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GTM Performance Engineering VQ45VHR-Our Journey to The 1000 HP and Beyond

1000 whp happen yet? With all due respect, you post up a title like "GTM Performance Engineering VQ45VHR-Our Journey to The 1000 HP and Beyond" ... Provide est HP#'s to

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Old 01-21-2011, 07:02 PM   #946 (permalink)
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1000 whp happen yet?

With all due respect, you post up a title like "GTM Performance Engineering VQ45VHR-Our Journey to The 1000 HP and Beyond"... Provide est HP#'s to Mags, and display the vehicle at shows with massive HP claims and innovative designs that are not functional--You are asking for trouble if you can't back up the #'s.. Just a fact of life on forums.

FYI- a few of the shops on my350Z have already broken the 1000whp mark, with stock displacement.... so you shouldn't expect the same "acceptance" of claimed HP #'s, that you see on this forum.. Some very informative posts on that site, much more so than here.

From the outside looking in--Not much variety here when it comes to shop builds.. I see mostly GTM posts.. its almost as if no other options even exist...
When the shops who have already eclipsed the 4digit HP mark with the z33 (GTM is not one of them), start to make a presence here.. Then you will start to get an honest picture of which shops are capable, and which are not..
--Seeing a 350z run low 9's with stock displacement, ST setup and stock rear end is an indicator of what a shop is capable of... especially after repeated abuse at the track...

Not trying to be the antagonist.. Just been around the Z & import scene long enough to know that shops like to make claims in order to sell products.. While others, break barriers to display there ability...
Your build is very impressive.. But you should have used more "tact" when chest pumping for GTM..

*no malice intended..*
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:04 PM   #947 (permalink)
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Yea, my350 did get crazy. I couldn't believe the drama over the years there. There's some here from time to time. But no where near even close to my350. I believe there was alot more younger guys there. People need to lighten up. Even myself sometimes. Learn to forgive.

One thing I did like there was I felt the vendors and shops got more envoled with questions asked.

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Old 01-21-2011, 07:05 PM   #948 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Kingbaby View Post
teasers and wishfull build threads have been done a numerous times on my350z...
-I was eagerly waiting for that GTM VK build to be completed.. but that never happened.
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:08 PM   #949 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Reality View Post
1000 whp happen yet?

With all due respect, you post up a title like "GTM Performance Engineering VQ45VHR-Our Journey to The 1000 HP and Beyond"... Provide est HP#'s to Mags, and display the vehicle at shows with massive HP claims and innovative designs that are not functional--You are asking for trouble if you can't back up the #'s.. Just a fact of life on forums.

FYI- a few of the shops on my350Z have already broken the 1000whp mark, with stock displacement.... so you shouldn't expect the same "acceptance" of claimed HP #'s, that you see on this forum.. Some very informative posts on that site, much more so than here.

From the outside looking in--Not much variety here when it comes to shop builds.. I see mostly GTM posts.. its almost as if no other options even exist...
When the shops who have already eclipsed the 4digit HP mark with the z33 (GTM is not one of them), start to make a presence here.. Then you will start to get an honest picture of which shops are capable, and which are not..
--Seeing a 350z run low 9's with stock displacement, ST setup and stock rear end is an indicator of what a shop is capable of... especially after repeated abuse at the track...

Not trying to be the antagonist.. Just been around the Z & import scene long enough to know that shops like to make claims in order to sell products.. While others, break barriers to display there ability...
Your build is very impressive.. But you should have used more "tact" when chest pumping for GTM..

*no malice intended..*
You see alot of gtm because there the ones doing the RnD for the kit's and are here everyday assisting and helping. 350 guys are so hung up on 1000 hp mark. Does that mean someone that hasn't hit that yet can't make a good reliable kit for the others that don't want that crazy level of power? I am a believer that they will hit it with this car, and that it will be a nice reliable machine. I don't see why others can't see it. But it has everything it needs to do it.
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:18 PM   #950 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toner123 View Post
You see alot of gtm because there the ones doing the RnD for the kit's and are here everyday assisting and helping. 350 guys are so hung up on 1000 hp mark. Does that mean someone that hasn't hit that yet can't make a good reliable kit for the others that don't want that crazy level of power? I am a believer that they will hit it with this car, and that it will be a nice reliable machine. I don't see why others can't see it. But it has everything it needs to do it.
Not true.. z33's have already eclipsed that mark (as mentioned earlier) Members over there are hung up on "Dreamer" threads and claimed #'s.. Only because they have seen it all to many times and history has odd way of repeating itself.

I have been a z owner since the early 90's.. so I am hesitant to believe any shops claims without independent #'s and testing.

-True enthusiasts are always looking to see through the smoke and mirrors, in order to separate fact from fiction. It can only benefit the platforms owners--nothing more..

I am glad that you vehemently defend GTM.. I do the same with proven local shops. But I still ask questions and never go on a whim.
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:21 PM   #951 (permalink)
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I felt like joining and quoting all the insults and name calling used by the members in my350 thread before quoting the mod's post regarding banning Bullitt for his one use of douchebaggery. Pretty cool that was allowed with no repercussions while multiple users calling that out get banned immediately.
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:30 PM   #952 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Reality View Post
Not true.. z33's have already eclipsed that mark (as mentioned earlier) Members over there are hung up on "Dreamer" threads and claimed #'s.. Only because they have seen it all to many times and history has odd way of repeating itself.

I have been a z owner since the early 90's.. so I am hesitant to believe any shops claims without independent #'s and testing.

