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Total D 11-25-2019 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3891195)
PM sent, I am still in on this deal. XL shirt for me too....

Got you covered bro! Thanks for the continuing support. Always glad to see repeat clients! Cant wait to see your Z get in higher MPH runs.

Spooler 11-25-2019 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3891206)
Got you covered bro! Thanks for the continuing support. Always glad to see repeat clients! Cant wait to see your Z get in higher MPH runs.

Me and you both. Need some traction first.

Spooler 11-25-2019 09:42 PM

What pisses me off is I have traction from 3rd and up on the street. I had nothing and I mean nothing until 5th at the event I went too.

Total D 11-25-2019 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3891216)
Me and you both. Need some traction first.

I hear you bro, was good to see what you did on your current setup.

Spooler 11-25-2019 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3891219)
I hear you bro, was good to see what you did on your current setup.

I got's lots mo, lots mo.... LMAO...

Total D 11-26-2019 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3891230)
I got's lots mo, lots mo.... LMAO...

Well send it!!

beauz 11-28-2019 04:13 AM

Size L for me mate!

Total D 11-29-2019 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by beauz (Post 3891731)
Size L for me mate!

Updated sir!

Total D 12-04-2019 03:26 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Give you an idea of what the shirts look like.

Meant to take a pic of OP1 being finished and totally forgot, I apologize on that.

Also, OP2 started yesterday, so looking for that process to be done by beginning to middle of next week.

All pumps are in hand and going through our process before the gears go in. So, once the gears are finished and coated, we can put them in the pumps, QC, and then get the pumps out to you guys.

Thanks for yalls patience and support.

Let me know what yall think about the shirts as well.


V8Killer 12-05-2019 10:13 AM

How many extra pumps did you make?

Total D 12-06-2019 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by V8Killer (Post 3893183)
How many extra pumps did you make?

I have 5 extra, if anyone wants to get in while they are being done.

Total D 12-16-2019 02:17 AM

Small update: Material for the front covers is finally in. Should be able to get those machined this week.

OP2 is underway, so just waiting for each set of gear profiles to be cut.

Will keep you posted as each process is done.

Spooler 12-28-2019 04:46 PM

How are we doing? Do you know a timeframe yet?

Total D 01-01-2020 03:05 PM

Happy New Year guys! Apologize for the delay in response. Been going nonstop since my last update, between my job/travel in my professional career and holidays.

As for the update, I was told some of the gears were indeed done, and material for back plates has been cut, to start machining. Waiting on a response now for more in depth info , as I'm in the field.

I know this is all we are waiting on to be finished, before putting them in the pumps and shipping out.

Rusty 01-01-2020 07:09 PM

I was hoping that that you was going to say that you are shipping them. Because my wifey will be gone for a week, next week. So I wouldn't have to answer a bunch of questions of what was delivered.

JARblue 01-01-2020 07:24 PM

I'm excited and willing to endure any delays. Especially for the holidays. Hope y'all's was nothing but positive :xmas3:

It would be awesome to have them ready before the middle of Jan. I'm waiting to tow the vehicle to my neighborhood Z shop in the hopes that I can have it running and drive it in time my Feb 5 bday. Have new oil galley gaskets to go in and ready to pay for the labor. The SP billet oil pump gears (and billet housing) are a convenient upgrade that I have been drooling over for years :yum:

Total D 01-01-2020 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3898364)
I was hoping that that you was going to say that you are shipping them. Because my wifey will be gone for a week, next week. So I wouldn't have to answer a bunch of questions of what was delivered.

I wish I could be saying that as well sir. Trying to keep yall informed as best as I can. I'm just going off the info I'm given. I'll be headed in, in 2 weeks it's looking like, so hopefully I have some news for you guys before then. Send me an address and I'll send it wherever you want, to help avoid that.


