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Originally Posted by NYBladeZ man if I was the OP I'd lock the post, many people out there didn't have the opportunity that the OP gave his son. Many of

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Old 01-19-2010, 10:09 AM   #76 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NYBladeZ View Post
man if I was the OP I'd lock the post, many people out there didn't have the opportunity that the OP gave his son. Many of us also know about many people who were given the world and squandered it, but they over look the fact that young people such as myself actually make something of the opportunity. OP you did a great thing, hands down and you know it
lol you got given a car didn't you

- Ty
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Old 01-20-2010, 06:48 AM   #77 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NYBladeZ View Post
man if I was the OP I'd lock the post, many people out there didn't have the opportunity that the OP gave his son. Many of us also know about many people who were given the world and squandered it, but they over look the fact that young people such as myself actually make something of the opportunity. OP you did a great thing, hands down and you know it
Thanks for the kind words. I certainly don't mind folks having their own ideas, even if they differ from mine or yours. What cracks me up is when they insist I'm wrong and I must share their "fact" of an opinion. You have to love young kids saying things like, "It would be smarter and much more beneficial for you and your kids if you..." How can a 20 year old know what is smarter or better for me to do when they don't know anything about me, my life, nor my child?

Anyway as long as my son keeps his grades up, does his chores and goes to practice every day after school, I consider that his job in life right now. He isn't going to be learning anything more by packing groceries or shoveling snow.

The Z fund is slowly growing.
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:22 AM   #78 (permalink)
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Brooooo don't take it personally

I noticed you mention earlier that you had a car before,

"Thanks everybody. I actually was going to let him just take my car when I bought a new Z, but my car sucks"

You coulda given him that car and still bough yourself a 370z right???

- Ty
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Old 01-20-2010, 09:54 AM   #79 (permalink)
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great job man, great job
Rather be driving my Z
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:11 PM   #80 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tyrell Tyson View Post
Whoa 6 kids and you gave them all a car, that is ALOT of cars, good on you tho...darn 6 lol

- Ty
I consider having 6 kids an intellegence test......I failed.

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Old 01-20-2010, 05:29 PM   #81 (permalink)
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Awesome Jeep for your son! My dad did the same thing for me when I was 16 and got me a 1982 280ZX. He put a big bow on it and brought it to school for me to find. It's awesome if your son is as great as you say he is. He sounds like a very responsible, mature kid and should be (and probably is) very grateful for your sacrifice.

Way to go!
Love my Zs.
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Old 01-21-2010, 08:13 AM   #82 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jessica View Post
Awesome Jeep for your son! My dad did the same thing for me when I was 16 and got me a 1982 280ZX. He put a big bow on it and brought it to school for me to find. It's awesome if your son is as great as you say he is. He sounds like a very responsible, mature kid and should be (and probably is) very grateful for your sacrifice.

Way to go!
Sweet! That is something you'll remember and be grateful for, for the rest of your life. My son has been incredibly grateful. He's a fantastic son anyway, but it's always nice as a parent to see when you've made the right call and it's appreciated. Honestly, it gives me much more joy watching him pull away in his jeep than I would have ever gotten from my own Z. Besides, this way I can do both soon.
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:13 AM   #83 (permalink)
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Moonlitebiker, you"re a stand up guy...

Now I'm gonna go find my Dad & give him a BiG hug

PS: That TJ is Bad A$$$$$$!
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:07 PM   #84 (permalink)
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Wow man, I was totally moved by that. I know the 370Z will be in the back of your mind for a while, but what you did for you son is priceless. I would totally loan you my Z anytime if we were neighbors.
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:16 PM   #85 (permalink) Sponsor
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I don't know about everyone else, but I really enjoy philosophical conversations even if I am only listening.

During our visit to Japan, I was talking with this one gentleman who had something interesting to say.

He said that humans are naturally flawed by our ability "to want". He looked at it as "to want something is selfish. Selfishness has its different degrees but it is not always bad. Sometimes it is just natural. The ultimate ideal of selflessness is to remember to "Feed your brothers before you feed yourself" -Lao Tzu I believe".

