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husam2012 06-15-2019 10:53 PM

[Build] 370ZTTR
Hello everybody, this is my 2nd try at building a beautiful, reliable, quick, and nimble 370Z. My first one was at a good start but unfortunately I really disliked the color (black cherry) so I had to move on..

Anyways, here's the start to my 2nd Project 370Z so far. (First "build" thread:
I've owned plenty of fun vehicles since I started driving including 2 MINI coopers, Audi TT, Ford Probe, FX35, G37, G37x, Tiburon, and some others I'm forgetting. I keep coming back to the 370Z for a reason!

After my first Z, I swore off on buying another car from any dealership. I ended up buying this one from the auction myself and fixed it myself. I don't have many before and after pictures but this is how I received the car.

Unfortunately the shipping company/auction screwed me over by having the rear bumper cracked and the whole paint full of sand. It sucks having to add an extra $800~ to replace the rear bumper but I've decided to do that at a later stage. As for the sand, it took a good bit of a week to clean up the whole car and fix the paint blemishes and oxidization.

After some work, this is the outcome currently:

I was not able to locate a used Nismo front bumper so I had to settle with a regular base bumper for the time being. I wasn't going to purchase a new one from the dealer including all the little bits and pieces for approx $1500 plus paint!

My main goals for this build is to have a fun, reliable 370Z that can be tracked and driven everyday while still making over 600 WHP using my GT-R Turbo adapters.

I'll be adding all the pictures of the current products that are awaiting installation on my next post.

Stay tuned!

Gooch 06-16-2019 07:05 AM

Glad to see you’re back, and giving a Nismo the power it deserves. The car is looking good! Good luck with the build.

Jayhovah 06-16-2019 08:34 AM

Subbed. Great to have you back.

Rusty 06-16-2019 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3861317)
Subbed. Great to have you back.


husam2012 06-17-2019 12:15 AM

Really appreciate it guys, I'm glad to be back too.

Hoping to meet some of you guys later on during the next Zdayz!

Here's a couple pictures of the small progress I made today. (Mounted Intercoolers)

ByThaBay 06-17-2019 02:03 AM


sirnixalot 06-17-2019 04:41 PM

Glad you're back in a Z!

Quicksilvers 06-17-2019 06:24 PM

Welcome back and congratulations on your project!

husam2012 07-06-2019 10:40 PM

Thanks everyone! Glad to see that mostly everyone is still on this forum!

Everything's going slower than anticipated as I'm still waiting for my rebuilt turbos from Pure Turbos. Going to leave a nice review after I receive the turbos (If i receive them) They're 3 weeks late so far and counting.

Anyways, in the meanwhile I've been working on the garage and installing the other mods that don't go on the engine.

Here's a couple pictures!

ZontheRocks 07-06-2019 11:03 PM

What make/model two post lift is that?

Thanks in advance!

husam2012 07-07-2019 12:30 AM

That is the Danmar MX6. It's basically the MaxJAX but with automatic locking columns.

Got it about 6 months ago, but unfortunately my concrete was too thin so I had to cut it out and redo it.

husam2012 07-16-2019 09:13 PM

Does anybody know of an ancient remedy for bad luck? Seems like it's been following me for a while..

Anyways, got my Pure Turbos 5 weeks late (was supposed to be here beginning of June) and guess what? One of the turbos wasn't machined well which caused it to not clear the compressor housing very well..

Just shipped it back to them so god knows when the turbo will come back.

Meanwhile, I've made a bracket to hold the GT-R Intercoolers and experimented with the stock GTR and stock Z piping/ hoses! Looks kinda OEM haha
symbol of ammonium sulphate

Jayhovah 07-17-2019 10:21 AM

love the repurposing of stuff.

husam2012 08-03-2019 02:02 PM

Things are going very slowly still but the motor is out, turbos are on and just waiting for fittings for the lines. Hoping to have it running by mid August!

Going for an even simpler coolant routing this time around, I'll show you guys when it's done :)

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Rusty 08-03-2019 02:19 PM


husam2012 08-17-2019 01:12 PM

Been slow on updates but I've been very very busy. Just came back from TX this week and this is where she's at right now.

I'm finally having the downpipes "mass" produced at a local factory, so I should have enough completed downpipes ready for everyone at the end of this week, including my car!

After that, it's just intercooler piping and it's ready for tuning.

I also had another crazy idea and proceeded with it, here's a teaser!

sirnixalot 08-17-2019 02:45 PM

where's the teaser :pics:

husam2012 08-18-2019 02:27 AM

Forgot to include it, here it is!

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

TexasZ34 08-21-2019 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by husam2012 (Post 3873237)
Forgot to include it, here it is!

Sent from my Pixel 3 using Tapatalk

Which subframe is this out of 350 or GTR??

Do you have anymore pictures on how you routed the coolant lines??

husam2012 09-18-2019 04:25 PM

I've been super busy so I apologize for the lack of updates.

