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I would have to say this is not a poor man's mod. It could get expensive if like you said you had to rip everything apart and rebuild it. I was going to build my motor but after talking to gtm and z1 and other reputable shops they concurred it wasn't worth the money. The motor can handle it. Look at TT kits pushing close to 500whp on a stock block. I was willing to pay to play. I chose to take the road less traveled to show other Z owners other alternatives. The purpose of a forum like this is to bring together people who have a common interest and share ideas and experiences. Every platform is different so what every other person has done on another motor is irrelevant. Most v8's you can slap a 100 or 150 shot w/o tuning and it will be fine. Obviously our car is different so it takes a little finesse to get it right. I am sure everyone here is looking for a way to stand out in their Z and that is exactly what I want to do. 150 wet shot Z |
So now your adding that your friend is already FI with nitrous. You failed to mention it earlier. I'm not seeing how he's gaining 60whp from a 30 shot which relates to crank hp not whp. I'm also not sure why someone would need spray on a S/C setup either. It's not like it needs to spool up like a turbo setup which could utilize a nitrous kit. Also, it seems very pointless to run 2 maps with only a 30 shot. Like what is that doing for you at all lol. He won't even feel a 30 shot with a S/C setup. I think you have your story mixed up cus it just doesn't make much sense to me. Who knows, maybe your right... Some people really have no idea what they are doing so that could be the case too lol
and i bolded the points im really responding to, 1. I dont know how he gained 60whp from 30shot of n2o, i saw his dyno graphs though, he made 366whp and 365wtq with the stillen stage 4 supercharger and when he sprayed he made 427whp and 400wtq and 2. why would anyone need n2o set up on a car? why do people install intakes on their cars? why do people install exhaust systems on their cars? there is absolutely no damn need to modify your car because it works just fine stock, so why do it at all?(I think you get the point im making here) as far as why he runs 2 tunes on his setup is beyond me, i didnt make that decision so ill never know why he decided to do that, and as far as what you are asking me as to how he gained 60whp from 30shot of n2o, ill never know why because its beyond my knowledge Maybe he gained more because he already has FI, maybe he just got lucky, i have no idea because physics is not my specialty, maybe someone with more knowledge can chime in now, i dont know if you are doing this on purpose or not, but you are coming off as a troll and really its annoying |
Anyway back on topic my point I was trying to make is that some people go with this mod because it's cheaper and never go beyond that. If you notice on my prior post I stated that if your going to go this route do it the right way and build your motor up for it and make some serious hp. When we're at the track and a guy says I have nitrous we just roll or eyes and laugh. If you can be that guy to prove me wrong I'll tip my hat off to you! If JC pulled it off i wouldn't even look his way if he had a pair of double D's on herself. Sent with TapAhoe |
Well for 1, he's obviously shooting more than a 30 shot to achieve those numbers. Either that, or he changed out his pulley, added race gas, had a more aggressive tune etc etc on top of what he was spraying to make those numbers. My point was that its really not needed to have a nitrous kit on a S/C setup because S/C have that low end power unlike turbo setups. Nitrous also has low end power and doesn't respond that well compared to a turbo setup on top end. So what I'm trying to say is why put two low end power adders together? I'm not saying never do it, it's more like its not needed. Two tunes would be needed for setup like that if course, but with the amount he's spraying (supposedly) it makes no sense to even bother having two separate tunes. It's such a low shot that like I said, you won't even feel. Your friend obviously has no idea what he's really doing with his car if he's feeding you that nonsense. I have literally no idea how he made that much tq off a S/C setup either. So either your lying or you don't know what you really saw. My friend on a 9lb pulley made 400rwhp on 100 and I forget the tq number, but I know it was no where near his hp number. That's on a 07 350z with full bolt ons, Stillen S/C and two custom tunes for pump and race. Your story isn't adding up. You think I'm trolling but yet I'm coming off with valid points as to why I think some of the stuff you are saying is garbage. Iv seen plenty of graphs with S/C setups and yes they vary, but not to that extreme like your claiming. If you think I'm annoying then sucks, cus your going to have to deal with it. I'd rather call someone out on false information then to just let it slide and have everyone believe that they should start out with a 30 shot(s) just cus your buddy did it. |
I'm not a pro by any right. These cars are so different from say a Ford Mach 1. I'm no stranger from turning a wrench but I have never gone FI this is my first and my first "tuner". So I'll give you that no I didn't know about turbine housings and the different sizes and benefits of each, or how a boost controller works, even the differences in the gains in between a single and a twin. This is the reason why I ask so many questions. I want to make sure I know what I'm getting into. The Mach I had is the one with the nitrous set up. I ruined that motor and miss that car terribly. I'm giving the OP some heads up and going he knows what he's getting into. Remember even geniuses ask questions. And to answer your question on my build thread it's coming. Now if I install it myself or not is the question. It depends on the difficulty of the install. I'm not going to ruin another motor because I didn't think first or because I didn't do some research.
