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Originally Posted by wishihadnav RCZ actually somewhat defended GTM!...this tells me JOE is 100% in the sure everything will be resolved and JOE will be happy with the

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Old 03-09-2011, 04:47 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by wishihadnav View Post
RCZ actually somewhat defended GTM!...this tells me JOE is 100% in the sure everything will be resolved and JOE will be happy with the kit..

Originally Posted by spearfish25 View Post
I think Joe should fight his own battles and post his own war stories. What's with all these surrogate story tellers?
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:48 PM   #137 (permalink)
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We shall see. JOE has not yet received his new intercooler and piping. His new piping was not mailed as of March 5th. and not priority. Hopefully the kit will arrive before Joe's job moves him in April.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:51 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by zman1910 View Post
If I were Joe I wouldn't even want the kit anymore. Even if you have minor problems with the probably won't even be able to call GTM to ask for help.
I totally agree. If there are further problem. You'll surely hear about it. I don't think there will be though.

Originally Posted by wishihadnav View Post
RCZ actually somewhat defended GTM!...this tells me JOE is 100% in the sure everything will be resolved and JOE will be happy with the kit..

Thanks for your concern. I hope it will be resolved soon.

Last edited by Kirei; 03-09-2011 at 07:03 PM.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:53 PM   #139 (permalink)
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Seems to me this issue is already resolved pending the cond of the parts...hopefully Joe will recieve his parts soon..then after he installs and tune the kit he can joint us in the Stillen SC bashing RCZ!
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:54 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Bullitt@UAMotorsports View Post
Honestly, from that packaging and the welds and parts you recieved I have a very hard time believing that was a GTM product straight from GTM...

Those welds look like total crap and those are Grinder marks in the Pic. There is no way that is shipping damage.

GTM, what's the explanation for what is in the PICS? Can you confirm that you sent parts that looked like that?

Man this sucks so bad... I dream about a SC kit at night....

GTM didn't Comment on the PICs, and that's my main concern
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:00 PM   #141 (permalink)
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I'd like to ask why the kit wasnt shipped UPS or FedEx? Instead broken down and shipped By other means.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:01 PM   #142 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SPOHN View Post
No your not wrong at all. I do totally agree with you. It was more so a joke. I wasn't meaning it seriously. It is a major issue and should be talked about and discussed. Along with being made right times fold.
Originally Posted by Zrod View Post
I wouldnt take it personaly ppl post that crap in every other topic on here it doesnt mean its gonna get locked it just means the ppl posting it have nothing good to contribute. As far as your situation goes I feel for ya thats a terrible thing to have to deal with. From my perspective it looks like either GTM screwed you or customs has a vendetta against you either way the grime inside the parts is hard to explain lol. I hope its resolved for you and im sure it will be but keep us updated.
Originally Posted by BLM View Post
I know what it feels like to trust in a company and have them completely turn their back on you when sh!t goes wrong. Not that profession is an indicator of morality and ethics (see Bernie Madoff), but you have to remember that you're dealing with auto mechanics here who get to play with really cool expensive toys all day. Their business is booming and they have so many people on multiple boards licking their a$$es. As such, the inner drive for 100% quality control and ethical behavior inevitably diminishes. And worst case scenario (which is occurring right now), they try to screw one person out of an $8000 turbo kit, they have all their loyal followers coming ot their rescue, posting all of their positive experiences etc to make it appear that this could have in no way ever happened. Just ask Madoff's clients if they ever thought something was up. Also, it seems that as businesses expand and revenues increase, that is when ethics are at their nadir. See "The Social Netowrk" and how Zuckerberg screwed his partner and re-structured the company so that his share was less than 1% when Facebook expanded.

As with all things, the truth is somewhere in the middle of what both sides are saying. But ask yourselves this, what could possibly be motivating destinyZ to needlessly slander a very popular vendor without cause? GTM has the FI market cornered right now for G37/370Z. The Greddy kit is crap. The GTM Stage 1 is an easier install and drastically outperforms the Stillen kit, so guess what? If you want FI, GTM has you by the balls. That is not excuse for what appears to have happened. And if it's true that the response to this was "sh!t happens" I would have been on the first plane to Cali to have that said to me face to face. But anyone with half of a brain can see that for whatever reason, this guy was shipped what looks to be a very used, beaten on, kit. How or why this happened is another matter. It's possible the higher ups at GTM were unaware of it. But that still doesn't change the "sh!t happens" response, if that's what was actually said.

