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kdoske 02-08-2010 05:14 PM

So instead of calling the number that was given to me in the automatic response email that I received a few days ago I decided to call STS's main line a push 1 for sales. You'll never guess what happened, Someone picked right up!

I spoke to someone named Adam. I was calling to purchase the universal kit when he began to ask me where I live. I said I knew where he was going but it wasn't going to be me. I'm in Louisiana and he's in Utah! 2000 miles is just to far a drive.

He told me that the R&D department is looking for a 370z to get a kit on the market. I asked if a twin turbo option would be possible and he said they wouldn't know if a twin turbo setup would work until they got it in the shop. So, it looks like even though I was laughed at when I said twin turbo's might not work\worth wild on our car was in fact a true concern even with STS. He did however elaborate that a single turbo would definitely work and with 5-6lb's of FI with no front mount intercooler would yield 100-150lbs of HP on average.

StillenZ 02-08-2010 05:54 PM

Nice to hear something... I wish someone nearby could get in touch with them...can't wait to see some results!

Zguy 02-08-2010 06:53 PM

If noone has done it in the next 6 months I will.... i will most likely be picking up my 370 Roadster before the summer and then maybe a couple months after that I should have the greenbacks to do it....hopefully they go with a TT and I wont have to experiment lol.... GL man

GingaBreadMan 02-08-2010 07:42 PM

I thought I told everyone to contact the sales department and all we need is someone to get their Z down there. I never have a problem with getting in contact with them they have answered and returned my call every time. I'm shocked that ppl are having such a hard time. I know MotoExtreme and someone that lives in Utah is trying to get their Z there. I hope they can make it so I can be TT'd before summer. Good luck guys, don't give up.

schrute 02-08-2010 08:26 PM

I'm not planning on FI right now but if it will help you guys out I'll swing by tomorrow. I'm not far from them.

GingaBreadMan 02-08-2010 10:10 PM

That would be great. Maybe they will work out a sweet deal for you to get turbo'd sooner.

motoextreme 02-08-2010 11:00 PM

He responded to my email today to please call, I called them back no later then 5 minutes after the email. I followed with another call late afternoon and I'll keep trying tomorrow. (I sent two follow up emails as well later in the day)

Point being...Trust me when I say I'm trying!

Update you soon.

StillenZ 02-09-2010 09:05 AM

lol... yea every time I email they say to call... they still haven't responded to my 2 emails... I don't get it... like I see thousands and thousands of potential revenue dollars for STS and still no "real" signs that they are that interested... I don't get why they wouldn't hop on here and try to sell some kits

Zguy 02-09-2010 10:11 AM

Its probably out of the scope of someones job there. Alot of people are lazy, they will only do what has to be done. Im sure if someone that was a little higher in the food chain there knew there was a large interest here then they would come on and get the ball rolling.

Honestly if you wanted to do the build bad enough its not complicated it would just be time consuming to put everything together.

motoextreme 02-09-2010 10:28 AM

I offered to do that. In fact I have two VERY qualified mechanics that are also very good with welding, bending pipe and just about anything else but I don't want to waste the resources if they are doing the same thing.

I'm going to try again in a few... I'll let you guys know the outcome.

motoextreme 02-09-2010 12:19 PM

Looking good boys....

Had a long talk with them, like my idea but need to run it by the top brass. If its a go I'll let you all know.

Really great guys by the way and to their defense, they are working on SO many projects right now. Just wrapped up the 2010 Camaro V8, working on the 6 cyl now. They are working on a couple of Chrysler cars right now etc etc...

Long story short, they are slammed BUT, don't worry, we have an answer so as soon as I get the thumbs up then I'll send you an update. He did mention that we should seriously think about sticking with a single turbo, they have hit some HUGE #'s with them and the duals are really overkill for our application but he also understand the bragging rights that go along with duals :tup:

I for one appreciate that comment, rather then selling us something we may not need, if we can get more reliability, strong HP and a cheaper price point...has my attention! We'll see.

Look for updates, I feel really good about this. I'll have to invest some $ but in the end it may prove worthwhile.

Updates coming soon!