It took a while but shes finally done! I still have to finish the diff (I installed the wrong stub axles) and also redo the exhaust as the fabricator made it hang too low.

So far everything it good, with just oil cooling issues on the track. I need to figure out a way to have good flow to all the coolers :tup:

For anybody else who's doing the OS Giken LSD on a VLSD car, you can either use 2 left side stub axles, or you can use the open differential (base) stub axles but you have to machine the snap ring holes to be deeper. Hope this helps someone.

husam2012 09-18-2019 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by TexasZ34 (Post 3874083)
Which subframe is this out of 350 or GTR??

Do you have anymore pictures on how you routed the coolant lines??

350Z subframe! It's kinda involved but it shaves approx 30 lbs. Along with a rear relocated battery, it should be a worthwhile mod for track/autox people.

husam2012 09-26-2019 09:20 PM

As to be expected, my 2nd day driving the car and this happens!

Never had this happen before and I wasn't even beating on the car that much. Shifted from 2nd to 3rd and boom.. Defective?

Rusty 09-26-2019 10:09 PM

You broke the diff cover where the rear stud is mounted. All the ones I heard about. They all was beating on the car.

NeverBoneStck 09-26-2019 10:21 PM

What is up with Z1 Diff covers breaking. You are not the first. I am boosted and my nismo cover is fine. I beat my car as well

Spooler 09-26-2019 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by NeverBoneStck (Post 3880119)
What is up with Z1 Diff covers breaking. You are not the first. I am boosted and my nismo cover is fine. I beat my car as well

Nismo diff covers have been broken also. The solution is the Bellworks diff brace. If you have a Fast Intentions exhaust you will need to modify the brace. Rusty has a write up on what to do with pictures. A little bit of wheel hop will kill'em.

NeverBoneStck 09-27-2019 12:55 AM

I have to bell works diff brace. The nismo cover does need to be modified for it to fit.

hrtbrknprince 10-31-2019 06:35 PM

Hey there I saw in another thread to search for your build thread as you spent 3800$ using GTR turbos.. I assume this is it?

husam2012 11-27-2019 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by hrtbrknprince (Post 3886658)
Hey there I saw in another thread to search for your build thread as you spent 3800$ using GTR turbos.. I assume this is it?

That price was when I had used the stock turbos. This build uses upgraded turbos which doubled the cost but almost doubled the power potential too.

I apologize for the lack of updates, I have been building a few cars using these kits so my car has been on pause for the past few months. I'm hoping to get a new intercooler from CJM next month and see what she will do on the dyno :)

As for everyone looking for updates on these kits, check out my website! I have a blog section there where I'll be posting all the projects that I am currently working on.

husam2012 01-04-2020 06:16 PM

It's been uneventful lately as I've been working on other projects, but finally finished the tablet on my Nismo!

Also, picked this nice car up a week ago :P

Rusty 01-04-2020 06:30 PM

You bought what's his names Z with phunk's intake.

cv129 01-04-2020 07:53 PM

Thinking about adding the Brainiac kit to the list, looks nice!

NorthStyle 01-04-2020 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by cv129 (Post 3899005)
Thinking about adding the Brainiac kit to the list, looks nice!

It's a bit of a journey to get the sound setup properly (for the base/non-tech Nismo models). Functionality is worth it though.

husam2012 01-04-2020 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by NorthStyle (Post 3899014)
It's a bit of a journey to get the sound setup properly (for the base/non-tech Nismo models). Functionality is worth it though.

I ended up using a LCI2 to get it to the right volume and sound, otherwise it didn't sound nearly as good as the bose unit. it was a challenge finding the right unit but the LCi2 is perfect for this application.


Originally Posted by Rusty (Post 3898985)
You bought what's his names Z with phunk's intake.

Yeah, Justin's car. I will be rebuilding and doing a few things on it and it will be for sale in the summer.

NorthStyle 01-05-2020 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by husam2012 (Post 3899041)
I ended up using a LCI2 to get it to the right volume and sound, otherwise it didn't sound nearly as good as the bose unit. it was a challenge finding the right unit but the LCi2 is perfect for this application.

I originally was using my amp to run everything but there was no distinction between the channels so my sub was playing higher frequencies than necessary. I got around this by adding a Clarion MCD360 but it introduced a low level hum that wouldn't go away no matter how much I changed and rerouted the cables. I finally got rid of it by using a DAC to pull digital sound from the USB vs using the 3.5 audio jack... however, now I have the issue of the DAC (NextDrive Spectra X) draining the tablet battery whenever the car isn't running. I'm attempting to circumvent the drain by purchasing a USB Type A toggle switch to cut all power to the DAC when the car is turned off... the tablet will still receive power since they're both running off a Lava Simulcharge.

husam2012 01-15-2020 08:05 PM

I've been getting a lot of requests for a walkthrough of the GTR Turbos on the 370Z/G37, so here it is!
I apologize for the quality, it's my first time recording a video like this but I hope it explains everything a lot better than pictures.

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