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3898365)
I'm excited and willing to endure any delays. Especially for the holidays. Hope y'all's was nothing but positive :xmas3:

It would be awesome to have them ready before the middle of Jan. I'm waiting to tow the vehicle to my neighborhood Z shop in the hopes that I can have it running and drive it in time my Feb 5 bday. Have new oil galley gaskets to go in and ready to pay for the labor. The SP billet oil pump gears (and billet housing) are a convenient upgrade that I have been drooling over for years :yum:

Thanks man, appreciate that, it was good. I didnt get to spend Christmas day with the family due to the field, but drove 12hrs to see them the 26th, then drove 6hrs for a wedding, then drove back 6hrs to drop off suit and parts for R/D, then drove 12hrs back to work on the 30th. I'm dead and tired of driving lol.

Hopefully, I can get some more positive news for you guys asap. I dont want to promise any dates, as they seem to not be holding like I planned and I really apologize for that. They will get delivered though.

Thank you guys for being patient. Hope 2020 is a great year for everyone and is filled with happiness and good fortune.

Spooler 01-06-2020 10:11 AM

Do you think they will be finished in another month? It turns out I will need it for my 2nd motor build much quicker than I thought.

Total D 01-06-2020 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3899240)
Do you think they will be finished in another month? It turns out I will need it for my 2nd motor build much quicker than I thought.

Goal is to have them done and delivered by the end of this month.

Spooler 01-07-2020 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3899301)
Goal is to have them done and delivered by the end of this month.

That's perfect.

Total D 01-10-2020 08:44 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Making some headway on the gears. This isnt a fast process but we making gears. Just have to finish the rest and then they go to coating, into pumps, then out to you guys.

JARblue 01-10-2020 09:04 AM

Sexy :yum:

Total D 01-18-2020 09:26 AM

Little slow on updates, mom has been in ICU for a little over a week, has not been responsive until yesterday. Today she was a little more alert, but things are still foggy. Glad shes starting to come around, when I first drove in from work (12hr drive), I didnt think she was going to make it, it was that bad. Thank God for answered prayers and positive thoughts from friends and family.

However, in regards to the GB, all the gears are done. We are just finishing up the QC side of things, then will go to coating. The cover plates are being done as well.

Again, apologize for the delay in update.

JARblue 01-18-2020 10:03 AM

So sorry to hear about your mother's health. I hope she recovers fully :tiphat:

Hotrodz 01-18-2020 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by JARblue (Post 3901480)
So sorry to hear about your mother's health. I hope she recovers fully :tiphat:

:iagree: Take care of your mom because moms are more precious than cars. Many prayers and thoughts for you and your mom!

Total D 01-18-2020 09:56 PM

Thanks guys! While I am here at the hospital, the pumps are still moving forward. Didn't want to hold you guys up even longer, with me being up here at the hospital. I know some of you guys have some important builds, that yall are trying to get done before the race season starts. So, doing my best to make that happen. Thanks again for understanding and the support.

Total D 01-24-2020 12:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Little update for you guys, all 20 gear sets are now finished, just going over QC, to make sure everything spins freely.

As soon as the cover plates are finished, everything will be ready for install and shipping out. I apologize for the time frame, as I know many of you are just waiting on our pumps, for your projects.

Update on mom, shes doing better, shes out of ICU and in a regular room. She's still dealing with her kidneys being shut down and memory (slowly coming back). She is responding now, eating and drinking with a little help. So thank God for answering the prayers that been prayed and also the positive thoughts yall sent this way.

Thanks again

Rusty 01-24-2020 01:40 PM

Glad to hear your mom is doing better. :tup: She is still in my prayers. :tup:

Hotrodz 01-24-2020 02:15 PM

Agreed! Same here!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

Total D 01-30-2020 07:30 PM

Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Good news, mom seems to be making bigger steps towards recovery. She sat up today, walked a few steps with assistance, ate on her own, and is a lot more cognitive.

