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Don't kill me guys
As some of you know from me previous post my Z is out of commission as well as my truck so I have no vehicle at the moment... And apart from that I have a myriad of other problems I never thought id share with this community, A friend of mine suggested I suck up my pride and try a GoFundMe page with my biggest Issue of all. If any of you would like to help spread the word that would rock.
Thanks guys. Also stay tuned I will be selling things on that page. Maybe some of you would be interested, Idk. Thanks again for being awesome Community and my fellow Z brothers. :bowdown: https://www.gofundme.com/rkfjctmx |
Good luck. This should be moved to the lounge IMO
The Z is probably worth a fair chunk of change even not running if you're truly hard up for cash :twocents:
Also realize people made a kickstarter for potato salad go to 45k$ I just want some much needed help on my home... before it falls down eventually. I inherited the problems unfortunately and my dad didn't deserve to die in a house in such a condition, just sucks. : / |
Example #1- A disabled vet whose insurance won't help pay for a wheel chair ramp and is unable to physically leave his house. A GoFundMe page was created, they received the $5k for the ramp and some neighbors installed it for him. Nice end to the story. Example #2. A person who is developmentally disabled whose only parent just passed away and can't function in a job where the environment is beyond that of food prep and cleaning. Now she has to somehow manage to pay for her mother's funeral while she makes $7.25/hr, only gets 18 hours a week because they don't see value in employing such a person and won't give her more and relies on public transportation to and from work. Oh, ****. There goes the house she lived in and now she can't even feed herself or her one and only true companion- her cat. You done pissed me the fuck off with this online begging garbage. Not only that but you are employed, you can pay your bills and you have two cars. Holy fuck. And you want people to just give you money? Go fucking work some more hours! Leave the GoFundMe shit for those that actually need fucking assistance. It isn't your personal fucking piggy bank. My advice... GO FUCK YOURSELF. And take that fucking page down. Fucking clown. |
My Z is about to go away for winter maybe I should jump on the wagon for a gofundme too.
Call it FP's GT-R fund :yum: |
Not here to judge you OP. Set your priorities and find ways in making it work to repair your house. Sell your Z and your truck and buy a decent used economical car. Like you said you are not hard up and yet you want as to fund your house repairs?
I could not help but agree with Tigger. Get a personal loan since you do have a decent job. Cut down on your personal pleasures and get another job to supplement your current income. Your not disabled make it work. That is how you separate the men from the boys. Hey Tigger is there a website gofuckme.com? I'll see if I can make a story and snag some sympathy. Lol |
Also Economical was my accord, that was only 20$cheaper a month on payments so hell yeah Ill spend 20$ to finance my Z. Thanks for the support. |
Plus you can't really expect to have a car like a Z and then ask for 15k from other people, when you can sell your Z and get the 15k on your own... working or not. The z isn't a life necessity There's a lot more other places and people of need i would rather send my money too. Either way, hope it all works out for you. |
If you don't have the resources to fix up the house, then maybe you need to give serious consideration to selling. The longer you wait, the more damage that will be done from the leaks and the less you will get for the house. If mold sets in, you're boned.
While I would have worded thing a little different, I have to agree with Tigger. You are an "able-bodied/minded" person with the resources to meet your basic needs with enough left over to have a freaking 370Z in the garage. And I'm betting you're enjoying a lot of other luxuries such as cable, Internet, cell phone, &c. Work hard, love your family and friends, and, one day, you might have the nicer things that you desire. Don't expect someone else to buy your ticket. |
I agree with you in that one respect. And if I ever come across any one of those douchebags I'd be happy to use their foreheads for golf tees. And I'm horrible with my swing. I'll be the first to admit that when I get pissed I will escalate until I'm over the top. But do you understand what I'm saying? The examples I wrote weren't for fun. Those are real people in real need. You can't just go begging people for money. You need to do it for yourself. And just because some stupid kid is begging for money so he can buy a Tesla doesn't mean you should join the crowd. Those people will get what they deserve eventually. If you really believe you are a good person at heart and are running a little thin right now then re-organize and figure it out. But coming here and begging for money will only draw people like me out of hiding. I stay out of this side of the forum for a reason because there is nothing but rage-inducing insanity here. |
How old are you ? No one wants to see your roof fall in and catch fire dude, again if its that serious to your well being , sell your car edit: this is a public forum on the internet that you CHOSE to post on, "if not shut up" isn't a good choice of words. What makes you feel so entitled ? Again no disrespect to your family, but there's people that are in for way worst than you and resort to many other options before a gofundme. |
OP. You got killed on #6.
