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vtec to vvel 08-15-2015 09:42 PM

Anti-Parking Suggestions
I'm sure most, if not all, of us will agree that parking in garage > than parking outside. Having said this, when you have a garage, you expect to be able to get in and out with no problems (i.e. a dumb@$$ neighbor or their visitors won't park in front of it). My garage has a long driveway in front of it (it could easily allow two cars to park back to back) and, unfortunately, is right next to a set of stairs.

How would you guys take preventative measure to stop people from parking in front of your garage?

JC-Nismo 08-15-2015 09:45 PM

A biss azz, " I WILL TOW YOUR FUCKIING CAR" if you park here sign!!!

Trips 08-15-2015 09:51 PM

If it's preventing you from getting in and out?

And you know who's visitor or neighbor?

Ask them nicely or leave them a nice note to Please not park there or you're going to have it towed at his expense.

Report it to the manager if it's an apt.

You could put a towing sign with the vc and call a towing company to get it towed off private property.

Trips 08-15-2015 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by JC-Nismo (Post 3286117)
A biss azz, " I WILL TOW YOUR FUCKIING CAR" if you park here sign!!!


Always try to start off nicely before going balls to the wall.

Got to remember IF you leave it out? That neighbor/visitor may want to retaliate and take it out on your Z.

vtec to vvel 08-15-2015 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by JC-Nismo (Post 3286117)
A biss azz, " I WILL TOW YOUR FUCKIING CAR" if you park here sign!!!

i left a huge@$$ sign on my garage door, all typed in bold lettering and in a plastic sleeve with heavy-duty tape. 2 days later, someone ripped it off (f*cking sh*ts).


Originally Posted by Trips (Post 3286121)
If it's preventing you from getting in and out?

And you know who's visitor or neighbor?

Ask them nicely or leave them a nice note to Please not park there or you're going to have it towed at his expense.

Report it to the manager if it's an apt.

You could put a towing sign with the vc and call a towing company to get it towed off private property.

It is an apartment and yes, it does prevent access to and from.

What's a vc?


Originally Posted by Trips (Post 3286125)

Always try to start off nicely before going balls to the wall.

Got to remember IF you leave it out? That neighbor/visitor may want to retaliate and take it out on your Z.

LOL i would NEVER leave my Z out.

Trips 08-15-2015 10:23 PM

That is for Vehicle Code.

I know locally IF you post a NO PARKING with the local VC a towing company will gladly tow it.

SouthArk370Z 08-15-2015 10:40 PM

You need to check local laws/regulations but the post-and-tow method mentioned by others will usually work.

BeemaaZ 08-15-2015 11:31 PM

Picture of the garage, driveway and stair would help us make a suggestion.

vtec to vvel 08-16-2015 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by BeemaaZ (Post 3286151)
Picture of the garage, driveway and stair would help us make a suggestion.

Picture a one-car garage with a long driveway in front of the garage door. To the left of the garage door, there is a set of stairs that leads to the second floor. The garage is on the first floor and there are apartments directly above.

Rusty 08-16-2015 08:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Park on the street. When the A-hole parks in your driveway. Pull up behind him to block him in. Let me block him with my motorhome. :D

vtec to vvel 08-17-2015 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3286621)
Park on the street. When the A-hole parks in your driveway. Pull up behind him to block him in. Let me block him with my motorhome. :D

I'm almost tempted to buy a boot and stick that b*tch on a car if they were to park in my driveway lol

Rusty 08-17-2015 08:35 PM

What you could do, is tie some empty cans to their car with about 40ft of fishing string and have the cans sitting under the car. They have to move some distance before the cans start to move.

Or get the biggest pair of granny panties you can find, and zip tie them to the rear of the car. Roll them up under the bumper so that you can't see them when you walk around the car. When they drive down the road. They will unroll and flap in the breeze.

We do this kind of stuff at work. :eek::rofl2:

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