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destinyZ 01-07-2011 08:06 PM

you will be satisfied with GTM...customer service is great, they work with you, they know wtf they are talking about. :tup:

weiboy718 01-07-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by destinyZ (Post 885661)
you will be satisfied with GTM...customer service is great, they work with you, they know wtf they are talking about. :tup:

Hell yeah!

kevin8086 01-07-2011 08:43 PM

So is this guy buying you S/C?

dal1307 01-07-2011 08:54 PM

Hey Wei! You abandonded my thread on G37!! Now I won't get any more experience points! JK HaHaHa

weiboy718 01-07-2011 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by dal1307 (Post 885727)
Hey Wei! You abandonded my thread on G37!! Now I won't get any more experience points! JK HaHaHa

well, i do feel very bad that everything has gone to this stage and wished it had never happened. you should make a new thread when your install starts. i promise you i won't go in there and spoil it.:tup:


Originally Posted by kevin8086 (Post 885709)
So is this guy buying you S/C?

i really hope so! just crossing my fingers and hope that everything will work as planned.

are you still interested haha?

dal1307 01-07-2011 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885746)
well, i do feel very bad that everything has gone to this stage and wished it had never happened. you should make a new thread when your install starts. i promise you i won't go in there and spoil it.:tup:

i really hope so! just crossing my fingers and hope that everything will work as planned.

are you still interested haha?

Just yankin your chain my friend LOL :eekdance:

Marcus Ryan 01-07-2011 09:36 PM

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear about your difficulties. There was a guy in a G37 here in Dallas at JoTech that made all of 350whp with this kit. I think their dyne may read a touch low but that would have to be pretty damn low.

Has anyone actually made the power that stillen claims?

RCZ 01-07-2011 09:37 PM

:shakes head:

Totally necessary to do this? I was there 90% of the way with you Weiboy, I talked to you every day that you had the sc, and although I'm not going to get involved in this thread much, this is extremely unfair towards Josh and the rest of the people at Stillen. You could have written an equally long and detailed thread about how much they tried to help you. You texted, PM'ed, e-mailed and called Josh almost every day and exchanged information openly the entire time. I don't know how you can call that shady....whatever, what goes around comes around.

tomnavone 01-07-2011 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 885773)
:shakes head:

Totally necessary to do this? I was there 90% of the way with you Weiboy, I talked to you every day that you had the sc, and although I'm not going to get involved in this thread much, this is extremely unfair towards Josh and the rest of the people at Stillen. You could have written an equally long and detailed thread about how much they tried to help you. You texted, PM'ed, e-mailed and called Josh almost every day and exchanged information openly the entire time. I don't know how you can call that shady....whatever, what goes around comes around.

Lol stillens fanboy is finally here

weiboy718 01-07-2011 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 885773)
:shakes head:

Totally necessary to do this? I was there 90% of the way with you Weiboy, I talked to you every day that you had the sc, and although I'm not going to get involved in this thread much, this is extremely unfair towards Josh and the rest of the people at Stillen. You could have written an equally long and detailed thread about how much they tried to help you. You texted, PM'ed, e-mailed and called Josh almost every day and exchanged information openly the entire time. I don't know how you can call that shady....whatever, what goes around comes around.

so was it fair to me that i had to go through all these trouble??? i was willingly to work with them till now. yes, they are very good people and was good to me. people already acknowledge that but that's not the point here.

you just don't know it all to say i'm F'ed up for doing what i'm doing.

Cell 01-07-2011 10:05 PM

Before I bought my Z, I did a ton of research. During the several months of lurking around in this forum, I have found more problems with Stillen's products than any others. Next to Stillen would be ARK.

dal1307 01-07-2011 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by tomnavone (Post 885791)
Lol stillens fanboy is finally here

Your Sig lists a stillen SC and you are givin RCZ crap????????????????? What up?

tomnavone 01-07-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by dal1307 (Post 885813)
Your Sig list a stillen SC and you are givin RCZ crap????????????????? What up?

Just trolling

dal1307 01-07-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by tomnavone (Post 885819)
Just trolling

Got it!

Mr.Squeeze 01-07-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by kevin8086 (Post 885709)
So is this guy buying you S/C?

Yes I am buying the Kit even though I was told that if I wanted a custom pulley that they would make me one.Now after I spoke to them today Im pretty much on my own. I have Confidence that I will be able to make power with the kit with a custom tune. I will use one of my vortech pulleys that I have left from my vortech 350z if not I will get one made.

kellyefields 01-07-2011 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885794)
so was it fair to me that i had to go through all these trouble??? i was willingly to work with them till now. yes, they are very good people and was good to me. people already acknowledge that but that's not the point here.

you just don't know it all to say i'm F'ed up for doing what i'm doing.

