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FromG2Z 04-18-2011 01:38 PM

Intake + Exhaust = what hp gains overall?
Hi all... after I got my CBE installed this past weekend, I am getting smitten by the "light" mod bug. I was debating between K&N drop-ins or just WIX filters for now, then maybe doing a G3 intake next time, when funds become available.

My question is this... I KNOW I have read all over here before of folks that have dyno'd their G3's and their CBE's either alone or together, but I can't seem to find the actual graphs of both of them together.

Can someone please either link me or point me or tell me what WHP gains I can see from just doing a G3 intake paired with a good quality CBE? I know I have seen folks get up to the 300whp range with just those 2 mods? I plan on keeping the stock cats and headers... just those 2 mods mentioned is all I plan to do. What do you think I will be laying down? anyone have graphs?


p.s. Anyone's thoughts on WIX filters that run them in the stock intakes??? I'm worried about the K&N oil/MAF issue and also costs a lot more :ugh2:

kielbasa16 04-18-2011 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1060018)
Hi all... after I got my CBE installed this past weekend, I am getting smitten by the "light" mod bug. I was debating between K&N drop-ins or just WIX filters for now, then maybe doing a G3 intake next time, when funds become available.

My question is this... I KNOW I have read all over here before of folks that have dyno'd their G3's and their CBE's either alone or together, but I can't seem to find the actual graphs of both of them together.

Can someone please either link me or point me or tell me what WHP gains I can see from just doing a G3 intake paired with a good quality CBE? I know I have seen folks get up to the 300whp range with just those 2 mods? I plan on keeping the stock cats and headers... just those 2 mods mentioned is all I plan to do. What do you think I will be laying down? anyone have graphs?


p.s. Anyone's thoughts on WIX filters that run them in the stock intakes??? I'm worried about the K&N oil/MAF issue and also costs a lot more :ugh2:

Intake and cat-back together will yield between 15-20 increase in HP if you keep your stock cats, sorry no graph though. This thread should be in the intake/exhaust section.

christian370z 04-18-2011 01:51 PM

I recommend not doing the panel filters and just wait until you are able to do it right and get the G3 intakes. Most people see a 15-20rwhp gain over stock with the G3/CBE combination, I personally dyno'd at 310rwhp with G3 intakes and Berk HFCs with the stock CBE which was on par if not higher than other 370zs with intakes and a cat back on the same dyno.

I never did a baseline however.

FromG2Z 04-18-2011 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by kielbasa16 (Post 1060030)
Intake and cat-back together will yield between 15-20 increase in HP if you keep your stock cats, sorry no graph though. This thread should be in the intake/exhaust section.

Thanks for the response. 15-20 whp right?

And yes, if this is in the wrong section, please move mods. I figured, it'd have more visibility here, and also since I'm talking about hp gains overall, maybe it'd be fine here???


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 1060038)
I recommend not doing the panel filters and just wait until you are able to do it right and get the G3 intakes. Most people see a 15-20rwhp gain over stock with the G3/CBE combination, I personally dyno'd at 310rwhp with G3 intakes and Berk HFCs with the stock CBE which was on par if not higher than other 370zs with intakes and a cat back on the same dyno.

I never did a baseline however.

holy moly... 310whp from just G3 and HFC, and using stock CBE?!?!?!?! wow.

Question then, since I have my CBE now, if I go with the G3 and also go with say, a Berk or FI HFC, would I need a tune to run all 3 mods?!?!? Or can the stock ECU run it safely?

christian370z 04-18-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1060057)
holy moly... 310whp from just G3 and HFC, and using stock CBE?!?!?!?! wow.

Question then, since I have my CBE now, if I go with the G3 and also go with say, a Berk or FI HFC, would I need a tune to run all 3 mods?!?!? Or can the stock ECU run it safely?