-True enthusiasts are always looking to see through the smoke and mirrors, in order to separate fact from fiction. It can only benefit the platforms owners--nothing more..

I am glad that you vehemently defend GTM.. I do the same with proven local shops. But I still ask questions and never go on a whim.
Before i bought my kit I did research and asked people with the kit. They were all getting the numbers they were told they would get. I understand what your saying, but I also asked my questions. Also i thought the 350 guys over there painted GTM in a manner I feel was not needed. I am still over there reading to try and see what they were talking about and have yet to find it. So i think there is alot of speculation thrown in there. Every experiance I had with GTM was plesant and truthful. Including me screwing up and sam jumping through his rear end to help me out, when he wan't making a profit off me. So this is why I defend him and it didn't sound like the same GTM that were dealing with here. I am also familiar with berts history and don't find him to be credable with stating how anything should be built. Thats just my .02
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Old 01-21-2011, 07:47 PM   #953 (permalink)
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I have his 4.2 stroker going into my 2003 z with JWT 850 TTBB. It's with a speed force belt 5 AT. ( i bought Eagletons turbo and fuel set up). he made 700 rwhp @20 lbs on a 3.5.
I hoping for 750 @ 23 lbs and mabe 825 to 840 @28 to 30 lbs. That's all the turbos will make.
That a ton of power. I just spoke to him today about his race logic Traction control for my 350 z. For the big rwhp i have a built turbo 400 tranny.\
It should go 9's easy. With Sam's help tunning the motor.
We talk every week and he is always a total profesional buisness man and a great friend.
Hope fully he will have my stage 2 GTM SC and the VVEL ready for my 370Z soon.
It will be an 11 second 370z at the track.
12.343 @114.14 . 4.5 stroker motor is now being built. Dec 1 2015.

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Old 01-21-2011, 08:01 PM   #954 (permalink)
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^Yep, I know your story...
Also know about the t400 you bought from JeremyTibbs... did you ever end up getting the custom drive shaft?

Good luck man! I hope you see some crazy #'s.

Edit: didn't want to take it OT in this thread...
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Old 01-21-2011, 08:56 PM   #955 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Reality View Post
^Yep, I know your story...
Fyi- EagleTanGreen, had issues with his original motor-IIRC, Sleeved GTM..
Also know about the t400 you bought from JeremyTibbs... did you ever end up getting the custom drive shaft?

Good luck man! I hope you see some crazy #'s.
So i guess you are the same idiot that started the whole drama on my350z when you told every one that we are claiming that we are going for a 2000 RWHP

And now you are here trying to start more **** by making more false statement .

Originally Posted by Sharif@Forged View Post
We just wrapped up Eagletangreen's project, and this one was very special. Eagle has been a customer of ours since the very beginning...almost 3 years ago. His original stock short block ran the PE TT kit, and had seen every EMS on the market. We started with an EU, then the UTEC, then the FCON, as he got faster and faster on the track. His best 1/4 times hovered around the 11.9/120mph range on drag radials with a little over 400whp on our DD.

The engine consisted of a Forged Performance S1 shortblock, with Eagle rods, and FP Spec Arias ED pistons. The head included our S1 street port, and 5 angle valve job, topped with JWT S7 Rev-Up Camshafts.

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Old 01-21-2011, 09:05 PM   #956 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Reality View Post
^Yep, I know your story...
Also know about the t400 you bought from JeremyTibbs... did you ever end up getting the custom drive shaft?

Good luck man! I hope you see some crazy #'s.

Edit: didn't want to take it OT in this thread...
And now you edit your post, Why are you even here?

Here is link Forged Performance: JWT850bb...this one is nasty *pics gallore* - MY350Z.COM Forums
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:06 PM   #957 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SAM@GTM View Post
So i guess you are the same idiot that started the whole drama when you told every one that we are claiming that we are for 2000 RWHP

And now you are here trying to start more **** by making more false statement .
I couldn't find what they were talking about. Your doing good for us sam and i know why you are frustrated, people saying **** that wasn't said, or saying you did this or that knowing you didn't. Just move on man. Build your car and they will all slip away because you wont even get props when this breakes a G because all they are going to say is ohh wow you finnally got one or there was a midget underneath the ramp running on the dyno with the car at WOT.

Nothing against midgets they are really just the imature over there.
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:12 PM   #958 (permalink)
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For what it's worth, I trust Sam's work and know the length he goes for quality control. The 420ztt he built for me is still being abused to this day, with no issues. (My buddy bought it from me and I still drive it from time to time).
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:25 PM   #959 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toner123 View Post
I couldn't find what they were talking about. Your doing good for us sam and i know why you are frustrated, people saying **** that wasn't said, or saying you did this or that knowing you didn't. Just move on man. Build your car and they will all slip away because you wont even get props when this breakes a G because all they are going to say is ohh wow you finnally got one or there was a midget underneath the ramp running on the dyno with the car at WOT.

Nothing against midgets they are really just the imature over there.
Believe it or not it comes with territory, there's going to be people that think the world of you and others that will hate you, but there is no reason to just start making things up like this troll aka Reality. If you don't like this project that is fine, go buy a 370z and do your own project bigger and better . there is no reason for the cheap shots .
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Old 01-21-2011, 09:26 PM   #960 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SAM@GTM View Post
Believe it or not it comes with territory, there's going to be people that think the world of you and others that will hate you, but there is no reason to just start making things up like this troll aka Reality. If you don't like this project that is fine, go buy a 370z and do your own project bigger and better . there is no reason for the cheap shots .
I hear man but you do the right thing post the truth and ignore the bs and people will see it.
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