GingaBreadMan 02-09-2010 01:56 PM

Great job partner!!!

kdoske 02-09-2010 02:21 PM

cool, I guess I'll wait a few months to see if the kit ever becomes available before buying the universal kit from them. I really want to install the kit myself. Should be fun!

schrute 02-09-2010 04:36 PM

I just got off the phone with Andrew. I offered to drive over and let them have a look at my car if that would help. They said today wasn't good for them - my next day off is in a week so I offered to bring it in then. If my schedule opens up I may be able to get it in sooner.

KingDavid 02-10-2010 12:47 PM

Great news guys! Can't wait to see results.

Minicobra1 02-10-2010 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by motoextreme (Post 394524)
Looking good boys....

Had a long talk with them, like my idea but need to run it by the top brass. If its a go I'll let you all know.

Long story short, they are slammed BUT, don't worry, we have an answer so as soon as I get the thumbs up then I'll send you an update. He did mention that we should seriously think about sticking with a single turbo, they have hit some HUGE #'s with them and the duals are really overkill for our application but he also understand the bragging rights that go along with duals :tup:

I for one appreciate that comment, rather then selling us something we may not need, if we can get more reliability, strong HP and a cheaper price point...has my attention! We'll see.

Updates coming soon!

Cool, glad you finally got a hold of them :tup: This kit sounds promising.
I'm surprised he recommended a single turbo, is he aware that we have DTB's?
A single turbo would mean some type of new intake or custom intercooler would have to be designed and made. Maybe he has something else in mind. Anyway, in for updates on this one. :tup:

kdoske 02-10-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Minicobra1 (Post 397084)
Cool, glad you finally got a hold of them :tup: This kit sounds promising.
I'm surprised he recommended a single turbo, is he aware that we have DTB's?
A single turbo would mean some type of new intake or custom intercooler would have to be designed and made. Maybe he has something else in mind. Anyway, in for updates on this one. :tup:

just need a Y pipe or take a twin turbo intercooler and flip it upside down.

StillenZ 02-11-2010 10:10 AM

So I know nothing about how a Y-pipe would affect anything, so I am just going off what I have read and could be wrong... but didn't someone say that a Y-pipe would cause different air flow to go through to the two sides... like one side could be getting more air than the other causing MAF to read wrong or something... Someone educate me here please? I thought a simple Y-pipe wouldn't cut it?

Zguy 02-11-2010 10:42 AM

I would assume you are talking about coming from the turbo.... You would have your headers, to test pipes/Cats, to a Y pipe, to the turbo, Then you would have one charge pipe from the Turbo to a 1 inlet 2 outlet intercooler that would split the air equally to the 2 mafs. Granted im sure it wouldnt always be a perfect distribution. im sure it wouldnt be much of a difference between sides. Remember the 2 intakes feed the same chamber in the intake plenum. Air pressures would equalize pretty quickly. If each intake only fed one bank of the engine then you would have to make sure the boost coming in was equal.

kdoske 02-11-2010 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Zguy (Post 397552)
I would assume you are talking about coming from the turbo.... You would have your headers, to test pipes/Cats, to a Y pipe, to the turbo, Then you would have one charge pipe from the Turbo to a 1 inlet 2 outlet intercooler that would split the air equally to the 2 mafs. Granted im sure it wouldnt always be a perfect distribution. im sure it wouldnt be much of a difference between sides. Remember the 2 intakes feed the same chamber in the intake plenum. Air pressures would equalize pretty quickly. If each intake only fed one bank of the engine then you would have to make sure the boost coming in was equal.


StillenZ 02-11-2010 06:36 PM

I learn something new every day... even if I do come off as a newb lol... Thanks man

Zguy 02-13-2010 11:34 AM

its all good :) I spend a lot of time reading these forums and I have built a few boosted cars in my day.. Learning is the reason we are all here....

schrute 02-16-2010 12:15 PM

I stopped by STS today. Met some cool guys and got a quick tour of their shop. Impressive setup. They looked at my Z a bit but wanted me to bring it back later in the week when they have an open rack so they could get a better look underneath (all their racks had cars on them). I gave them my cell number and said I'd be happy to bring it back, just let me know.

I got to see one of the newer cars they are working on - seeing it in person this remote turbo setup makes a lot more sense to me now. Looks like a good system. Isn't it nice to have options? Hopefully STS has something for the Z soon...

kdoske 02-16-2010 12:42 PM


kdoske 02-16-2010 01:37 PM

Here is the STS system from the 350z forum. It actually changed my mind about going with a remote mount. I think and i'm gonna go with a SC setup instead. I read all the way to page 40. I'm not gonna sit here and bash because i am not an STS customer but you can read this forum and gather your own conclusions.