I would highly recommend at least getting your A/F ratio checked if you install G3 intakes which would be done if you get it dyno'd. Intakes have a tendency to lean the A/F ratio out which in my case and many others, it too lean for comfort (I had some detonation) which a tune took care of for me.

kielbasa16 04-18-2011 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1060057)
Thanks for the response. 15-20 whp right?

And yes, if this is in the wrong section, please move mods. I figured, it'd have more visibility here, and also since I'm talking about hp gains overall, maybe it'd be fine here???

holy moly... 310whp from just G3 and HFC, and using stock CBE?!?!?!?! wow.

Question then, since I have my CBE now, if I go with the G3 and also go with say, a Berk or FI HFC, would I need a tune to run all 3 mods?!?!? Or can the stock ECU run it safely?

Yep, 15-20 whp. Not to downplay Christians 310 whp, but what you are more interested in is the difference from your baseline. Every dyno provides different results, so the net gain is more important than the peak numbers. A tune after those mods is not required, but many (myself included) do it because it will help clean up the A/F ratio and you may be able to squeeze out a few more ponies.

Cmike2780 04-18-2011 02:06 PM

The Drop-in's add about 5-8 hp (see thread below) with a little more if you decide to add HPS Tubes.

Over-oiling with the K&N's is a non-issue as long as you follow the re-oiling instructions.

You can reach the over the 300 rwhp mark with a CBE and CAI, maybe a little more with an Uprev Tune. Every car is different and every dyno is different, so your gains should be based on baseline readings anyways.

FromG2Z 04-18-2011 03:09 PM

Thanks for the feedback guys... yeah so for now, will be sticking with drop in panel filters, but am debating between going K&N or just using high quality paper filters like Wix or the like.

Anybody here use Wix filters??? If so, your thoughts? I tried searching for Wix, but I don't know how to make it search for only 3 letters :(

Cmike2780 04-18-2011 03:23 PM

You can go AFE Dry filters if your afraid of the "oiling issue."

HKS is also worth a try, they cost a little less than the K & N's. Paper filters likes WIX are pretty much the same as OEM. I would just stick with the OEM Nissan filters if you want to go that route.

Like I said, nothing wrong with going with the K&N's. The Stillen Gen 3's use cone type K&N's.

Red__Zed 04-18-2011 03:51 PM

Should be able to to see 15-20. You might see more off HFC's than intakes though.

christian370z 04-18-2011 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by kielbasa16 (Post 1060086)
Yep, 15-20 whp. Not to downplay Christians 310 whp, but what you are more interested in is the difference from your baseline. Every dyno provides different results, so the net gain is more important than the peak numbers. A tune after those mods is not required, but many (myself included) do it because it will help clean up the A/F ratio and you may be able to squeeze out a few more ponies.

I realize that, which is why I only compared my power output to other 370s on the same dyno. Almost all stock Zs will yield very similar results on the same dyno assuming they were properly broken in and have no outstanding issues.

wdkwang 04-18-2011 11:14 PM

i made 300whp with k&n intakes and borla catback

hotdog 04-19-2011 12:26 AM

i would say like 50HP, with a exhaust with a filter, to help with the Ox2 sensor to help with back fire and help with LOW/ HIgh end power. but then it might be a trans to help with a good custom tune. so the O2 air flow can cesspool, the reactor in time

CrownR426 04-19-2011 12:28 AM

You should also get a high flow cat or test pipe!

christian370z 04-19-2011 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by hotdog (Post 1061103)
i would say like 50HP, with a exhaust with a filter, to help with the Ox2 sensor to help with back fire and help with LOW/ HIgh end power. but then it might be a trans to help with a good custom tune. so the O2 air flow can cesspool, the reactor in time

Reported, get lost spam.

hotdog 04-19-2011 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 1061229)
Reported, get lost spam.

not really spam.

spearfish25 04-19-2011 06:53 AM

Just gibberish?

