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ZMan8 03-27-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by mrcoolguyface (Post 1623606)
So, I installed my system a few months ago, and I have some minor issues.
Let me prefice this by saying I absolutely LOVE the look, and sound of the system I chose. HOWEVER, I am experiencing a lot of secondary noise that literally makes the car sound like garbage.

Under moderate/heavy acceleration I am getting the common rattle in the rear area that sounds like its coming from the spare tire section ( which is annoying but not bad by itself). I am also now experiencing a quick more noticable and loud rattle in between 3000 and 3500 RPM's that almost sounds like a BB in a coke can vigorously shaking, which sounds like it's coming from right under where the headers would be. Also the all too infmaous VQ Hiss, for me, now isnt just on decel, but also heavy accel from 3 - 6000 RPM's ( ??Exhaust Leak?? ).

All things considered, as much as it kills me, I am thinking about removing the system and going back to stock. Before I do so, I think I may take it to a shop to have it looked at to see if something wasn't done correctly on install. All of these secondary noises are seriously driving me insane! Anyone have any ideas here? Or similar occurences?

Hiss under decel. - will be there anytime you remove the cats
Hiss under accel. - means an improper install or a leak
The car is know for rattles, and mine has a rattle in the hatch while stock.
Rattle near the header area may mean a bolt was not torqued down properly

gomer_110 03-27-2012 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by osbornsm (Post 1623577)
I don't suppose i could be greedy and as for vids of the preceding descriptions?

If you can wait till Fri/Sat I should have my non-res CBE installed and could take a video.

The Dimer 03-27-2012 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by osbornsm (Post 1623577)
I don't suppose i could be greedy and as for vids of the preceding descriptions?

The problem with your request isn't the availability of videos, it's the availability of the videos from similar equipment (cameras) and similar tests (revs, drive-by, etc). Every camera is going to pic up the sound of the exhaust a little different. Unfortunately the only way to get a really good comparison would be to have all three setups in front of you in person.

mrcoolguyface 03-27-2012 02:26 PM

Non Res CBE Non Res Test Pipes...

Idle with Revs, and a quick Drive by vid... Surprisingly enough, with the volume up a bit, if playing through something with nice speakers the idle with revs video is extremely close to real life. Check them out!

Roadster4Us 03-27-2012 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by osbornsm (Post 1623310)
Okay there's 500 pages of FI exhausts, and i need a little help...

Is there a comparo of sound with JUST the catback? (no HFC or test pipes)
- Non-Res
- 12" Res
- 18" Res

I'm trying to decide which to order.

I will be keeping the OEM cats so just looking to compare before i pull the trigger.

Thanks all!!

There is a really good video on the Fast Intentions site 370Z page. It's of a stock cats with 12".

As previously stated, trying to compare will be difficult without the same recording device used.

Tony is great at talking you through the right system based on what you are looking for.

TerribleONE 03-27-2012 02:32 PM

this thread may be able to help you out!

ZMan8 03-27-2012 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by The Dimer (Post 1623627)
The problem with your request isn't the availability of videos, it's the availability of the videos from similar equipment (cameras) and similar tests (revs, drive-by, etc). Every camera is going to pic up the sound of the exhaust a little different. Unfortunately the only way to get a really good comparison would be to have all three setups in front of you in person.

well he heard non res. + long tube headers last Sunday, and will probably hear 18" res. this sunday if he comes :tup:

osbornsm 03-27-2012 05:47 PM

Don't forget to check the cross brace at the rear axle... I have a piece of industrial robber in there to stop that rattle... So check your clearance there.

reldas 03-27-2012 11:13 PM

grr my exhaust has been stuck at customs for 2 days, i wont be getting it till friday now. damn UPS

XwChriswX 03-28-2012 04:41 AM

I have a rattle in the trunk as well around 2k rpms. Just can't seem to figure out exactly where/what it is. I believe it's just a interior panel reverberating against a body panel but just don't know which one it is to put something between them. It's not a defect, it's just resonance. Anyone have a similar noise and found the source so I might have an idea of where to start looking?

Verbal21 03-28-2012 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by Roadster4Us (Post 1623643)
There is a really good video on the Fast Intentions site 370Z page. It's of a stock cats with 12".

As previously stated, trying to compare will be difficult without the same recording device used.

Tony is great at talking you through the right system based on what you are looking for.

That's why I'm having difficulty making a choice. I love the sound these make but don't want the noise too high and with different camera's, it's tough to decide which sound I can take before I think it becomes too loud.

Dembflyr 03-28-2012 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1625027)
I have a rattle in the trunk as well around 2k rpms. Just can't seem to figure out exactly where/what it is. I believe it's just a interior panel reverberating against a body panel but just don't know which one it is to put something between them. It's not a defect, it's just resonance. Anyone have a similar noise and found the source so I might have an idea of where to start looking?

I have a similar noise. I removed every panel in the hatch area and it was still there. I haven tried it yet but I read that there is a counter weight on the hatch that can rattle sometimes. It's under the plastic panel on the hatch. That is one of the things on my list to check out soon.

But as of right now everything within 30 feet of my car resonates at all rpm. :D Hopefully not for much longer.

FPenvy 03-28-2012 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by XwChriswX (Post 1625027)
I have a rattle in the trunk as well around 2k rpms. Just can't seem to figure out exactly where/what it is. I believe it's just a interior panel reverberating against a body panel but just don't know which one it is to put something between them. It's not a defect, it's just resonance. Anyone have a similar noise and found the source so I might have an idea of where to start looking?

i get a bit of resonance rattle at like 2500rpm but it sounds like its more under the car than my hatch. whenever i put my car on the rack for its spring oil change I'm gonna check to see if that pesky heat shield isn't bent back enough. also see if its touching anywhere else as well. i highly doubt that since it's such a perfect fitting system but i just want to know where that sound is coming from lol :mad:

PaulZ370 03-28-2012 11:05 AM

#473 is shipping today
... For all of you guyZ (and galZs?) who are counting the days for your FI exhaust to ship (...and I was one of you for the past few weeks till just a few minutes ago), Build #473 is shipping to me today... :happydance: :excited: :icon17:

Thank you Tony and the Crew at FI for all of your hard work and keeping the promised scheduled ship date...! :tup: :tiphat:

speedfreek 03-28-2012 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Verbal21 (Post 1625035)
That's why I'm having difficulty making a choice. I love the sound these make but don't want the noise too high and with different camera's, it's tough to decide which sound I can take before I think it becomes too loud.

I am in the same boat. I think if you are worried at all about how loud is too loud then go with the 18". I am on the fence of whether I want to go with the 12" but don't want to regret it. So if I can't find someone local to hear one in person so I can hear it inside the car as well. Then I will probably go with the 18". Then it will be HFC or TP's. Decisions Decisions.

Anyone disagree and want to talk me into going with the 12" and I won't be disappointed? I want it louder than stock with a nice sound which the FI delivers. I just don't want to have any drone while cruising around town as this is my DD. So there lies my dilemma. Anyone who has heard both in person and can comment on how much louder the 12" is over the 18" please do.

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