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madwi 08-21-2015 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Zoren 370 (Post 3290705)
Good Friday everyone!

Long time no see, stranger. :hello:

madwi 08-21-2015 06:52 AM

I think some Payday 2 is in order this morning. :tup:

Leingod 08-21-2015 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by madwi (Post 3290718)
I think some Payday 2 is in order this morning. :tup:

Oh sure, the second I go to work

cigarclifford 08-21-2015 06:58 AM

like driving through a stalker car wash sorta creepy or a TSA line :ugh2:

It' Friday Boy's and Girl's :iagree:

The Clifford is in da house :tup:

-Clifford :tiphat:

onzedge 08-21-2015 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3290729)
like driving through a stalker car wash sorta creepy or a TSA line :ugh2:

It' Friday Boy's and Girl's :iagree:

The Clifford is in da house :tup:

-Clifford :tiphat:

Greetings. :driving:

cigarclifford 08-21-2015 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3290731)
Greetings. :driving:

Well Greeting's Donald :tup:

What are you up to today my friend ?

-Clifford :tiphat:

onzedge 08-21-2015 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3290736)
Well Greeting's Donald :tup:

What are you up to today my friend ?

-Clifford :tiphat:

...expense report, Costco run, 370Z washing, Functional Design Document work, Kate companionship, napping...

cigarclifford 08-21-2015 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3290738)
...expense report, Costco run, 370Z washing, Functional Design Document work, Kate companionship, napping...

please tell your kind wife Kate The Clifford sends a big hello :tup:

How are the Doggies ?

Any plans for the weekend ?

-Clifford :tiphat:

onzedge 08-21-2015 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3290742)
please tell your kind wife Kate The Clifford sends a big hello :tup:

How are the Doggies ?

Any plans for the weekend ?

-Clifford :tiphat:

I will do that. The doggies are fine and we are laying lo this weekend. I fly back on Sunday...


onzedge 08-21-2015 07:07 AM


cigarclifford 08-21-2015 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3290743)
I will do that. The doggies are fine and we are laying lo this weekend. I fly back on Sunday...


That good to hear Mr Donald as everyone knows The Clifford love's Doggies :iagree:

Business travel is tiring I know it well :iagree:

Are you going to ask me anything today ?

onzedge 08-21-2015 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3290747)
That good to hear Mr Donald as everyone knows The Clifford love's Doggies :iagree:

Business travel is tiring I know it well :iagree:

Are you going to ask me anything today ?

How is your day?

Where are you this week?

Rep Freely.

Are you feeling OK?

What are you wearing?

Where is Mr. Alcheng?

Rep Proudly.

What's your favorite motor oil?

When is your next car trip?

Why do we travel so much?

cigarclifford 08-21-2015 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3290751)
How is your day?

Where are you this week? South Korea

Are you feeling OK? Dying to get out

What are you wearing? 3 piece gray suit with a soft pink shirt, brown shoes
and a linen pocket square

Where is Mr. Alcheng? Mr Alex is well but busy, you posting in his thread
makes hime very happy

What's your favorite motor oil? Ester OEM for cooking my beautiful Korean
wife handles the kitchen. We did add a maid two months back. Yes she
is Korean and attractive

When is your next car trip? Think of Lake Tahoe September time frame

Why do we travel so much?

We are the chosen tough one's Mr Donald

onzedge 08-21-2015 07:21 AM


Originally Posted by cigarclifford (Post 3290763)
We are the chosen tough one's Mr Donald


cigarclifford 08-21-2015 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by onzedge (Post 3290770)

Well Mr Donald I wish you well and rest when your time allots :iagree:

-Clifford :tiphat:

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