FromG2Z 04-19-2011 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by wdkwang (Post 1061026)
i made 300whp with k&n intakes and borla catback

K&N drop-in intakes?!?!?!? plus an exhaust is 300whp? Holy moly. No other mods? Isn't that kindda high. I wonder what gains I have right now by just adding an exhaust, with no other mods. Did I gain like 15whp? (no access to a dyno in my small timbuktu town :()

As far as K&N drop-ins... aside from the worry about fouling the MAF sensor (I am still on the fence regarding this... seen both sides of story), what I am worried about are more the particulates that get in. I mean this from the standpoint that I noticed on my G35, that since I switched to K&N, my oil was a lot darker than pre-K&N. Not sure if there's any truth to that at all... but I also read around that some folks did notice that too. Now what that means.... I would be led to believe that the engine is simply running dirtier... maybe someone else can enlighten me on that topic.


Originally Posted by hotdog (Post 1061103)
i would say like 50HP, with a exhaust with a filter, to help with the Ox2 sensor to help with back fire and help with LOW/ HIgh end power. but then it might be a trans to help with a good custom tune. so the O2 air flow can cesspool, the reactor in time


Originally Posted by CrownR426 (Post 1061105)
You should also get a high flow cat or test pipe!

Yes, I am thinking about getting HFC's instead of getting a CAI. So if I have a CBE and HFC's, is a tune needed? I would like to NOT get a tune... don't want to void the warranty just yet. Maybe in a couple of years ;)


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 1061229)
Reported, get lost spam.

Can someone tell me why his post was spam? After reading it, seems like a normal post.... maybe I'm naive :(

christian370z 04-19-2011 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1061458)
Can someone tell me why his post was spam? After reading it, seems like a normal post.... maybe I'm naive :(

He was spamming other threads with complete gibberish, I don't see how does "o2 airflow can cesspool" sounds normal or makes sense as can be said about the rest of the post. FYI, a cesspool is a large pit to dispose sewage or refuse.

wdkwang 04-19-2011 11:45 AM

1 Attachment(s)
i personally dont think 300whp is high but i have the k&n short ram intakes and borla exhaust. it did get a ecu tune.
our z's make 276whp stock, so my numbers are relatively average

wdkwang 04-19-2011 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by hotdog (Post 1061103)
i would say like 50HP, with a exhaust with a filter, to help with the Ox2 sensor to help with back fire and help with LOW/ HIgh end power. but then it might be a trans to help with a good custom tune. so the O2 air flow can cesspool, the reactor in time

lawl wat :icon18::shakes head:

Red__Zed 04-19-2011 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by wdkwang (Post 1061785)
lawl wat :icon18::shakes head:

my thoughts exactly.

Cmike2780 04-19-2011 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1061458)

As far as K&N drop-ins... aside from the worry about fouling the MAF sensor (I am still on the fence regarding this... seen both sides of story), what I am worried about are more the particulates that get in. I mean this from the standpoint that I noticed on my G35, that since I switched to K&N, my oil was a lot darker than pre-K&N. Not sure if there's any truth to that at all... but I also read around that some folks did notice that too. Now what that means.... I would be led to believe that the engine is simply running dirtier... maybe someone else can enlighten me on that topic.

The oil color after several cycles can very depending on the type of oil you use. The darkening happens when the oil absorbs carbon deposits from detonation. I could be wrong, but I'm assuming low grade gasoline would have this effect. The K&N filters out the same amount of particles as paper filters if oiled correctly. The oil is there to compensate for the larger openings. I have about 6k miles with my K&N's without any problems. I honestly don't know of anyone having the MAF sensor issue aside from unreliable sources.K&N Mass Air Flow Sensor Statement

FromG2Z 04-19-2011 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by christian370z (Post 1061658)
He was spamming other threads with complete gibberish, I don't see how does "o2 airflow can cesspool" sounds normal or makes sense as can be said about the rest of the post. FYI, a cesspool is a large pit to dispose sewage or refuse.