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and i realize n2o is usually not used on supercharger setup but he is running 30shot(again from what he tells me) wet on his car because he wants to I can tell you that when I FI my car(type of FI depends on if i move out of california or not) i will be running 100shot of n2o regardless if its supercharged or turbocharged just because i can and i can say i have a FI car with n2o and i say you were coming off as a troll because you are asking some pretty ridiculous questions(like why my friend is running 30shot on his supercharger, why my friend has 2 maps, ect.) and you also imply i brought up my friend before in the thread when i didnt(and if you are talking about the other 370z owners i met with the stillen supercharger, those guys are not my friends, i just met them and asked them questions about it since i was interested in the supercharger plus thats a totally different thread dude) and just the way you come off from reading that post seems like its a troll post dude(i mean just reread your post) i dont mind a good debate, and in fact i do welcome others opinions because it can only open my mind more to others views and opinions and that sucks your friend isnt making the advertised HP with the stillen kit, why he isnt making much hp is above and beyond me but every car is different, like my friends G35 is making a bit more than everyone elses car with the stage 4 supercharger and he doesnt even know why its making more hp than most of the people who bought it and with all that said, sorry for calling you a troll, lets move on and not get this thread close XD |
Its funny how you have to resort to personal attacks when you feel that you can't compete in an intellectual manner about the topic on hand. You say you ran nitrous but also laugh at the guys who use it at the track?!? What a f'ing clown. 3 11 sec cars? Wow, you should be king all mighty "Mr. know it all" but yet you come off as a clueless clown intellectually. Before you assume anything about anybody or think you've been doing something longer than somebody else. Know your facts. I've served over 12 years, been bare base deployed and seen/been engaged in conflict so pieces of **** like you can sit there and mouth off without repercussion. So the next time I come through Texas around your parts for any type of training or if you so happen to come to this side of the world. Please feel free to PM me or anyone on this forum who is located here to get ahold of me so we can meet accordingly. |
Politics? Cmooon. Let's just stick to what this section of the forum is about. Forced Induction.
WTF does your resume have to do with how much hp YOUR build has. Prove me wrong where's your numbers at. Learn your facts bud. I have many friends that are or were in the military. I've hired and trained 22 vets with PTSD and have enjoyed every minute with them and helped them as much as I can. One thing they all have in common is when a guy brags about his service, they see it as a disrespect. So do me a favor put your pecker up and prove me wrong. Build your nos car and put up your numbers. I'll do the same. Now if your trying to threaten me or scare me your going to need something a lot more than your resume.
Sent with TapAhoe |
If you guys are going to argue please take it some where else, I would like my thread to be clutter free when I get back in a couple months to start posting again. I am assuming your comments are directed towards JC671. There are probably many vets on this forum as well as some that still play on the weekends or are still active as we speak. I just like many others have served our country honorably and would do it again if "called upon" I say that b/c we know they don't pay well LOL. Just remember those who have fought/served feel they have more to say b/c they joined, in doing so we also gave that same freedom of speech to those who did not fight, for that is what we fight for, equality no matter how small the voice. A man once said to a protestor I am proud to give you the right for freedom of speech, but I also have the right to punch you in your stupid face if I don't like what you are saying.
So as some of you may know, I did purchase a new/used motor from Z1. That will be put in and I also got my hands on a GTR manifold which I plan to have fabricated to be used on my Z for direct injection. I've been buying things left and right to change up the look on my car nothing too major but just a few goodies. Once I get home and all is complete pictures, videos, graphs and all will be posted. I hope everybody had a good 4th of July drank plenty of beer and grilled out. Stay classy 370z!! |
Well said V8killer
Read through this entire thread and tell me where I bragged about how much HP i have? In this entire thread your the only one bragging about anything. Only one bragging is you saying you had 3 11 sec cars. I could care less to see pictures or slips of these "supposed" cars you have. Your the only one here on a brag fest about **** you don't know about. If you knew about Guam, you'd know there's no dyno here. Like I said PM me. |
Hey Guys I hope some of you are still following the thread. This questions is directed more towards the guys already running nitrous. So I purchased a bottle bracket that came with a bottle heater. Last night one of my guys asked me if I heard of Nano. I looked it up and it seems way better than using a bottle heater so now I am getting rid of that set up. Luckily APS is selling it on ebay for me for a week before I return it to them b/c I'll have to take a 25% hit if returned. NANO Nitrous 0130110 NANO Nitrogen Assistance for Nitrous Oxide Let me know what you think.
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