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BlackCherryZ 01-29-2010 12:08 PM

anyone interested in a group buy for FI (TT or SC)?
well, being a member of the forum and owner of a Z, it is a very enticing prospect to yearn for more power...........:yum:

but the problem is the price........... perhaps for many of us.....

to be honest, $35k for the car and $15K for a TT set, the sum is not bad for a monster capable of 500+RWHP...........otherwise it would cost $70K+ just by comparing the rwhp.........

the only unattractive aspect would be longevity, realiablity, and durability of the FI setup...... but i figure, gathering from what i have read from this forum thus far and positive feedbacks from the forum members, the durability is not an issue for a well tuned car...... as soon as it leaves the tuner's garage, it is up to the driver.......

just a simple fact: if you get greedy, it won't last long.......

perhaps my wishful thinking, but i figure a FI setup for my Z would last about 70-100K miles with a conservative tuning and conservative driving........

now, to get back on track with the cost factor..............

............nonetheless, at least for me, $15K is not something to risk on a whim in today's economy.... especially for a car...... wish there was some kind of financing for TT kit :tup::inoutroflpuke:

to keep it short........ i want more power at the most cost-effective price....

i would like to see, i guess this would help the tuners as well, who is interested in FI:

1) level of interest:

A: 90-100%
B: 80-89%

followed by timeframe in months.....

2) type of FI

list SC vs TT vs FI (for those unsure)

3) the prospective tuner

AAM, GTM, etc... and TUNER if unsure


1) A-6months
2) FI

hopefully, there are many ppl in A category with 1-3 months timeframe..... we might be able to get a good deal.....:nutswinger:


AndyZ 01-29-2010 12:29 PM

very interested in SC since i got the car
want to go with Vortech or Stillen

Mike@GTM 01-29-2010 12:30 PM

Good thread! We are definitely looking for some input on what you guys want.

bullitt5897 01-29-2010 12:52 PM

Great thread idea!

I already have my stage 3 TT kit from GTM and it is scheduled for install on the 15th :excited:

You may want to look at a bundle package idea. Say for instance those looking for 500rwhp will need a clutch, exhaust, fuel injectors and etc... you know for the people with stock cars. And maybe have a package buy minus exhaust for those who already bought an exhaust. Talk to the tuners and kit makers to see who would be willing to participate and then get a ready to go list and approach the tuners and kit makers again.

I am a little partial but my GTM stuff is TOP NOTCH!!! I mean the Quality is amazing! I cant wait to get this monster of a kit installed!

JB-370z 01-29-2010 12:59 PM

I might be interested in a group buy if the price is right!!!! This would be an epic thread if GTM did a good deal on the tt kit!!! I would prolly be in for it!

NYBladeZ 01-29-2010 02:11 PM

I'm in for the GTM supercharger kit if the price is what I have in mind...

puckshaw 01-29-2010 02:35 PM

1) A- 6-12 months
2) SC
3) Tuner

Reaper42 01-29-2010 02:42 PM

I second the financing idea. I mean $15k is the price of a small car.

If financing is possible I would be interested in the following,

1) A
2) TT

JB-370z 01-29-2010 03:50 PM

Im in!

LiquidZ 01-29-2010 04:01 PM

Financing would make the costs a lot easier to take.

Buddy Revell 01-29-2010 08:05 PM

Count me as very interested.

1) 90% sure I'm buying within 5 months.
2) SC due to cost. If money wasn't an issue, I'd go TT of course.
3) GTM or Stillen, whoever has the best bang for the buck.

B1nks 01-29-2010 08:19 PM

(Time depends on price)
TT (SC depending on how that turns out)
I'm partial to GTM but AAM seems to do good work too so I guess it's whoever wants to do this group buy.

JB-370z 01-29-2010 09:16 PM

B1nks: If you get boost before me I want to meet up and see it. Well since we are in the same town. GTM does a great tt kit!

BlackCherryZ 01-29-2010 10:39 PM

if there is a significant number of interest, for instance about 10 ppl, i could negotiate with tuners about a bundle package.

but it has to be a significant number with the willingness to put down a deposit.

i am thinking 10% NON-REFUNDABLE deposit to the tuners......non-refundable in the aspect that you will not get the cash back, but get the store credit.....

this is just a thought, nothing has been finalized in terms of negotiation....

non-refundable deposit shows the level of interest and willingness, thus it might be easier to negotiate for better terms/discounts.....

and, i will discuss the terms with prospective buyers before the negotiation with tuners.... so nothing to worry about..........

also, please follow instructions ppl............. level of interest, type of FI, and tuner preference......

in the end........about a month or two from now, i am hoping to get about 10 ppl in either TT or SC......... then i might be able to start negotiating.........

in business terms, i do not think tuners will be willing to give discounts to a group buy with only a couple of ppl - simply, there is not enough incentive on either end......

