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Dzel 01-24-2014 06:00 PM

Lol how long would you wait in the airport? I know it wouldn't be close to a year! Lmao

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Alkatraz 01-24-2014 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by elperuano (Post 2665653)
Point of perspective.
All the passengers here have been asking the flight attendant wtf is that noise and getting completely ignored. You're gonna sit there and get ignored til the crash?
There are 2 types of passengers. The ones who did nothing and crashed into the towers and the passengers who fought back and crashed and saved hundreds of lives.
I know what type of passenger u are now and I can assure u I'd never wanna fly on the same plane as you.


Originally Posted by MMC Racing (Post 2665654)
The nice thing about a plane is the flight attendant is readily available to ask that question. Maybe Sam is more like a pilot. They are easy enough to get ahold of while boarding, but when you need straight answers in an emergency during flight, they aren't available. Or they come on the intercom and tell you everything is ok while you are dropping 500 feet per second.

Any more poor analogies in your tool belt?

WTF are you talking about?
I have never once been ignored by GTM. Every single time that there has been an "inflight emergency" I have called, spoken with either Mike or Sam and found out what is going on and that the "noise" I heard was simply the sound of kits being built or brain surgury being done. You guys seem to think that because they don't post on here much, that they are also not answering calls and not opening the doors of their shop.

Elperuano: are you seriously making a 911 comparison? Too easy.......

Right now, GTM are flying their plane along nicely. There was a delay due to some bad weather and medical issues but the autopilot light is still blinking nicely. The passangers who have paid for their tickets are strapped in tightly, watching a movie, snacking on peanuts and waiting to eventually land. Some of them are frustrated at the delay becuase noone likes long flights but that unfortunately is the nature of air travel.

Some other people have now suddenly boarded the plane mid flight, screaming "Jihad, Jihad!!! Alah akbah!!! This plane is going to crash and everyone on it is going to die!!! The pilot is asleep at the controls and we have a "cash flow" bomb strapped to our chests! If you want to live you had better jump out of the plane now!!!!!"

You are 100% correct about which type of passanger I am. I am the one who will fight back against the uninvited terrorists who didn't even buy a ticket for the flight that I am on. I will tell the women and children on the plane that there is nothing to worry about because causing panic is the least useful thing to do in this type of situation. Unless someone shows me that the pilot has a bullet in the back of his head, then I will continue to have faith in his skills due to his many many hours of flight time. After throwing the terrorists out the window, i will go and check on the pilot (via telephone if need be). If he says that everything is under control, then I will believe him because...well.....he is a pilot, he knows how to fly and I don't.

The terrorists who boarded midflight thought that they were doing the right thing for their people. They believed that causing a panic and scaring everyone on the plane would somehow help the overall situation.......

Have a long hard think about the situation.......if you can show me a dead pilot, then I will take notice. If you just scream "Alah Ahkbar!!!" all day long, i will ignore you.

MMC RACING - Do you know why the pilot tells you that there is nothing wrong even when there is? Because causing panic midflight and encouraging people to jump out the window does not help the situation one single bit! Especially if there are not enough parashoots to go around......

I know that I am wasting my time again but you guys really need to wake up and realise what you are doing and the further issues that it may cause.

Chuck33079 01-24-2014 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Alkatraz (Post 2665729)
WTF are you talking about?
I have never once been ignored by GTM. Every single time that there has been an "inflight emergency" I have called, spoken with either Mike or Sam and found out what is going on and that the "noise" I heard was simply the sound of kits being built or brain surgury being done. You guys seem to think that because they don't post on here much, that they are also not answering calls and not opening the doors of their shop.

Elperuano: are you seriously making a 911 comparison? Too easy.......

Right now, GTM are flying their plane along nicely. There was a delay due to some bad weather and medical issues but the autopilot light is still blinking nicely. The passangers who have paid for their tickets are strapped in tightly, watching a movie, snacking on peanuts and waiting to eventually land. Some of them are frustrated at the delay becuase noone likes long flights but that unfortunately is the nature of air travel.

Some other people have now suddenly boarded the plane mid flight, screaming "Jihad, Jihad!!! Alah akbah!!! This plane is going to crash and everyone on it is going to die!!! The pilot is asleep at the controls and we have a "cash flow" bomb strapped to our chests! If you want to live you had better jump out of the plane now!!!!!"

You are 100% correct about which type of passanger I am. I am the one who will fight back against the uninvited terrorists who didn't even buy a ticket for the flight that I am on. I will tell the women and children on the plane that there is nothing to worry about because causing panic is the least useful thing to do in this type of situation. Unless someone shows me that the pilot has a bullet in the back of his head, then I will continue to have faith in his skills due to his many many hours of flight time. After throwing the terrorists out the window, i will go and check on the pilot (via telephone if need be). If he says that everything is under control, then I will believe him because...well.....he is a pilot, he knows how to fly and I don't.

