View Poll Results: Should Lou bring the Red Dragon to the dragstrip and set a 370Z record?
Yes! Lou is Da Man! Do it, Lou!
2fast4thelaw, Brazilbro, Caravanshaka, ChrisSlicks, Chriz, chuckd05, de_dust, Dr.Awkward, DuNw/4BanGerZ, Forrest, fullmonty, gauchowr, Gunzero, hide187, JB-370z, Jeffblue, kevin.z, KEVTEX, Legz, mayesj101, Minicobra1, Nixlimited, nogoodname, NYBladeZ, ocfab, OKC370Z, Push370zzz, serturbo, slippy, SmoothZ, SuperXero, tbonesteak, The Weapon, tranceformer, vipor, whiddles, wretched_z, Xan, Zolfix
39 |
0.43% |
No, Lou is busy running a dealership, leave him alone you moron
7 |
0.08% |
Leave this one to 'Project Mothra'
5 |
0.06% |
yes but only if it gets a custom Unicorn Tune by m4a1mustang
1slow370, 370Zsteve, AK370Z, antennahead, DaveyG, dropped1, fairladyZ34, frost, FuszNissan, IDZRVIT, M1K3, MrBMW, phantom21, shaun66, SkyZ, texasviking, VH370ZNISMO, Z34drifty
9,009 |
99.44% |
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