also, since tuners are finalizing their kits, i am assuming that it will take a couple of months to get the final dyno results, price, ect...............

likewise, although this might be an early start, this would be a plan for 3-6 months down the road.

i am sure once they release dyno results, more ppl will be interested.........

once again, if you are interested, lets form a "union" to get a better deal :tup:

also, for the tuners, with 10 ppl, we are talking about $100K+..........which is a lot of money..............

well, i am not in any hurry, so lets see who is interested.....

also, i think i will actually start negotiating or discussing terms with tuners:

1) if there is about 10 ppl with serious interest in either SC or TT


2) in a month or two, when there are final dyno results with listed prices


BlackCherryZ 01-29-2010 11:00 PM


i am weighing on the level of interest and the timeframce more than the price.... for if there are a significant number of ppl with serious interest, the price could be negotiated.....

for instance, i personally would jump on the installation for a TT, if the price were $10,000 including the 500 RWHP with proper tuning

however, the reality is it would cost me about $15K including the installation

hopefully, for example, if i could get about 10 ppl or more, i could swing the price pendulum more toward the $10K mark vs the $15k. Of course, this would be a bundle packge with exhaust, clutch, and etc..... and the final installation.

also, lets be realistic............ i do not think any tuner would sell $15K product for about the half of price..... this is just a rough estimate, but i think anywhere from 10-25% discount would be reasonable........... once again, it would all depend on the number of ppl.

i figure we are talking about $5-8000 for the supercharger kit, roughly depending on the package or rwhp specification...........

once again, nothing has been finalized............... it all depends on the number of ppl seriously interested................

i will put together a roster or list of those who are interested, when the tuners come out with the final dyno results and listed prices.

roplusbee 01-30-2010 01:31 AM

1) B*, 6months *depending on cost
2) TT
3) TUNER, leaning toward AAM

I am not a big fan of loosing the front bumper / crash bar. I am sure I will already have to part with the chassis damper up front. Plus AAM is in my home state, so I wouldn't mind leaving my car with them if I am "away". If you are able to get this done, I would need to get it done by the end of the year. I am sure that I will be in a place similar to my current location in 2011 (if things keep going like they have for the past 4 years). Thanks for doing this.


rcm2525 01-30-2010 02:59 PM

1)A -- now

StillenZ 01-30-2010 03:32 PM

1) A-1-4 months
2) FI (open to options... love the turbo's but not the 15K) (single turbo option?)
3) TUNER (none around me, INDIANA, I'd be willing to drive 10+ hours to drop my car at a reliable shop.... only problem is getting work done after I get back to Indiana... don't know of reliable tuners)

G37Sam 01-30-2010 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by StillenZ (Post 381829)
(open to options... love the turbo's but not the 15K) (single turbo option?)

Having a single turbo option would attract some attention, it would be very hard since there's very little space down there to fit all the piping. I mean look at how much R&D was put just to come up with the SC kit, imagine having to y-pipe the exhaust headers then send the charge back into a y-piped intake.. Man there's gonna be so much piping down there it's going to look like an oil refinery lol

JB-370z 01-30-2010 06:01 PM

Im still in.

G37Sam 01-30-2010 06:26 PM

A turbo mounted in the rear would be so laggy to start with as you'd lose some of the exhaust gasses' flow energy (momentum) which is what powers the turbine. Then the charge would need to be sent back.. all this long piping is a waste of flow energy

G37Sam 01-30-2010 07:04 PM

Lag is relative, if that same turbo you experienced was mounted close to the engine with short equal length manifold it would be much quicker in terms of response.

m4a1mustang 01-30-2010 07:08 PM

If rear mounted kits were as good or better than conventionally mounted turbo kits we wouldn't see AAM and the like sticking with convention. I don't see any benefit to running that much more piping to the rear of the car. My guess is if cost is that much of a factor to where you'd give up a "proper" TT setup, a supercharger is probably the best option for you.

m4a1mustang 01-30-2010 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by StillenZ (Post 382078)
another good point... I mean, if they are definitely the way to go as far as price is concerned, so there must be a good reason why more people don't use them/big companies don't promote them.

Yep. I believe that ideally you want the turbos mounted as close to the collector as possible. It just makes sense when you think about it.

Anyways, for my purposes, if I go FI it will be an SC kit. I am comfortable tackling the install myself and don't really want to complicate my life (and financial situation) with a TT kit... because if I went TT I would be ordering the works.

OT: Have any pics of your Z? I've been thinking about powdercoating my wheels black.

G37Sam 01-30-2010 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by StillenZ (Post 382069)
YouTube - STS Rear Mount Turbo Lag Demonstration

I don't know if this vid is gonna work or not...

I haven't ridden in many aftermarket turbo cars but it doesn't look like much lag too me... ??