Get rid of what you don't need. Get your expenses straight. Maybe you don't really need your Z or the other toys for now but can always come back when you are ready. Good luck with your finances and sorry about your loss. I know how much money can really stretch so you should just try it out and make sacrifices. |
Sell my broken Z for what? Less then the banks loan amount lol then have to make up the rest of those payments. Truck clutch failed completely. I'll sell you my Z for 30k then? Thatl cover my loan and maybe my roof and clutch.
My expenses are straight for my self and my car... Wwell not necessarily now wasn't expecting the nicesest newest vehicle I ever owned to just fail. That's fine I'll get around to fixing it one way or another. That is wayyy different then a 6000$ fix for a roof that again was dropped in my lap. Not to mention siding or God forbid the electrical. You guys act like financing a Z is like financing a Ferrari.
I don't think anyone is getting through to this guy.
Even if the Z was given to you, it's not a good car for someone in a financial bind. Normal maintenance is expensive (check out the price of good tires); some problems (eg, CSC) can easily break the bank if you don't have some money stashed away. And insurance can be pretty high, too.
Even if I didn't own the Z do you know how long it would take for me to save up 15+k? To fix my home. Owning the Z has barely anything to do with it. That's why I traded my accord and financed. Because I don't have a lot of money. Your right I'm not dying yet or starving. But I do have some serious issues in my house my dad left me unexpectedly. My bad asking for help. I don't expect any. But if someone wants to that would be great. Maybe I'll still have a house to raise my future family in. Other then that I'm probably going to have to wait fingers crossed it doesn't burn down or rot. If you would like to share . Donate. Or buy an item. Thank you. If not that's fine too. And to the ppl who hate on me asking for help. I hope you have major family losses. Can't repair your home's. Have to sell your car's and rot in he'll cause no one wanted to help you. Nah jk. Trust me it sucks. Also I'd probably toss you 20$ thanks. I will not be replying to this. If someone wants to help cool. I don't need your judgement :3
Let me ask you this...your house just did not started to fall off the day your dad passed away, you knew for a fact that that house was in shambles and needed some repairs. I do not think this just happened overnight. Why not or have you even extended assistance to your dad when he was alive to rebuild the house when your life was better? But yet you decided to go for your dream car of owning a Z instead of doing the right thing for your dad and the house. Now that is a $20 big difference way of thinking over there. Why was it a priority now just because you where burdened by an inheritance of a house that is about to fall? Son if you truly respect the memories of your good father, make him proud and build your home. Nothing wrong to ask help but help is being extended to those really in need. What you need is a good advice how to fix your finances to cope up with your situation. I've been there many times in fact I failed many times miserably in life but I did find a way to bounce back and made it better. As the old book of life says "teach a man how to fish and he will never go hungry" Learn from this MAN and you will be RICH! |
no one seemed to ask the obvious.....Home equity loan? surely you have no note on the home...If you do, perhaps look into insurance for the roof repair.
It appears you have priority issues if you value your car more than your residence. These problems were relevant before you bought the car, and that's where your coin should have gone. Lastly, please take down that piece of douchebaggery go fundme page. If you don't, and you get funded, let me know, I really, really need a twin turbo setup for my Z. ps: ibtl |
Home is under a locked trust in my family's name. I can't apply For a equity loan. And if I could I probably can't afford more payments on things right now. My priorities are the taxes on the home. Bills. Car so I can continue to work. (Those Both just failed) and having food. I'm stable enough to do all I need to. But no I don't have Gibbs of money to throw at my failing home. So if someone would like to help me fix it up so I can continue to have it. Cool. Also I'll be selling things. Thanks for the support of you wish to help.
Dood make one for a TT setup. I'd share it. Still Better then some of the ones out there.
Maybe you or your deceased dad have some money left behind from moving or an old insurance policy check this site out. I found $1000 life policy but have to prove it was my grandfathers. free fish MERRY CHRISTMAS:tiphat:
MissingMoney.com Unclaimed Property FREE SEARCH - Officially endorsed By The States, Provinces and Naupa |
I didn't even talk about the ppl my dad let stay at our house who completely wrecked the inside... Ugh ppl you guys are flipping out I made an account to fix the problems I can't afford up front. Ppl ask for help with burials an stuff all the time I didn't even have that. But fixing my house after a death is a no go on things to ask for?
