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antennahead 10-20-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by JollyGoodChap (Post 774048)
suck me beautiful

Her reply: "I could suck you till the end of time, but you'll never be beautiful" :bowrofl:

cuthysmalz2 10-21-2010 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by frost (Post 232065)
"Can we do it doggy style so I can watch Dexter?"

best one yet


JollyGoodChap 10-22-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by antennahead (Post 774426)
Her reply: "I could suck you till the end of time, but you'll never be beautiful" :bowrofl:

It was from the movie American pie. This is where punctuation comes into play.
"suck me, beautiful" is different than "suck me beautiful"

antennahead 10-22-2010 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by JollyGoodChap (Post 777255)
It was from the movie American pie. This is where punctuation comes into play.
"suck me, beautiful" is different than "suck me beautiful"

:iagree: I get it, that's why I made my joke, lack of a comma totally changes the meaning :tup:

JollyGoodChap 10-22-2010 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by antennahead (Post 777548)
:iagree: I get it, that's why I made my joke, lack of a comma totally changes the meaning :tup:

Well played sir, well played indeed

blue660r01 10-22-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by j.arnaldo (Post 277008)
God bless the owner of the cotton fields that provided the cotton to the transporter who delivered it to the textiles company that sold the processed material necessary for the woman who sewed the dress that covers your i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e body!

This still makes me LOL as much as it did at first

Zoren 370 05-03-2012 01:34 AM

Pick up lines 101
Hey BIG guys out there would you like to share some of your best pick up lines?
I'm just not good at this....Haha:icon14:

k20z3 05-03-2012 01:35 AM

"Is that a mirror in your pants? Because I can see myself in them!"
"Is that **** on your boobs, because that was me..."

Zoren 370 05-03-2012 01:55 AM

Haha...That was really hard to the point!

Anyway the other day I was in a Nissan dealership near my place checking out the 2013 Nissan GTR black edition with the tag of 107K. Man that car is really like.... you wanted to rob a bank and buy it.
Anyhow this nice female sales rep approach me and gladly assist me walk around the car and answer my questions,after about 20mins of exchanging ideas she pop the 107K question.
Well sir what would it take for you to buy this car?
I froze for about a minute like a cat just got my nuts.
Well I answered first I would rob a bank, next file for a divorce then go buy this car and have you for a lovely breakfast date.

She looked at me and gave me her calling card and gave me a wonderful smile!
Is that a positive response or negative???
Now I need to find a BANK to rob! haha Told you Im not good at this...

k20z3 05-03-2012 02:04 AM

umm I don't know how to read that, -- I would tread lightly if married. If not thats lame.

If you're not married, take her to breakfast and slip her the tongue in her beef taco supreme.

MacLean 05-03-2012 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Zoren 370 (Post 1700923)
Well sir what would it take for you to buy this car?
I froze for about a minute like a cat just got my nuts.

I would have frozen too & been like WTF did she just say. If you were not married & you did have the money I bet she would let you hit it good & hard possibly.

Originally Posted by k20z3 (Post 1700926)
umm I don't know how to read that, -- I would tread lightly if married. If not thats lame.
If you're not married, take her to breakfast and slip her the tongue in her beef taco supreme.

+1........ :iagree: If not married hopefully you would show her a lot more. Since you are married I would not waste your time not unless you want your a** kicked by your wife.

gsxr750 05-03-2012 01:46 PM

Best and most effective pick up line is " Hi " I'm ( ______) and then start talking, be sincere and real.

A lot more effectve than any B.S. "Down Town Tony Pickup Lines", that will just get laughed at by most women.

MacLean 05-03-2012 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by gsxr750 (Post 1702032)
Best and most effective pick up line is " Hi " I'm ( ______) and then start talking, be sincere and real.
A lot more effectve than any B.S. "Down Town Tony Pickup Lines", that will just get laughed at by most women.

+1....... :iagree: You just have to keep it real & be yourself.

I have had some friends that have brass balls by going up to a chick & saying do you want to F**K. Some would just be appalled & shocked while far from few would be like sure. This was at bars, so drinks were involved & judgment might have been clouded.

Gungrave 05-03-2012 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Zoren 370 (Post 1700923)
Haha...That was really hard to the point!

Anyway the other day I was in a Nissan dealership near my place checking out the 2013 Nissan GTR black edition with the tag of 107K. Man that car is really like.... you wanted to rob a bank and buy it.
Anyhow this nice female sales rep approach me and gladly assist me walk around the car and answer my questions,after about 20mins of exchanging ideas she pop the 107K question.
Well sir what would it take for you to buy this car?
I froze for about a minute like a cat just got my nuts.
Well I answered first I would rob a bank, next file for a divorce then go buy this car and have you for a lovely breakfast date.

She looked at me and gave me her calling card and gave me a wonderful smile!
Is that a positive response or negative???
Now I need to find a BANK to rob! haha Told you Im not good at this...

Haha lol. That could go either way. My guess is that she just found it funny and also knew that you weren't going to buy anything so just gave you her card. As for the smile, she probably saw it as a compliment (the date part) and that you made her laugh. But since you're married I wouldn't advise you pursue at all, but you could at least just build a "professional" relationship with her and go through her to buy any and all of your next vehicles. She'll appriciate at least.


Originally Posted by gsxr750 (Post 1702032)
Best and most effective pick up line is " Hi " I'm ( ______) and then start talking, be sincere and real.

A lot more effectve than any B.S. "Down Town Tony Pickup Lines", that will just get laughed at by most women.

Had to comment on this one as well lol. First off stupid pick up lines actually work. I'm dead serious, but the catch is that you must be able to follow up with something else. For most women you can't just walk up saying something like "did it hurt? when you fell from heavan" lol. She will look at you like you're an idiot and possibly think, "did this guy really just say that to me?" Then you're done in her and all of her friends eyes lol. But if you can do that then follow up with possibly the "Hi, I'm (___)" or whatever while also proving that you were just being funny. Then that'll let her know that you have a sense of humor and probably make her laugh, which is always a good thing. So like you said Gixxer you should be yourself and real, but what if real for you is sarcastic and funny? Just saying :)

gsxr750 05-03-2012 02:35 PM

The simple facts for picking up women, is just to be sincere and polite and well dressed, a good job, and a good clean late model car.

Treat all women the same regardless of race or country of origin.

What most women are looking for is a man that can support them either with a family or career goals,( most women will want to become breeders sometime in there life), so looks and intelligence of the man are really important to them.

The best advice that I can give to any young guys after dating many women and being married for 20yrs. and seeing other failed marriages of friends over the years is simply this.

Women are true predators, they search for the best mate, they suck out as much life and value, as they can along with their offsprings. Once they tire of the mate, they either divorce them and move on the the next best thing.

Marriage, love etc, all man made false hoods, just lust.

Best thing a young guy can do is get a vasectomy and practice the four Fths.
Findem, Feelem, F???ken and Forgetem.

Also watch out for asian women 99% are all gold diggers, regardless of your race.

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