Makes sense now. What does an individual gain from spamming like that? It's not like he's selling anything... weird... and sad, at the same time.


Originally Posted by wdkwang (Post 1061783)
i personally dont think 300whp is high but i have the k&n short ram intakes and borla exhaust. it did get a ecu tune.
our z's make 276whp stock, so my numbers are relatively average

That makes sense. I've seen some stock Z's though, lay down 260 or less. Just a diff't dyno maybe? Either, yeah those are some great whp numbers man. Keep it up.


Originally Posted by Cmike2780 (Post 1061815)
The oil color after several cycles can very depending on the type of oil you use. The darkening happens when the oil absorbs carbon deposits from detonation. I could be wrong, but I'm assuming low grade gasoline would have this effect. The K&N filters out the same amount of particles as paper filters if oiled correctly. The oil is there to compensate for the larger openings. I have about 6k miles with my K&N's without any problems. I honestly don't know of anyone having the MAF sensor issue aside from unreliable sources.K&N Mass Air Flow Sensor Statement

Yeah, like I said, whether it's hearsay or not, not sure which is true. Not saying anything was wrong with my K&N filter... I never oiled it... had it on the G for 1-1/2 years, then I traded her in. But I remember before I changed to K&N, when I changed the oil, it was mostly "newer" looking. It's been on Mobil 1 since day one of ownership, with an OEM air filter. Then switched to K&N, then oil started getting darker every change. Like I said weird.... I didn't experience ANY problems whatsoever, and I did notice more giddyup from the butt dyno. I just found it odd that my oil started getting darker. G was stock other than air filter.

Andy5959 11-10-2012 02:41 PM

Intakes with Stock Exhaust PLEASE HELP!!!
I need help! Can somebody tell me if i will lose or gain power if i put intakes with stock exhaust?

djpheer 11-11-2012 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Andy5959 (Post 2009489)
I need help! Can somebody tell me if i will lose or gain power if i put intakes with stock exhaust?


Zoren 370 11-11-2012 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by FromG2Z (Post 1062149)
But I remember before I changed to K&N, when I changed the oil, it was mostly "newer" looking. It's been on Mobil 1 since day one of ownership, with an OEM air filter. Then switched to K&N, then oil started getting darker every change. Like I said weird.... I didn't experience ANY problems whatsoever, and I did notice more giddyup from the butt dyno. I just found it odd that my oil started getting darker. G was stock other than air filter.

Im not a mechanic but my only explanation about that since you change your filters to K&N you actually increased the airflow therefore an increase in air flow = increase in combustion in the chambers equates to generating more HP and more heat inside the engine causes the oil to burn faster thus its more darker.

More air + right amount of fuel injected = More Combustion= Inc HP = more fuel efficiency.

But nothing wrong with that in fact my mechanic told me it just means your car is running more efficiently when your oil becomes darker in time for your scheduled oil change.

To me it made sense.

Gibby1113 01-09-2013 03:53 PM

Question about this exhaust
I am thinking of getting something similar that has been mentioned. I am wondering about getting k&n cai, invidia gemini cbe, unorthodox or stillen pulleys, and I am undecided on which HFCs to get. I want more power but without making my exhaust raspy or having a lot of noise in the cabin. Any recommendations??? Any feedback is much appreciated, thanks.

Zoren 370 01-09-2013 06:47 PM

I do have a Z1 HFC so far no rasp but to get out of the noise inside the cabin is quite impossible because as you free up your exhaust it does makes a lot of noise. But you will love it for sure. In fact I come to a point where I feel its to quiet for me now.
Thinking of getting a test pipe in the future. The Ark HFC is a nice recommendation but I find it to expensive. Berk HFC is another option comparable to Z1.

Gibby1113 01-11-2013 12:50 AM

What is the difference between the Z1, berk, and invidia hfc?

