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semtex 11-25-2009 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by molamann (Post 295063)

Yes. The laser is junk, but even without it that's a good price.

SmoothZ 11-25-2009 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by molamann (Post 295063)

I think lasers are overrated for civilians. Seriously, what would you need that for? You would have to buy a holster that would fit in.

The gun is fine, but don't get ripped by adding the laser.

semtex 11-25-2009 09:44 AM

What does the 'civilian' distinction have to do with it? I don't think it matters if you're a civilian vs. police or military. Regardless of which role one is in, if you're unfortunate enough to find yourself in a situation where you need to use lethal force, the need to get on target quickly is the same. Granted, civilians shouldn't find themselves in that situation as often (hopefully). But my point is that if you're a civilian and need to shoot someone, your need to do so effectively is not lessened by the fact that you're a civilian. I mean, it's not like we want cops and soldiers to be accurate but civilians to just 'spray and pray' right? :ugh:

dad 11-25-2009 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by SmoothZ (Post 295160)
I think lasers are overrated for civilians. Seriously, what would you need that for? You would have to buy a holster that would fit in.

The gun is fine, but don't get ripped by adding the laser.

Not if the laser is properly sighted, and the individual performs practice shooting. It may be "overrated" in the gun magazines, but it does have it's benefits.
The holster doesn't cost that much more.

vash_241987 11-25-2009 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by SmoothZ (Post 295160)
I think lasers are overrated for civilians. Seriously, what would you need that for? You would have to buy a holster that would fit in.

The gun is fine, but don't get ripped by adding the laser.

Check these out: Crimson Trace | Laser Sight Grips for Guns

no bulky laser, everything fits in the grip. As other have posted, a laser is alot better especially at night when a perp is about to attacj you and you have little time to look down your sights.

axio 11-25-2009 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by molamann (Post 289533)
lol, any experience with the H&K USP's?

I do. I have the full size USP in .45 caliber. I love that gun. It's not the prettiest gun though, but whatever gets the job done...

I've probably shot over two thousand rounds through it and I haven't had any issues with it. The recoil of the .45 on the HK full size isn't very bad at all.

Sigs are good guns too. My sister and another friend have a P226 (i think) in .40 caliber that shoots very smoothly.

You can't really go wrong with a Sig or an HK, but if you're on a budget, you can also look at the Springfield XD. I've shot them once at a range and I thought they were just ok. Nothing to write home about, but for the price, they get the job done and they get great reviews.

Shotgun also works. I prefer to leave the stock on it though. Shotgun is cheap and effective...

I also would not buy a .22 for your purpose for the reasons everyone already stated.

grahfz 12-04-2009 04:48 AM

I recommend a 12gauge for home defense if you're not worried about neighbors and children from over penetration.
After owning one and using it on various targets.. I'm afraid to shoot somebody with it.. it's just too vicious.
Same with my m1 garand. 30-06 will probably go through the next 6 houses before it stops.

My daily carry is a Kimber 3" 1911 with ct grips. With the laser I don't even have to bother aiming to nail clay pigeons on the ground at 20 feet.. they're about heart sized, so the accuracy is more than enough at that range.. I don't expect to really be able to take aimed shots in a situation that'll truly matter to my life.

Go rent all sorts of guns before you buy.

To me, guns are like sports cars, you can get one in any flavor you wish.

semtex 12-04-2009 06:58 AM

What do you mean you don't even have to bother aiming? You're aiming with the laser, aren't you? :confused:

Zdom 12-04-2009 07:11 AM

I have one for fun and its great, you can shoot it for one cent/round, great for getting a lot of practice shooting w/out costing you a fortune. But probably doesn't have the stopping power you would want from a larger caliber. But I would hate to get shot by it.

jookiyaya 12-04-2009 07:15 AM

i have a bb gun does that count?

or should i just be like the Govenor and just...

zfokaiz 12-04-2009 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by grahfz (Post 307153)
I recommend a 12gauge for home defense if you're not worried about neighbors and children from over penetration.

Im no expert on guns but is a shotgun a lot harder to throw up than a handgun? dont get me wrong mine's loaded in the closet (no kiddies in the house) but as far as immediate action wouldn't a handgun be better?

SigPapa226 12-04-2009 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Gaiiden (Post 289612)
No one has mentioned the fact that while a .22 has less stopping power, a 9mm or higher will punch through walls and easily kill anyone in the vicinity if you happen to take a crazy shot and miss the perp before hitting him/her. Do you have any children in the house? Are you in an apartment complex or have neighbors nearby? If so I would recommend just a shotgun, as that is strictly a close-range weapon that won't cause too much collateral damage outside of the immediate room you are in.

Furthermore, saying that a .22 will only piss someone off is a bit of Hollywood if you ask me. Given that the majority of crooks are just normal people down on their luck an desperate (not career criminals) anyone getting shot with anything would be enough to incapacitate them.

Finally, if you're going to shoot someone in your house or on your property, make sure you kill them. I know it sounds harsh but really there should be no reason to shoot someone unless your own life is in mortal peril (i.e. s/he also has a gun or other deadly weapon with imminent threat to use it). If they're still alive when the police recover them they could potentially sue you for damages, and you would have to then prove that you were within rights to shoot them. It's just additional legal stuff to deal with. Note too that even if they're dead the cops can bring charges against you as well if they suspect the shooting was more than just self-defense.

A 22 is for practice. Only a "super ninja" can guarantee stopping anyone with a 22. Stopping power is why they developed the 45 Cal; but it is harder to handle.

For a novice the best choice is a shotgun. Its easy to use and hard to miss at short range. If a handgun is desired - go with a higher caliber. My choice is 357 or 40 S&W. Sig Sauer P226 has interchangeable barrels (9mm, 357 or 40 S&W). Mine is 40 S&W.

Use self defense ammo like Corbon jacketed hollow point. It will stop a person, but stopped by walls.

bullitt5897 12-04-2009 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by zfokaiz (Post 307200)
Im no expert on guns but is a shotgun a lot harder to throw up than a handgun? dont get me wrong mine's loaded in the closet (no kiddies in the house) but as far as immediate action wouldn't a handgun be better?

when you clear a room do you keep your gun down?....

No, it should be shouldered and pointing at a center mass level. I do the same with my AR and I often practice in the house with the lights of and NVGs on. You should try it when your home alone with an empty gun. Lay in bed set your alarm and when it goes off. Jump up out of bed pick up your *UNLOADED* weapon and clear the house with the lights on and off... find the best way to clear a room without being seen or heard :tup: if a stair creeks know to skip that step... Remember the best advantage you have is that it is your home turf and you know where everything is!

To the guy asking about the H&K USPs:

I own the latest HK45 that was designed to replace both the 1911 and the beretta... I love the gun to death! very little recoil for a .45 and easy to get on target. I got my mom a USP 45 compact and it is just as good and super light! I actually prefer Kimber 1911's for my shooting style as they are a single action trigger and that suits me better than most double action trigger guns.

grahfz 12-04-2009 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by semtex (Post 307182)
What do you mean you don't even have to bother aiming? You're aiming with the laser, aren't you? :confused:

You know what I meant :stirthepot:

zfokaiz 12-04-2009 01:59 PM

Thanks Bullit, I'll have to try that.

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