phunk |
01-10-2019 02:41 PM |
Coincidentally I was just speaking to someone on FaceBook about solid motor mounts a hour ago... since its relevant to this thread at the moment I will copy and paste my take on them:
I dont think youd regret the solid motor mounts. Lots of people have concern for the vibration... The VQ has very little with solid aluminum engine mounts. The only time you really notice a lot of vibration is when the starter is cranking the engine. But it actually feels kind of neat, like this firm sort of engaging vibration that makes you feel like you can tell exactly whats going on. When the engine is running and driving, you dont really feel any additional vibration unless you lug the engine (when you try and accelerate at too low of RPM and the engine bogs). Otherwise it just feels very positive and solid. Ive never heard of someone disliking solid engine mounts in a VQ Z. Now the trans mount, that is a different story. A solid trans mount is very loud and I dont recommend those.. I recommend urethane for those.