SS_Firehawk 01-11-2013 01:42 AM

primariy differences with HFC's are cell count (200 or 300 [lower cell = freer flowing]), if they are metallic or ceramic, and whether they are resonated or not.

DEpointfive0 01-11-2013 02:21 AM

I just dyno'd 321/268
Test pipes
Stillen exhaust


SS_Firehawk 01-11-2013 02:22 AM

What type of dyno?

DEpointfive0 01-11-2013 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2104531)
What type of dyno?

I'll email you the results

SS_Firehawk 01-11-2013 03:43 AM

Looking at the graphs, the TP's and exhaust are done in 5th. And when the intake is put on, it was in 4th. 5th cut out because it hit the speed limiter at 6700rpm and was still pulling! 4th gear ran up to red line, and did make the higher number. Everywhere in the curve though is showing the first run would have made more power than the second. But running in two different gears skews the results slightly. I think your second set of runs if done in 5th gear will paint a better picture, even if you can't take it up to redline.

Having said all of this, you either have a freak car or that dynojet is being generous! Both dynojets I ran have me down 11whp and 22lbft. Not that we can directly compare them, but my mods list was pretty extensive. Even if I swapped out my cat for a resonator, I might equal your TP's and exhaust number. Not only that, but your a 7AT. Either way, your numbers make good forum fodder.

If your near GTM, maybe run a pass or two there and then we could directly compare! Though admittedly, my car did not have time to acclimate to the elevation and weather change and only had one pass. GTM pulled it off the truck, and backed it into the dyno lol.

chrischhorn 01-11-2013 03:55 AM

This is my dyno from a few weeks back as I wanted a baseline for where I was at to where I'm gonna be after my Momentum headers install, intake manifold and a tune. This is on a 6sp. Run 3 was actually in 4th gear and 1,2, and 4 were 5th gear. My AFR's actually look amazing for no tune! Just a little rich at the end. Bolt ons are K&N intake, Stillen HFC's, CNT Exhaust. Havent been back yet as my test pipes are taking longer to get here then originally estimated..... They got shipped by boat instead of air....
New dyno's will be with Momentum headers, Top Speed resonated test pipes, and a pre and post tune. Then probably another one after my M370 manifold.

DEpointfive0 01-11-2013 03:57 AM

The reason I sent those were as a baseline with mods vs MY intake manifold

Glad you liked the dyno run, I'll get the print out of a stock run on the same dyno... Not MY car though

Originally Posted by SS_Firehawk (Post 2104557)
Looking at the graphs, the TP's and exhaust are done in 5th. And when the intake is put on, it was in 4th. 5th cut out because it hit the speed limiter at 6700rpm and was still pulling! 4th gear ran up to red line, and did make the higher number. Everywhere in the curve though is showing the first run would have made more power than the second. But running in two different gears skews the results slightly. I think your second set of runs if done in 5th gear will paint a better picture, even if you can't take it up to redline.

Having said all of this, you either have a freak car or that dynojet is being generous! Both dynojets I ran have me down 11whp and 22lbft. Not that we can directly compare them, but my mods list was pretty extensive. Even if I swapped out my cat for a resonator, I might equal your TP's and exhaust number. Not only that, but your a 7AT. Either way, your numbers make good forum fodder.

If your near GTM, maybe run a pass or two there and then we could directly compare! Though admittedly, my car did not have time to acclimate to the elevation and weather change and only had one pass. GTM pulled it off the truck, and backed it into the dyno lol.

DEpointfive0 01-11-2013 03:58 AM

And SS:

You pay for the dyno runs, I'll go run there!:tup:

DEpointfive0 01-11-2013 04:21 AM

SS_Firehawk 01-11-2013 05:26 AM

Screw you all and your freak motors! Mine did 265whp (SAE Dynojet) 222 lbft tq stock. Don't get confused if you look at my dyno's in my thread, most are in DIN, I was converting it with Winpep.

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