My only experience with something like this was with the shop that I had all the work on my WRX done at. They treated me like gold because I was always in there for mods. They cut me deals on service, dyno time, and made me a lot of one-off parts. But I saw how they treated customers who they didn't know, and who weren't spending big money. They'd overcharge them on dyno pulls, make them wait needlessly, not follow up on orders for their parts, long delays for installs, etc. This has nothing to do with GTM, just saying that as much as I loved that shop and for all the great work they did on MY car, they were overall pretty shady. And this is something that I've learned pervades the automotive industry, especially the aftermarket.
Originally Posted by simota1 View Post
o and one more thing.... i have a friend that works at customs and as you would have it he has a 370z thats why we became friends he bought a overlay from me... anyways when i was asking him about my cf amuse kit he told me that they were going to open it most likely because it was huge... i asked are they going to break stuff? he said they were really careful with things they open i was like really? but you guys have to open so many packages? he laughed and said are you kidding me there are only like ten of us at customs how can you expect us to opens thousands of packages that arrive in guam? thats both air and sea..... i was like really? so how do you know which one to open or not he explained to me that they open really huge boxes and containers only reason being is just in case someone is tryna illegally ship anything illegal i e a car chassis from japan lol (i cant believe someone tried to do that?) i asked him so you guys dont check the usps mail? he said usually if its from states no.... we only check stuff that comes from foreign contries....reason being packages from states has already been checked how many times already so we usually trust the boxes unless we suspect something is not right.... so since destinys turbo kit came in several boxes in different times of shipment someone in customs was waiting specifically for destinys boxes opened them up grinded a lil here and there because they were bored and then packed it nicely.... idk if you guys saw the intercooler pic now that pic is just whoa.... metal shavings everywhere it makes me mad and i dont even own the kit
Originally Posted by superchargedg View Post
All i can say is wow at the vid and the parts quality is garbage.Good luck getting the problem fixed and i hope GTM steps up to the plate.
Originally Posted by Zrod View Post
Yeah I dont get it either. Even if they sent out a used kit packed poorly I couldnt see it looking THAT bad especially without the box being mangled. Some of the bends and dents in that stuff would take some serious force to do it almost looks like someone intentionaly took a sledge hammer to it.
Originally Posted by prescott3656 View Post
This really has me thinking... We have seen posts from time to time when GTM receives butchered TT kits from other shops and nearly have to start from scratch. What happens to that other banged-up kit? You could throw it out, or you could ship it with insurance out of the country and claim it for 8 grand. I'm not saying this is what happened, but i cant think of much other explanation. I doesn't look anything near the quality we have seen (and expect) from GTM. But I agree, it was most likely a worker. I highly doubt Sam or anyone high up knew about this. I could be way off, just spit-ballin.
Originally Posted by Reality View Post
There is some serious going on up in here... The GTM fanboi's really need to take a step back and let the OP speak for himself.

Technically, GTM hasn't done a thing until this person receives everything he paid for in New condition or receives a full refund.

And LOL@ "honestly this is a cry out for attention"... I would certainly hope so.. because if he hadn't spoken out.. he would still be out $8300 & have a pile of bent, dirty, used pipes...

Best of luck OP!
As I have stated before. At this point Joe still has the damaged piping and intercooler out $8300 and still hasn't received his new products. All he has gotten is words like "it will get fixed, it will be shipped today,oh it didn't get shipped yesterday. It will get done today. priority." Then the box didn't get shipped till a few days ago.Not priority. The slowest way possible. I told GTM once Joe gets good products I will post it until then we wait.

Last edited by Kirei; 03-09-2011 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:15 PM   #143 (permalink)
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WHAO!!!! that is alot of opinions

I'll post later but for now I'm at work:

shipping to guam takes 2 wks priority mail from Indiana (place of residence)

GTM has sent new items (slow shipping as mentioned before)

OP is not Joe...its this guy

Guam has a 1/4 mile track and autoX...but I C what you mean, no highways is an epic fail

Real quick, the video was a way to SHOW that what was said in the dragon thread by chii370 wasnt a lie. It was a way to show our side and numbers. Of course GTM is going to post here, just look at the title. Everyones story has 2 sides...stories usually involve more then 1 person.

I had no intention of video getting onto the forum and is why It was never posted by the wife or I. I also wanted to keep the dragon thread clean and not to create a mess.

Last edited by destinyZ; 03-09-2011 at 05:26 PM.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:17 PM   #144 (permalink)
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I hope no one here is stupid enough to buy the "shipping damage" story....
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:18 PM   #145 (permalink)
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LOL! For the record. SAM is the Only person Joe worked with. He was the one that said "**** happend. And it will be MY word against yours."
I like how he bunched the info together as if it happened in a few days.
Like I said I will be posting another video.
GTM Don't lie and don't try cover up and skip over things. Just be honest say you screwed up majorly and then handled it poorly and Sincerely apologize.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:20 PM   #146 (permalink)
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holy jesus i woke up and this thread got super huge!!!

i read the whole thread..... one thing caught my eye.....

even if guam is small.... i guess people just want nice stuff... including a twin turbo kit.... i think the people who have the GT-R's out here will never open them up but its nice to have you know? plus youll be baller status lol theyll be like "dammmmm 370z? twin turbo?!? balllerrrrr!!!!!" lol i really wish we had sponsors out here

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Old 03-09-2011, 05:33 PM   #147 (permalink)
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who the hell is Joe? my god so many people involved besides hearing from the person who actully is having the problem.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:40 PM   #148 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SPOHN View Post
I'd like to ask why the kit wasnt shipped UPS or FedEx? Instead broken down and shipped By other means.
Sam stated why he didn't send it FedEx or UPS and went out of company policy to send this one. I am guessing it was something to do with Joe being in the armed forces.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:42 PM   #149 (permalink)
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on a serious note though.... to everyone that said everything is fixed and they just want free stuff... sam already sent the new product....

even if sam did fix the problem and sent destiny the new parts already... the main point here is

you dont advertise to someone that they will invest 8,000 dollars on a kit but instead of getting a new kit they receive a beat up kit.... thats not acceptable no matter what angle you look at it. its just not right ill leave it to everyone if they believe that crap was damaged in shipping ill make a video of me putting a intake tube in a box that is nicely packed and sealed and then spending then next 5 minutes throwing it to the floor with force just to compare the damages that gtm has claimed "shipping caused" no matter how hard i throw it on the floor there wont be grind marks or black grime on it.... or maybe i gotta throw the box on a really dirty floor to make ONLY the inlets dirty and grimey

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Old 03-09-2011, 05:43 PM   #150 (permalink)
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