Sorry for kinda-jackin the thread.. hope this isn't too far off topic.

Just because it kicks in at 3k rpm doesn't mean it isn't laggy, again, I said lag was relative. I don't know which turbo he's rocking but if that thing was closer to the engine it would surely spool quicker, simple laws of physics..

JB-370z 01-30-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by G37Sam (Post 382094)
Just because it kicks in at 3k rpm doesn't mean it isn't laggy, again, I said lag was relative. I don't know which turbo he's rocking but if that thing was closer to the engine it would surely spool quicker, simple laws of physics..


m4a1mustang 01-30-2010 10:03 PM

It was directed right at your face, bro! I've got Solid Red, too, so I have a vested interest in the look of your ride.

BlackCherryZ 01-31-2010 02:10 PM

for most of us, price is the main factor/determinant...... plus, the actual durability has not been tested yet, only thus been speculated...........

hope everything works out........... both for us and tuners......

also, ppl lets just stick to the main focus of this thread..........

i do not mind the discussion about the placement of turbo, but i do not think that is relevant to this particular thread....

i am eager to see the results from AAM and GTM.....

well, in terms of the installation, i am more partial to AAM for they are close by; however, GTM states that they could work out with the shipping we ll just have to see............

BlackCherryZ 01-31-2010 04:07 PM

LOL........... as long as the subject is pertinent, i guess it's all too subjective, i (rather we) do not mind........ just feel free, but do not go over-board............. *^^*

i, too, am waiting for the dyno results..... *^^*

Sharif@Forged 01-31-2010 08:41 PM

Might want consider a GB on installs as well. :) We are here to help on the Eastern half of the USA. :)

BlackCherryZ 01-31-2010 08:54 PM

hope to see more ppl showing interest.....

BlackCherryZ 02-01-2010 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by StillenZ (Post 383761)
Yea with respect to the OP I will gladly delete my posts that are OT... Let me know. cause I want this thread to work out or at least get further than it is now... I wouldn't mind hearing Sharif's view on the rear mount/(STS) but like I said, OT... Just let me know if you want to clean this thing up.. I will delete all OT of mine.

thank you for your consideration and kind-hearted understanding.

if you do not mind, can you please delete them.....

i too want this thread "to work out or at least get further than it is now."

thus, i would prefer the thread to be just limited to the interest of group buy....

nonetheless, you are free to speak up any comment or subject - lets just keep it pertinent.....:tup::ughdance:

KingDavid 02-01-2010 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by BlackCherryZ (Post 383889)
thank you for your consideration and kind-hearted understanding.

if you do not mind, can you please delete them.....

i too want this thread "to work out or at least get further than it is now."

thus, i would prefer the thread to be just limited to the interest of group buy....

nonetheless, you are free to speak up any comment or subject - lets just keep it pertinent.....:tup::ughdance:

I removed mine. Sorry again!

NYBladeZ 02-01-2010 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sharif@Forged (Post 383406)
Might want consider a GB on installs as well. :) We are here to help on the Eastern half of the USA. :)

That would be awesome Sharif I might have to make the 13 hour road trip from NYC.

jmlenz 02-02-2010 02:58 PM


1) A - timeframe 2-6mos
2) Def. S/C
3) its gonna come down to GTM or Stillen

Rickey89 02-02-2010 04:16 PM

A 8-16mo. (really it depends on when i have the money to pay for the kit and install
Greddy or GTM (depending on what comes out such as the spec's and price I may get impatient and do Stillen SC(if i go SC ill go stillen, if not tt is greddy or gtm ))

GingaBreadMan 02-03-2010 11:51 AM

4 mos
Rehab starting now lol

BlackCherryZ 02-03-2010 07:32 PM

this is my guess, but once dyno results and price are publicized, there will be more interest....

plus, personally i m more inclined toward the most cost effective and reliable set up......

i had TT rx7 some years ago, but that was it............ not much of power, for i had not modded.......

if SC could make comparable RWHP output as TT at a fraction of the cost, i would be more than willing to take that route

for those who are interested in TT set-up, if a SC kit could make comparable RWHP at a fraction of the cost, would you not change your mind?

what we need is at least 10 ppl..............either TT or SC............. to maximize the discount.....

just a wishful thinking, but it would be nice to have a TT installed and tuned with all the appropriate supporting mods at about $10K and SC $6K with RWHP of about 450-500...........

perhaps doable with more than 15 ppl........*^^*

we shall see...................

StillenZ 02-03-2010 07:45 PM

BlackCherry, Just know that I am 100% in on a reliable 450-500 rwhp and the cost your talking! lol.. I love the very hopeful thinking... I swear to you I am in though as long as I haven't purchased something by the time this all happens.

m4a1mustang 02-03-2010 07:54 PM

Now how many of you guys have actually driven 450-500 rwhp before? :)

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