JC671 |
09-11-2012 02:17 AM |
Originally Posted by simota1
(Post 1910706)
i agree with you man with all the stuff you said.... but i still think the Z guys here are inactive and lack unity... there are maybe more than 40 370z's out here.. yet only a handful of us mod it (5 people)... i know ur still active.... ;) ive seen your car nice blacked out fangs bro btw :D the other 370z's out here have a stick up there *** or something each time i wave wasup or hi in my z.... they just give me the cold shoulder.... or floor it... WTF is that man? each time i see raised jeeps they wave at one another or acknowledge each other... that right there is awesome.... unity and friendliness.... if they have trails.. a boat load of em show up.... in packs even.... the 370z's out here and i even invite people who ive only meet once to attend meets... but no one ever shows up.... i post it on DG, facebook, and no one comes.... each meet ive ever put together only like 4-5 370z's was the most i had come together.... thats why i invite G's to come also and 350z's because if i were to put together a 370z meet solely 370z's.... it would be pathetic maybe what? 3-5? thats not a meet.. thats like friends just kicking back.... meet is like 10-20 strong....
how come you never come out to the meets anymore man?
i dont think a import nights or a good car show would ever come back here... not enough people to make a profit outa those big name car shows.... my personal reason why i mod my z... is self satisfaction.... i dont care about car shows here on guam... when i entered a car show and lost to damn "JDM" civic.... people out here arent aware or educated enough about our cars to even know the mods we put in them.... ill keep pushing my z to its maximum because i want to achieve its highest possible look.... and i dont race my z... for two reasons.... im a terrible driver when it comes to racing... and i have put to much time, money, and effort in my z....
I stopped coming out to the meets and to the track because of one thing. I got really bored with my car tithe point where I didn't wash it for over 4 months. I was so pissed that my Zex module box was acting up and not spraying all the time and the fact that the tune that I got from GTM was so freaking shitty that I'm trapping lower than stock times with all the mods I have N/A.
Till I talked to Navy boy (John). I just purchased another Zex module (didn't want to wait for Zex) to fix current one. Contacted UpRev for a better tune and ordered a bunch of other jets and some other goodies. I guess you can say I renewed my love for my car.
I just wasn't happy with the car after dumping alot into it and after I figured out that my tune was so shitty I just didn't want to deal with it until now. Navy Boy will be the first with his new part for the community ;-) and if all goes well I may follow his route.
Till then, I know I'm still the only N20 370z on Guam and once my tune finally gets right. I can't wait to find out the new numbers I'll be putting down at the track.
Just let me know Simota when the next meet is. I'll make it down if I'm not working.