03-16-2012 06:45 PM |
so i chopped off my resonators....
Ok, so being I seriously want to go FI so I figured gettin an exhaust now will have serious trade-offs and be potentially costly.
If I get a turbo exhaust now? For 18 months or so I will most likely be losing unnecessary torque until I get an actual turbo. If I get a NA exhaust now it won't be as beneficial. I can wait and drive around in this HOOTTT azz car with a Bit*CHY exhaust or I can just chop off the resonators till turbo time comes....
Well, I was shocked how chopping off a resonator can really wake this car up in sound and a little bit in performance. Well on thing I noticed was a mild torque loss in principle accel. Only like the first 2k. But you have to really be searching to notice. Then 2k-4k is exactly the same. Over 4k there's a slight increase in torque feel.
Mind you, chopping off the res is not going to give you any real performance gain. But it felt like it just changed when performance kicks in a little but. You notice it more on full accel vs brisk accel. Brisk accel feels the same to slightly less and full feels slightly more.
Its nuts. Its what the VQ should sound like. I thought maybe I would need a G muffler swap to get the VQ sound. Its actually the resonator NOT the muffler killing the VQ sound it is LOUD. Nothing changes in cruising speed. But you will always hear your exhaust whether slight accel or gunning it. Turning the car on always sounds aggressive. Whether HOT or COLD start. That's what I love most about the res-chop. I think a Y pipe and HFC will be enough as far as sound till I go turbo.
$45 A RES which adds up to $90.
I put this in general discussions cuz I'm just sharing some info and an experience. If you guys feel this belongs in the Intake exhaust area? Then kool. Sorry if I Fked up. :)