
No, not needed. And yes, can be downloaded from the store. Pro is only for if you reeeeealllly want 4k, HDR, and locked 60fs on some titles. Totally not needed for this game.

Wait...... you're actually contemplating this after a single post? lol

Should be here Saturday. :tup:

madwi 02-01-2018 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 3726550)


eastwest2300 02-01-2018 08:02 AM


eastwest2300 02-01-2018 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726557)


eastwest2300 02-01-2018 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726557)

I picked up new lines... I ordered them last night.

madwi 02-01-2018 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 3726561)
I picked up new lines... I ordered them last night.

Did they let you swap them?

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3726562)
Did they let you swap them?

The seller had a 30 day return policy. However, I paid $40 (restocking fee), and $16 to ship... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

costly mistake.:icon14:

eastwest2300 02-01-2018 08:12 AM

There was just so much uncertainty when i called stoptech, then reached out to a seller (who was worthless), so i played it safe, after calling Z1 and got those.

JARblue 02-01-2018 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by eastwest2300 (Post 3726567)
The seller had a 30 day return policy. However, I paid $40 (restocking fee), and $16 to ship... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

costly mistake.:icon14:

Poopy :thumbsdown:

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