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Pat C. 05-12-2013 10:27 PM

Was wondering that too.
Had wondered if anyone else had one of these systems up here. Pretty damn expensive to get this box shipped, but no fault to FI. By the way, what's up with the license plate frames? Would at least like to see what one looks like.
Also, was really glad I backed out on the high flow cats. Was only able to "safely" get my car off the ground about 1 foot. With this little of working area, I wouldn't have stood a chance for installing the cats...
On a side note, the 12" resonators sound perfect to my ears. Nice rumble without being too harsh. Screw my neighbors, they all have barking dogs and screaming kids i'm supposed to put up with!!
Finally reached 60 degrees the other day. Maybe we will have summer after all.

Kabestro 05-12-2013 10:49 PM

Speaking of the shipping, Tony mentioned to me he had shipped to Puerto Rico, who has the F.I. exhaust down here in P.R.? I've seen a couple of Z's over here but no exhaust. Can't wait for #730. :driving:

mts 05-13-2013 09:50 AM

Any chance we can get an update to the "big list"? I know I was told 12-14 weeks when I ordered. 3+ months is a long time for an exhaust and I had hoped FI would ramp up production since the demand was so high and meet that target easy. However, from what I can tell from the ones that have shipped out, FI has spent time on the turbo project and is actually behind a pace that would meet 12-14 weeks on the exhaust systems. I have a lapping day in early August and I thought I would easily have the exhaust by then, but I am beginning to think that's unliklely.

kfull 05-13-2013 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by mts (Post 2313286)
Any chance we can get an update to the "big list"? I know I was told 12-14 weeks when I ordered. 3+ months is a long time for an exhaust and I had hoped FI would ramp up production since the demand was so high and meet that target easy. However, from what I can tell from the ones that have shipped out, FI has spent time on the turbo project and is actually behind a pace that would meet 12-14 weeks on the exhaust systems. I have a lapping day in early August and I thought I would easily have the exhaust by then, but I am beginning to think that's unliklely.

I wouldn't expect an update until at least next week since the fi crew is at zdayz which runs until the 16th I believe.

KaienZ34 05-13-2013 10:50 AM

If they said 12-14 then i'm sure it will ship in that time frame, no one has forgotten about you. Will it get to you early, I wouldn't think so if they could be done in less time they would have given you a shorter wait time.

Kabestro 05-13-2013 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by mts (Post 2313286)
Any chance we can get an update to the "big list"? I know I was told 12-14 weeks when I ordered. 3+ months is a long time for an exhaust and I had hoped FI would ramp up production since the demand was so high and meet that target easy. However, from what I can tell from the ones that have shipped out, FI has spent time on the turbo project and is actually behind a pace that would meet 12-14 weeks on the exhaust systems. I have a lapping day in early August and I thought I would easily have the exhaust by then, but I am beginning to think that's unliklely.

Well seeing your #763 and I'm #730 and still haven't received mine, you have a couple more weeks to go. I know for sure #717 shipped.

mts 05-13-2013 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kabestro (Post 2313485)
Well seeing your #763 and I'm #730 and still haven't received mine, you have a couple more weeks to go. I know for sure #717 shipped.

It will be a lot longer than a couple weeks for me and I was prepared for that. From what I can see from the thread 695 shipped on 4/5 and 717 shipped on 5/9 or basically 5 weeks later. So averaging somewhere between 4-5 units per week. It is what it is, I knew it would be a long wait when I made the one held a gun to my head when I ordered and I was fully prepared to wait until early July. However, if it becomes pretty clear that it will be into August before mine is ready I'd probably rather go ahead an eat the deposit now and go a different direction vs. waiting until the last minute when I may struggle to secure an alternative timely.

KaienZ34 05-13-2013 01:28 PM

The average has always been 4-5 per week. In stead of losing your deposit I've seen people sell/transfer their spot to someone else. They contacted tony and he worked it out from what I remember.

binary0x01 05-13-2013 02:24 PM

My buddy was in his car about 100 feet behind me and said the exhaust sounds really awesome. I never get to hear it cuz i'm inside (even though with windows open most of the time so I can hear it in a different way). FI do really good work, keep it up guys :)

mts 05-13-2013 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by KaienZ34 (Post 2313618)
The average has always been 4-5 per week. In stead of losing your deposit I've seen people sell/transfer their spot to someone else. They contacted tony and he worked it out from what I remember.

I may have to try that. I also wonder if I could talk someone ahead of me into swapping spots with me + cash.

gSwift 05-13-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by mts (Post 2313699)
I may have to try that. I also wonder if I could talk someone ahead of me into swapping spots with me + cash.

Just speaking for myself here but it would take a pretty substantial amount of money for me to give up my spot. :stirthepot:

Sales@F.I. Inc. 05-13-2013 04:07 PM

I just wanted to chime in here and thank everyone for being so patient. We are running on schedule and your estimated shipping window you were given on your invoice is still valid, production has not slowed down at all! We were very careful when working on the prototype Z and the Twin Turbo kit that production did not suffer from it, as our customers come first! If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to shoot me a PM. Hope to see some of you at ZDayZ!

Thank you, Blake :tiphat:

F.I. Inc. 05-14-2013 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by mts (Post 2313611)
It will be a lot longer than a couple weeks for me and I was prepared for that. From what I can see from the thread 695 shipped on 4/5 and 717 shipped on 5/9 or basically 5 weeks later. So averaging somewhere between 4-5 units per week. It is what it is, I knew it would be a long wait when I made the one held a gun to my head when I ordered and I was fully prepared to wait until early July. However, if it becomes pretty clear that it will be into August before mine is ready I'd probably rather go ahead an eat the deposit now and go a different direction vs. waiting until the last minute when I may struggle to secure an alternative timely.

I understand how you feel and where you are coming from. Just to shed a little light here. Right now we are running at the beginning of everyone's shipping window. That window is a 2 week window. About 6 weeks ago we were running towards the end of the window. So in 6 weeks we have effectively picked up 2 weeks in production. Now our goal is to get all of your systems out as early as possible. It does not benefit us to hold on to your order any longer than we have to. Now if you see that only 4-5 370 systems ship per week it is because there are G37,G35 & 350 systems in there as well. Between every Z/G platform we build on a first come first serve basis. On an average, we build and ship 7-9 systems per week. Less than 6 months ago a good week was building 6 systems. We have found a way to effectively build 2-3 more systems per week and not have the quality suffer. What we have seen happen is as production has ramped up, so have the new orders. I also believe that the birth of the turbo kit is helping drive exhaust sales.

Now when I am putting lead times on invoices I am purposely over estimating. I also have started writing on the invoice that the est. shipping window is a "worst case scenario".

On a final note:
As Blake stated above, the turbo kit has not affected production at all! That was a #1 concern with us when we started that project. The way the kit is designed that once in production is will be very self sufficient opposed to how much labor goes in to building each exhaust system. As always, we appreciate every customers support and business.

If anyone has any questions at all, please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions.

Thank you, Tony

kfull 05-16-2013 01:11 PM

So has anyone's exhaust shipped recently? And what#?:ughdance:

chii370 05-16-2013 01:59 PM

if i have the JDM version nismo frame brace kit installed...... will an aftermarket exhaust fit? can ask the same for the front brace as well with the FI TT kit. seeing as the intercooler, oil cooler and all that crap will be crammed up front. no sense in putting it on if i have to remove 2 of the 3 pieces of the kit just for my exhaust and TT.

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