So let me get this straight you are upset saying is this fair for you to go through this with the trouble with this kit but you are willing to unload this on someone else without telling them about the problems? I was interested in this kit and was even considering purchasing this from you if i could have came up with the money you were asking but I do not remember in your posting of any problems with the kit. I think if anything you should not be throwing stones at stillen or anyone else since it seems you are the one living in the glass house. I may be newer to this forum but for you to try to unload your crap on someone on here knowing it may be defective is deceitful and if it was up to me I would ban you from this site.


Mr.Squeeze 01-07-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 885842)
So let me get this straight you are upset saying is this fair for you to go through this with the trouble with this kit but you are willing to unload this on someone else without telling them about the problems? I was interested in this kit and was even considering purchasing this from you if i could have came up with the money you were asking but I do not remember in your posting of any problems with the kit. I think if anything you should not be throwing stones at stillen or anyone else since it seems you are the one living in the glass house. I may be newer to this forum but for you to try to unload your crap on someone on here knowing it may be defective is deceitful and if it was up to me I would ban you from this site.


I am aware of the problems with this kit there all tune related issues so its I do not know. I have followed this kit for a while and out of everybody I have seen with the kit there only seems to be a plenty of people with issue.Most people cant even hit the advertised number that are still up on the site 438WHP 343tq.

I had a 7 year old 03 350z that made 415 whp 345 tq 3.12 pulley with the same blower that the stillen kit is using. That beats 90 percent of the people out there with this kit.

weiboy718 01-07-2011 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 885842)
So let me get this straight you are upset saying is this fair for you to go through this with the trouble with this kit but you are willing to unload this on someone else without telling them about the problems? I was interested in this kit and was even considering purchasing this from you if i could have came up with the money you were asking but I do not remember in your posting of any problems with the kit. I think if anything you should not be throwing stones at stillen or anyone else since it seems you are the one living in the glass house. I may be newer to this forum but for you to try to unload your crap on someone on here knowing it may be defective is deceitful and if it was up to me I would ban you from this site.


check this out before you start getting a iffy here. this kit is proven to work on a full custom tune. during our pm's didn't i mention that to you and i'm only selling this as a tuner kit? did i not tell you that i was having tuning issues and i'm not able to get it to work on my car. so how am i being dishonest here?

kellyefields 01-07-2011 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885863)
check this out before you start getting a iffy here. this kit is proven to work on a full custom tune. during our pm's didn't i mention that to you and i'm only selling this as a tuner kit? did i not tell you that i was having tuning issues and i'm not able to get it to work on my car. so how am i being dishonest here?

I do not remember of you having tuning issues but only wanting to change to a TT setup. Maybe you posted that later in thread but originally everything was good to go. As long as a person is up front and honest I do not have a problem. All I know is if I had the money and had purchased the kit at that time and once getting it found it to have a problem I would have been very upset. So If you had PM me that info I do not remember it. That info should have been posted in your original FS thread IMHO.

weiboy718 01-07-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 885873)
I do not remember of you having tuning issues but only wanting to change to a TT setup. Maybe you posted that later in thread but originally everything was good to go. As long as a person is up front and honest I do not have a problem. All I know is if I had the money and had purchased the kit at that time and once getting it found it to have a problem I would have been very upset. So If you had PM me that info I do not remember it. That info should have been posted in your original FS thread IMHO.

buddy, i told every single person that pm'ed me about it and i left out the issues because it'll turn into a problem thread instead of a for sale. on my complaints i'm mainly complaining about the tunes wasn't i?

kellyefields 01-07-2011 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885882)
buddy, i told every single person that pm'ed me about it and i left out the issues because it'll turn into a problem thread instead of a for sale. on my complaints i'm mainly complaining about the tunes wasn't i?

your original post below:

Now if anyone reads this post and can tell me the kit is anything but perfect and can be taken and put on with the exception of a license from uprev etc. please correct me. I rest my case. Good luck in any case and I hope you can resolve your problems.

ITOzann 01-07-2011 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.Squeeze (Post 885840)
Yes I am buying the Kit even though I was told that if I wanted a custom pulley that they would make me one.Now after I spoke to them today Im pretty much on my own. I have Confidence that I will be able to make power with the kit with a custom tune. I will use one of my vortech pulleys that I have left from my vortech 350z if not I will get one made.

You'll be more than fine with the kit. make sure you get a custom tune. If yu need a smaller pulley, that can be custom fabricated.

weiboy718 01-07-2011 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by kellyefields (Post 885903)
your original post below:

Now if anyone reads this post and can tell me the kit is anything but perfect and can be taken and put on with the exception of a license from uprev etc. please correct me. I rest my case. Good luck in any case and I hope you can resolve your problems.

you're right! i didn't post my problems on purposely and whoever is looking to go F.I must've read all the Stillen's Supercharger thread. maybe you're the only exception. hey, i'm sorry if my sale thread has leaded you to a different direction and you should've done your research anyhow. everybody knows the tunes Stillen provided us doesn't really work and has some issues.

btw, my issues are resolved and i'm not asking anything from Stillen. thanks.

