03-09-2019 06:36 PM |
SPOOLER :tup::tiphat:
Was at MA-Motorsports on Friday doing a final walk about before picking up my Z later this week ...
Saw your car !!! ... AND your ~~~ 2~~~ motors ... WoW
MA-Motorsports really liked the idea of a 'Z tow' car for mobile homes and are now planning to install BOTH of your motors in a one-off twin V-6 push~pull front~back~4 wheel drive configuration to handle the work load !!!
It's going to be awesome - just don't tell them I let the cat out of the bag (it was supposed to be a surprise).
Oh, and they are almost finished patching up the bullet holes from the recent drive-by shooting. They ingeniously put an extra filler cap door on the passenger side to cover up the hole in the fender where the RPG went thru (cleanly)
It's a good job - you can hardly tell where the shrapnel holes are/were --- at night and if you are wearing dark glasses.
Only kidding you of course...
Your car is NICE
I'm excited to see another job well done, and another satisfied customer courtesy of MA-Motorsports