As for your pumps, the cover plates are on the last setup, so should be a day or two max, to get them finished. So I should be able to send the gears out for coating beginning of next week, install, QC and with everything checking off, get them out to you guys. Many thanks again for your patience and understanding of my situation with my mom.

Just trying my best to keep yall in the loop of things going on.

Thanks again.

Total D 02-03-2020 09:05 PM

Well good news on both topics.

Mom finally left the hospital today!! She has to go to a rehab center and stay there, so she can work towards being independent and not rely too much on others, well as best she can. Still have some work ahead, but shes making good progress.

For your oil pumps, plates and gears are all done. Will try and post some pics tomorrow. Now for coating, QC, install in pumps, and then get them out to you guys.

Thanks again for the support on both topics.

Hotrodz 02-03-2020 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3906123)
Well good news on both topics.

Mom finally left the hospital today!! She has to go to a rehab center and stay there, so she can work towards being independent and not rely too much on others, well as best she can. Still have some work ahead, but shes making good progress.

For your oil pumps, plates and gears are all done. Will try and post some pics tomorrow. Now for coating, QC, install in pumps, and then get them out to you guys.

Thanks again for the support on both topics.

That is awesome and great news all the way around. You also should have received the rest of my payment so life is good!

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

JARblue 02-03-2020 09:53 PM

Excellent news for your mother! Here's hoping for a continued positive and full recovery.

Payment sent as well :tiphat:

Total D 02-03-2020 10:02 PM

Put the list here, so we can see who's paid in full and also a few spots open, for anyone that didnt get a order in. Price will go back to normal once we start shipping.

1. JARblue (Paid in Full) XL
2. Rusty (Paid in Full) XL
3. Spooler (Paid in Full) XL
4. V8Killer (Deposit Paid) XL
5. Chuck33079 (Deposit Paid)
6. HotRodz (Paid in Full)XL
7. CV129 (Paid in Full)M
8. JB(FB) XL
9. EM (FB) (Deposit Paid) M
10. AH (FB) (Paid in Full) XL
11. NB (FB) (Deposit Paid) XL
12. VH (FB) (Deposit Paid)
13. Beauz (Depost Paid) L
14. etownsoccer17 (Deposit Paid) M
15. Leadfooted (Paid in Full) XL

Spooler 02-04-2020 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3906139)
Put the list here, so we can see who's paid in full and also a few spots open, for anyone that didnt get a order in. Price will go back to normal once we start shipping.

1. JARblue (Paid in Full) XL
2. Rusty (Deposit Paid) XL
3. Spooler (Deposit Paid) XL
4. V8Killer (Deposit Paid) XL
5. Chuck33079 (Deposit Paid)
6. HotRodz (Paid in Full)XL
7. CV129 (Deposit Paid)M
8. JB(FB) XL
9. EM (FB) (Deposit Paid) M
10. AH (FB) (Deposit Paid) XL
11. NB (FB) (Deposit Paid) XL
12. VH (FB) (Deposit Paid)
13. Beauz (Depost Paid) L
14. etownsoccer17 (Deposit Paid) M
15. Leadfooted (Deposit Paid) XL
16. Nick W. (Deposit Paid) L

I thought I paid in full. I will have to check my records.

Total D 02-04-2020 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3906205)
I thought I paid in full. I will have to check my records.

Yup, you're good as well bud.

Rusty 02-04-2020 12:05 PM

PM me on how much I need to send you.

Spooler 02-04-2020 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Total D (Post 3906221)
Yup, you're good as well bud.

Good deal, hope to have my 2nd motor build underway the end of February.

Leadfooted 02-04-2020 06:56 PM

I should be on the paid in full list

Total D 02-04-2020 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3906227)
PM me on how much I need to send you.

PM sent sir!


Originally Posted by Spooler (Post 3906233)
Good deal, hope to have my 2nd motor build underway the end of February.

Awesome, look forward to the build.


Originally Posted by Leadfooted (Post 3906341)
I should be on the paid in full list

Yes sir, have you noted above.

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