ITOzann 01-07-2011 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 885773)
:shakes head:

Totally necessary to do this? I was there 90% of the way with you Weiboy, I talked to you every day that you had the sc, and although I'm not going to get involved in this thread much, this is extremely unfair towards Josh and the rest of the people at Stillen. You could have written an equally long and detailed thread about how much they tried to help you. You texted, PM'ed, e-mailed and called Josh almost every day and exchanged information openly the entire time. I don't know how you can call that shady....whatever, what goes around comes around.

If you wouldn't have gone through all the hassle Eric had to go, I'm pretty sure your opinion would be different. I was there since day one and I witness all this stillen "deal". Remember this is a company's kit and not some garage fabricated kit. If they are proven that they suck at providing a balanced tune, maybe they should change their approach. I don't how many are on my350z but as an example, search for the BP rear mount turbo. This started as a garage fabricated kit, now it is open to the public. Regardless the hardware,.the fabricator provides tuning ready solutions. This is the same approach as stillen works. However, stillen don't care about putting their shiat together. If they do fix a one issue, they open whole new can of warms.

Mr.Squeeze 01-07-2011 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by ITOzann (Post 885918)
You'll be more than fine with the kit. make sure you get a custom tune. If yu need a smaller pulley, that can be custom fabricated.

Thanks man thats the plan install it my self then to my RT/Tuning for a custom tune.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 885773)
...whatever, what goes around comes around.



Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885794)
so was it fair to me that i had to go through all these trouble???

Yep... JK Wei!


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885882)
buddy, i told every single person that pm'ed me about it and i left out the issues because it'll turn into a problem thread instead of a for sale. on my complaints i'm mainly complaining about the tunes wasn't i?

Anyone who's done their research and has been interested in his SC has been informed that they will need to run a custom tune with his kit in order to get it to work properly. The CARB tune does not work, and that's the only reason Weiboy wanted this kit... To be able to drive it legally in CA.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mr.Squeeze (Post 885933)
Thanks man thats the plan install it my self then to my RT/Tuning for a custom tune.

With a custom tune I'm sire you'll produce great numbers!

dal1307 01-08-2011 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by GraphiteG37S (Post 885956)
With a custom tune I'm sire you'll produce great numbers!

I am hoping you are right brother cause as a lot of you know, that is the way I am going.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by dal1307 (Post 885961)
I am hoping you are right brother cause as a lot of you know, that is the way I am going.

Yup I know that! Lol. And I'll never forget your thread on myg37. Well be back there again. Lol. I hope you make a new install thread and wish you lots of luck!

weiboy718 01-08-2011 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by dal1307 (Post 885961)
I am hoping you are right brother cause as a lot of you know, that is the way I am going.

i'm sure you'll make decent power.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 12:49 AM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885973)
i'm sure you'll make decent power.

Sh!t he better.. Other wise he's gonna post a thread just like yours.. Lol

dal1307 01-08-2011 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by GraphiteG37S (Post 885979)
Sh!t he better.. Other wise he's gonna post a thread just like yours.. Lol

You guys crack me up! I am gonna do my best. I will definitely start a new thread for you to Jack when it is done LOL :roflpuke2:

Jamaica 01-08-2011 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cell (Post 885804)
Before I bought my Z, I did a ton of research. During the several months of lurking around in this forum, I have found more problems with Stillen's products than any others. Next to Stillen would be ARK.

The ark part I understand. I heard some issues with them.

Jamaica 01-08-2011 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by weiboy718 (Post 885922)
you're right! i didn't post my problems on purposely and whoever is looking to go F.I must've read all the Stillen's Supercharger thread. maybe you're the only exception. hey, i'm sorry if my sale thread has leaded you to a different direction and you should've done your research anyhow. everybody knows the tunes Stillen provided us doesn't really work and has some issues.

btw, my issues are resolved and i'm not asking anything from Stillen. thanks.

say what you have to say about the issue. You not the only one I have heard that has issues with the stillen supercharger. Its a free country say what you need. Its not like your saying f stillen or what not. Your just sharing your story and facts.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by dal1307 (Post 886000)
You guys crack me up! I am gonna do my best. I will definitely start a new thread for you to Jack when it is done LOL :roflpuke2:

I promise not to jack your install thread, only your first thread! Lol :icon17:

I really am looking forward to your review. :tup:

#452-LE 01-08-2011 07:24 AM

<------ 470whp/ 422tq at just under 10PSI as of 6:38PM, 1/7/11.