The moment I heard that I could not help but think of the OP's experience. Whether or not this statement is true is up to all of you; but in my opinion the OP did a great job of feeding his family before feeding himself...true selflessness.

I cannot help but admire that quality in any decent human being; mad respect!

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Old 01-27-2010, 06:05 PM   #86 (permalink)
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You're a good father OP. The world needs more people like you.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:02 PM   #87 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Tyrell Tyson View Post
I think you took what i said totally out of context and way too personally.

I never attacked you and your son, nor would i, re-read my post

again here is my point from my original post

"If my father had just paid for them both, sure i would have been real happy but i wouldn't understand the true value of working hard for your first big purchase, the very thing that gives you independence and freedom... when dad buys that for you it aint the same as when you buy it yourself"

We all know you love your kid to death, you sold your bike for him, thats hard for a man to do. I know everyone loves their kids to death and wants to give them the world, in the grand scheme of things giving your kid a car OR making them pay for it is not a life and death matter.

It would be smarter and much more beneficial for you and your kids if you put the down payment on it and make them pay off the rest, i don't see how hard that is to understand. He can work hard at school, college and still pay for his own car, i am doing exactly ain't hard

This way you could have done what you originally came here to do, sell your beautiful bike, buy your 370z and just put the down payment on your sons car, it would be a win/win for everyone.

- Ty
People work for a reason. Everyone's reason is different. Some work for a house payment, food, and other bills. Some work to buy toys. Some support families. When someone works enough to have money to either A) buy a sports car or B) buy their child a car, the choice is up to them.
I understand what you are saying, but blanket statements such as these are exemplify ignorance. For example, how am I, in boarding school for high school, supposed to hold a job? It's literally impossible. I work every chance I get when I'm home because I am not given money, but there is no way I could afford a car payment on top of other expenses (clothes, books, and other things I buy).
Saying this to the OP is very disrespectful, despite how "thought provoking" it may be. You are forgetting a very important aspect of his actions: to make his son HAPPY. He knows his kid better than you, I, or any person on here, and he knows if his son deserves to have a car bought for him or not. You don't have to buy something yourself to understand what it means. I'm sure his son KNOWS that his dad sold his bike and sacrificed his own joy for his son, and that means something. This lesson goes beyond the simple "teach 'em young and teach 'em hard" theology, and instead dwells in a family, and doing what's best for them in one's OWN mind. One does not give someone a downpayment on a shirt for Christmas; one gives the person the shirt, because it makes THEM FEEL GOOD.
I understand what you are saying, but in no way do you have the right to preach to the OP about his generous, selfless, and meaningful decision.

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Old 01-28-2010, 05:53 AM   #88 (permalink)
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i understand and see everyone's view on this.. thats what i love about posts like this, everyone is right.

i really do admire the OP in the decision he made to get his son a jeep, good grades, athlete, heading off to college. i think what u did is show him how much u appreciate his hard work. this helps him understand that if u work hard rewards always follow.

i also do agree with the others talking about not giving but maybe helping, when i was in high school in 10th grade my dad bought me my first car, a 98 civic ex coupe, it cost him 3000, at the time i was very happy but i felt guilty because we werent in the best financial situation. it also made me feel bad because i had friends and cousins of mine who deserved the car more than me, and didnt have a car. i got alright grades but nothing to get me to college. so as soon as i got the car i looked for a job, and i saved 3000 and paid my parents back, they didnt ask me to do it, i did it without telling them and surprised them with a deposit for 3000 straight into their account. it was awesome

i think my parents are the best parents in the world because they are mine. but because they raised me to be selfless and responsible. now i work and make a pretty good amount of money to give them WHENEVER they need it, without paying me back.

anyways OP what u did was beautiful, and i hope to be as loving and caring for my son as u were with urs.
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Last edited by sloterg; 01-28-2010 at 06:01 AM.
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Old 01-28-2010, 07:36 AM   #89 (permalink)
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Well said sloterg

That was awesome of you to pay back the $3000!! must have felt amazing huh

- TY
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Old 01-28-2010, 11:51 AM   #90 (permalink)
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