The terrorists who boarded midflight thought that they were doing the right thing for their people. They believed that causing a panic and scaring everyone on the plane would somehow help the overall situation.......

Have a long hard think about the situation.......if you can show me a dead pilot, then I will take notice. If you just scream "Alah Ahkbar!!!" all day long, i will ignore you.

MMC RACING - Do you know why the pilot tells you that there is nothing wrong even when there is? Because causing panic midflight and encouraging people to jump out the window does not help the situation one single bit! Especially if there are not enough parashoots to go around......

I know that I am wasting my time again but you guys really need to wake up and realise what you are doing and the further issues that it may cause.

Jesus, dude. Sam and Mike are big boys. They can clean up their own mess. You don't have to keep playing Captain Save-A-Ho every time someone posts something they you don't agree with. The plane analogy was retarded when you first brought it up, and just keeps getting worse.

Alkatraz 01-24-2014 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Chuck33079 (Post 2665732)
Jesus, dude. Sam and Mike are big boys. They can clean up their own mess. You don't have to keep playing Captain Save-A-Ho every time someone posts something they you don't agree with. The plane analogy was retarded when you first brought it up, and just keeps getting worse.

When all else fails....resort to insults. I've seen that a few times in this thread.

Its funny that you say "Sam and Mike are big boys. They can clean up their own mess". I totally agree. People need to stop taking a dump in their front yard because it only makes the mess worse and not better.

Chuck33079 01-24-2014 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Alkatraz (Post 2665755)
When all else fails....resort to insults. I've seen that a few times in this thread.

Its funny that you say "Sam and Mike are big boys. They can clean up their own mess". I totally agree. People need to stop taking a dump in their front yard because it only makes the mess worse and not better.

Nothing's failed at all. I was just pointing out that you're being just as unreasonable as everybody else in this thread, you're just on the other side of the issue. We get it. You're ok with waiting. You're in the minority. You can stop defending GTM. And the holier-than-thou tone you put in your posts when you address people who, quite reasonably, are upset about the delays and communication issues gets old fast.

Eclipz 01-24-2014 07:06 PM

These plane analogies...... :facepalm:

Hopefully you guys get your kits soon. The enjoyment will be worth it.

OMGWTFBBQ 01-24-2014 07:16 PM

Damn. For what it's worth, I'm glad I joined this forum. Great way to kill some time at work. Thanks guys for the entertainment and good times. I don't think there's enough popcorn to go around in this thread. :tup:

MMC Racing 01-24-2014 09:14 PM

Question: A plane is 120 miles north and 85 miles east of an airport. If the
pilot wants to fly directly to the airport, what bearing should be

Answer: Draw a right-angled triangle ABC with A the airport. B is due
north of A and AB = 120 miles. C is due east of B and BC = 85 miles.
We wish to calculate angle BAC. With this as our reference angle, AB
is the 'adjacent' side and BC is the 'opposite' side. Then we use the
trig. ratio 'tan' to write down the equation

tan(BAC) = opposite/adjacent

= BC/AB = 85/120 = 0.708333

To find the angle whose 'tan' is 0.708333 we use the INVERSE tan
function, and this gives angle(BAC) = 35.31 degrees

This is the direction going from the airport to the aircraft.
However, we want the direction from the aircraft to the airport. This
is the reciprocal of 35.31, and is found by adding 180 degrees, so the
direction from aircraft to airport is 35.31 + 180 = 215.31 degrees.

This is definitive proof that GTM should update this thread more regularly.

elperuano 01-24-2014 09:36 PM


TerribleONE 01-24-2014 10:19 PM


SPOHN 01-24-2014 10:25 PM

How you support or remotely stay in on this buy after this much time baffles me. I was manipulated so badly. I should of been sent a kit for free for all the lies and misguided info I received. You guys need to ask where this parts are being made. China? Who knows. I've seen first hand now with several cases of the bad quality. Cracked manifolds. Manifold flanges broke cause of threads where not complete.

Eclipz 01-24-2014 11:51 PM

Careful guys... AK is watching...

DEpointfive0 01-24-2014 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eclipz (Post 2666051)
Careful guys... AK is watching...

Lol, so?

I hope he doesn't moderate too much, but do what you gotta do

G37sHKS 01-24-2014 11:53 PM

In before some clean up :D

Rusty 01-25-2014 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by Eclipz (Post 2666051)
Careful guys... AK is watching...

He might be getting his jollies reading this. It's a good time killer at work. :rofl2:

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