.....However no fun-zies today; snow on the ground.

Thank you Sam!!!

toner123 01-08-2011 08:23 PM

Hello everyone and I have some info i would like to post. Not one person on here can call me a Stillen Nut swinger and all this info is unbiased. After hearing about Stillen trying to destroy weiboys for sale I contacted Josh about this. Reason for doing this was because i was upset about something like this and thought it was a shitty thing for them to do. Well after speaking with Josh according to him that was not the case. I had about a half hour conversation with him and he provided me with a ton of info. So I am going to display this info for all to read and to make there own interpretation of what happen. The reason for stillen not posting this is because thy didn't want to seem like they were attacking weiboy. The reason I am posting is because like anyone else on here I want the truth so people can make there own assumption based off of the facts they were provided. I don't know if i was suppose to post this or if Josh wanted the conversation kept between me and him, so I am practicing my first amendment, so sorry Josh if this was not what was intended.

I addressed the situation to Josh so i am going to go down the line.
Josh told me that the statement of them trying to kill his F/S thread is completely unfair. People have called asking about the kit and if they would recommend if they buy it. Stillen told them to proceed with caution because they did not see the condition of the kit and verify if all the parts to be removed were there. With stillen i have to agree with. How can they tell someone it will be good if they did not see it. They don't know who is removing the kit, things get lost it happens. Also stillen provided eric with a option to send the kit into them to verify that all the parts were there and there present condition. It would cost about a hour of labor. Upon them completing the inspection Josh said he would have no problem on recommending the kit if it is good to go. Also Josh said he would have shipped it to the seller from there with all the parts required to fit it on to the 370 if that is the vehicle the buyer had. According to Josh weiboy denied this and said no body would pay for this. Also when people asked what was needed to make it fit on the Z, Stillen was unsure at first because they never received this request. After finding out they contacted weiboy to let him know the difference between both kits.

Since weiboy corrected about them not selling the parts required for the kit, I will skip that. Seemed to be miscommunication there that was cleared up. Josh also mentioned to me that they never mentioned that they wouldn't provide the new buyer of there kit with support. he was quick to say "we are still on the hook with this kit regardless of who owns it.

Josh also told me about some of the performance issues with weiboys car, but I am not going into that on here because I don't own the kit. I just want to provide the info on there customer service. I just want to make sure that all the info is out there for people to make there own decision.

weiboy718 01-08-2011 08:54 PM

great Frank! thanks for clearing this up!

yes, Stillen did asked me to send in the kit for inspection and would convert whatever is needed. there will be additional charges that nobody is willing to pay and the parts needed isn't a big deal at all.

about my some potential buyers calling them, can you confirm and ask if Stillen tried to pursuede them to buy a new kit rather than mines?

i got my word out, anger relieved and ready to move on. i know this thread is very childish in some ways to some people but i am done. my kit is sold! i'm just hoping that Stillen will supply whatever parts or support my buyer will need and not give him a hassle for not buying their new kit's in stock.

GraphiteG37S 01-08-2011 09:49 PM

I don't understand why this topic had to blow up so much? Weiboy stated his opinions of a S/C kit that he paid for and drove daily. I think he has the right to be unsatisfied with it if it is not running up to par because that is a lot of money to throw away for a modification that I think most people would expect more of. I know I'd be upset if it was happening to me. Again, Wei ordered the CARB kit which was in theory supposed to pass CARB inspection...

Some questions for Stillen:

1. What's going on with the status of the CARB certificate?
2. Is Weiboys S/C issues one of a kind? What I mean by this; is there no one out there running the CARB kit that is having these problems as described by Wei?
3. Is it just too soon to tell? How many CARB kits have really been sold and installed so far to current date?
4. Are any other customers having any issues at all with their CARB, or did R8 tune fix everything for everyone else?
5. Have all other CARB kits out there reached the advertised HP/TQ gains?
6. Anyone else experiencing "Detonation"?

Not taking sides here but I am definitely curious about some of those questions I just posed. So far the only person I've heard about being unsatisfied with his kit is Weiboy, and I have not really seen many people on myG37 who have reviewed or running a Stillen kit besides Whiddles and Weiboy. I'm new here to the370z so I will continue reading through threads here to see how many 370 customer so far have been satisfied with their Stillen kit and what they have to say about it in their reviews.

Nismo370 01-08-2011 10:16 PM

Ahhh Stillen and their crappy tunes I don't blame u for venting as if I were in ur shoes I would too. That is a lot of money for a mod...Instead of rushing, Stillen should of worked out all the bugs and made sure the tune was 100%...Advertising numbers for a carb kit and not making them is false advertisment and that is noo good. Your tunes are complete junk...I mean seriously like 8tunes to get try and get it right lol u should take some notes from GTM...

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