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fuct 01-20-2011 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by ddvette9 (Post 903687)
i dont have videos YET, but i have this anonymous ebay 80 dollar y-pipe and the top speed exhaust and I am and have been running both together. Simply put, both paired together absolutely RIP. I spent about 600 for both and my car screams now. The y pipe added a lot of grunt in 1st and 2nd and around parking lots and what not and then the exhaust obv rips once VVT kicks in. BUt overall I have the system, have been running it for some time, and it rips loud, aggressive, exotic etc, dont hesistate because of the price. Im living proof that both pieces work well together and sound great. Headed back for dyno numbers soon now that I installed the Y-pipe to see if I picled up a couple horses

our VVT is smooth and linear. not a lil kick like the old vtech hondas.

TypeOne 01-20-2011 01:49 PM

Just to clarify... you should never be able to FEEL VTEC in a Honda. If you do... someone isn't tuning it properly.


Kastley85891 01-20-2011 02:30 PM

GT35 / 42R masks all ;-)

fuct 01-20-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by TypeOne (Post 904104)
Just to clarify... you should never be able to FEEL VTEC in a Honda. If you do... someone isn't tuning it properly.


i had a stock GSR and yes you could tell when the cam changed due to the vtech system activating. its not a strong hit but its something you can hear and feel. our VVT works much different.

but who the hell cares...... :)

TypeOne 01-20-2011 03:48 PM

Hondas are my first love, I've been building them for the last 10 or so years. From the Hondata training classes I've been to, VTEC crossover should be tuned to be smooth and linear.

In a stock car, you'll hear it... but it shouldn't be a sudden change in power. You know, it was explained to me that it shouldn't be a burst of power. With the newer engines in the RSX, TSX the change is audible but the "pop" or "surge" is far less predominant when you stomp on it.


cotizi 01-20-2011 08:43 PM

got mine today, have FI catback right now, will install this y-pipe with stock exhaust and compare how it sounds. probably will end up going with top-speed back section.

Kastley85891 01-20-2011 09:09 PM

Do me a favor, do a weight comparo of the top speed to the stock mid/muffler would ya

halogodx 01-21-2011 07:51 AM

I'm intrested in getting it.

Do you need to tune it after you put it on ?,

Second can u just take out that part and put this one in or do you need to take out your entire exhaust behind it to install it ?

Finally, Have anyone done this with the spacer mod on the muffler ?, where you replace your gasket with 4 spacers, if so what results, sound wise ?


Kastley85891 01-21-2011 08:11 AM

Negative on tune, 20 min install, rear section and cats stay where they are during install, flex joints and a little push and shuve, easy....

Done spacer mod, personally I dont like an induced leak, prefer to do a shorty chop job or change the CBE.

NP on ?'s lots of guys here to help.

z... 01-21-2011 05:26 PM

how long did it take yall for your order to be confirmed after payment....? i havent heard anything from the seller and i payed on the 19th

Juruki 01-21-2011 05:54 PM

Just placed my order!
Thx for the link

Kastley85891 01-21-2011 05:57 PM

Reps appreciated lol

god dam that seller owes me...

jaycz 01-21-2011 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by z... (Post 906292)
how long did it take yall for your order to be confirmed after payment....? i havent heard anything from the seller and i payed on the 19th

Same here, nothing via email, but it arrived just fine. No worries.

Svre46 01-21-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by z... (Post 906292)
how long did it take yall for your order to be confirmed after payment....? i havent heard anything from the seller and i payed on the 19th

I had a email after a day or so with tracking info.

TypeOne 01-22-2011 10:11 AM

Yea I got mine like 6 days after I bought.

Install was easy... I'll try to get a video today and post it of what it sounds like.

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