Yep, it sucks, but Life's a bitch and the only thing you can do when she knocks you down is pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and give it another shot. Being a success in life (however you care to define it) does not come easy and it doesn't come fast. |
Good luck, OP. You obviously need it.
This is honestly quite ridiculous. You lack any semblance of personal responsibility whatsoever. I understand you've been dealt a tough hand at life, but the financial decisions you've made are irrational, and the fact that you defend them in this thread shows you really aren't taking things seriously. You say you have a good job, yet you can't afford $15k in maintenance items. A person in that position would under no circumstances take on a vehicle loan. I don't care if it's for a sports car or an Accord. If you can't save $15k in 12 months or so, you drive a $500 beater, and nothing more. This is basic personal finance. What you are asking for is not help. The fact that you have a job and have a sports car you are making payments on is proof alone that you could help yourself if you were serious and willing to sacrifice. You are asking for a handout. In an environment where there are thousands and thousands of Americans in worse positions than you through no fault of their own this is downright offensive. |
I am sorry for your loss, I loss my father last year to cancer. I believe most us weren't judging but advising you. Then you go on to wish ill will on to others is where you went wrong. Even jokingly, you are talking to strangers who can be much worst of than you.
If I were you, I would've sold everything and laid my father to rest properly. The house can be fixed one step at a time. You don't need $15k to fix a leak. |
Dude we are not being insensitive about your loss we respect that and we are sorry about your loss. Dude I'm not comparing and I'm not the type of person who dwells on my sorrows. 6 years from now my dad passed away in a hospital from a massive stroke, I could not even go home to see him while he was alive and wasn't even able to bury him for the fact I could not afford to buy airfare tickets to go home overseas, as I was just starting my life in here in the US, no credit history, no green card, no big credit limit. I had to say goodbye to him over the phone and seek forgiveness for my short comings. Dude it was a Sunday when he passed away. Monday I went to work and gave my best to my patients to make them well even if my heart is crushed. I never asked anyone for anything, I never asked for sympathy or reprieve from my daily obligations. All I asked from my friends and love ones is to pray for me for strength and inner peace. Dude this community is alive and very supportive to those who are in need. There is even a thread about a fellow forum member in Canada that passed away of cancer...the forum even opened up an account to support his wife and family as he was the bread winner of the family. We had to help him sell his mods, car parts and his Beloveded Z. My advise tear down your gofundme.com and build your self up. Open a for sale thread of your mods and we would gladly assist you selling them. If you say your doing better financially then set your priorities and don't pass it along the responsibility to others. For me that is irresponsible and coward. I'm sorry no better word to describe it. |
Trust has no current beneficiary. My father was the last on it. I'm intitled to it but I'll have to hire a lawyer and go to court to have it all fixed and that is not a priority for me right now I don't nearly have time or extra money for that process.the accord I purchased with my dad's cosigniture because neither of us had a car.. his truck just broke... So we had to do something fast and needed something reliable that could fit us. Then he died 3 months later. So I worked hard and had the accord but found the Z for about the same payments so I got it cause it was my dream and I expected it to last longer then the accord kill two birds with one stone. Yeas I could probably over the course of a few years save up to fix the house. Not sure if it will last that long tho... So yep call it whatever you want. Asking for handouts. Help. Begging. Idc. It's a problem that is important and something I can't fix myself right now and not sure if I have enough time time to save. So I asked for handouts cool. And post things to sell. G G. Also there are deff way worse ppl then me that need help. I know. I donate money to work charity and give the homeless doods money when I have a few bucks in the car. Doesn't mean I can afford every problem in life. And any help I can get at this point to fix my roof and stuff is amazingly appreciated. I've been through he'll and dragged my self out of most of it. So think what you like about my page. If no one wants to help me that's fine.
I don't know about Ohio, but shouldn't the next of kin of the current listed beneficiary be next in line automatically?
Did you keep the stock parts for your car? Maybe going back to stock and selling things like wheels, radio, etc could help with the cash shortage? Also, was the term on the Accord loan the same as the term on the Z loan? You keep saying the payment is only a $20 difference, but is that the real cost? |
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