Official STS Rear Mount Turbo Discussion Thread - 350Z Forum

In a couple of months if I don't have my SC yet and STS get's a few of their kits installed on the 370z I might still go this route if the results are good, but I am not going to be the first.

Minicobra1 02-16-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by kdoske (Post 403952)
Here is the STS system from the 350z forum. It actually changed my mind about going with a remote mount. I think and i'm gonna go with a SC setup instead. I read all the way to page 40. I'm not gonna sit here and bash because i am not an STS customer but you can read this forum and gather your own conclusions.

Official STS Rear Mount Turbo Discussion Thread - 350Z Forum

In a couple of months if I don't have my SC yet and STS get's a few of their kits installed on the 370z I might still go this route if the results are good, but I am not going to be the first.

Thanks for the post :tup:

Zsteve 02-17-2010 10:02 AM

Well if the 350Z can make 360 HP then the 370Z should be close to 400 hp safely. From that site with the 350Zs I didnt see anyone that had it put on then had bad things happen but I only went about 7 pages into it.

KingDavid 02-20-2010 02:31 AM


Originally Posted by Zsteve (Post 405037)
Well if the 350Z can make 360 HP then the 370Z should be close to 400 hp safely. From that site with the 350Zs I didnt see anyone that had it put on then had bad things happen but I only went about 7 pages into it.

It got ugly with customer service. Some really shady ****. Apparently all that got fixed but daaaaaamn. I read every page. I'm sure they've turned **** around since that incident was two years ago but eh, we'll see.

Zguy 02-20-2010 09:05 AM

yea I have been all over that thread in the past.... I havnt checked it out in over a year....

KingDavid 02-22-2010 09:42 PM

YouTube - 2008 350Z HR Motor - Custom Rear Mount Turbo Kit + Osiris Tune Z Fever

That's the HR motor. I can only imagine what could be done to the VHR...But that customer service incident hurt them badly.

Zguy 02-23-2010 06:38 PM

I guess this thread is pretty much dead... Noone that was looking into it has posted :(

kdoske 02-23-2010 06:57 PM

STS's loss really. If they don't show any initiative then oh well. Plenty of calls have been made to them. After looking at their kit pricing more it makes sense to spend the extra grand and just go with a SC IMO.

StillenZ 02-23-2010 07:10 PM

Ya I've been tryin not to say much... I'd love to see someone get somewhere with this but who knows if its gonna happen. I know eventually it will but I don't think its going to be in the time frame that I am hoping for.

GingaBreadMan 02-24-2010 09:30 AM

I'm going to be patient. I'm well ahead of my plans for TT's. Even in stock form my Z and I are world beaters. After 8 months of ownership I'm still enjoying the power and handling and I'm looking forward to having the Z for the entire spring and summer. I am giving STS a pass. If you gave your car to any company doing TT's you would have to wait 4-5 months to have it installed. I don't need to be the first person in my area with forced induction.

Chris@FsP 02-26-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by GingaBreadMan (Post 415378)
I'm going to be patient. I'm well ahead of my plans for TT's. Even in stock form my Z and I are world beaters. After 8 months of ownership I'm still enjoying the power and handling and I'm looking forward to having the Z for the entire spring and summer. I am giving STS a pass. If you gave your car to any company doing TT's you would have to wait 4-5 months to have it installed. I don't need to be the first person in my area with forced induction.

What shop has a 4-5 month turnaround time on a stock block TT install? :icon14:

kdoske 02-26-2010 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by FailsafePerf (Post 418689)
What shop has a 4-5 month turnaround time on a stock block TT install? :icon14:

4 months is a normal turn around for a TT kit I think, maybe I'm wrong...

Chris@FsP 02-26-2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by kdoske (Post 418710)
4 months is a normal turn around for a TT kit I think, maybe I'm wrong...


Zsteve 02-26-2010 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by FailsafePerf (Post 418723)

If this is how you treat your customers at your shop then I would think your shop would be empty after awhile.

Chris@FsP 02-26-2010 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Zsteve (Post 418784)
If this is how you treat your customers at your shop then I would think your shop would be empty after awhile.

I treat my customers like gold. I just think it is funny that some of you are brainwashed into thinking 4 months for a simple bolt on twin turbo install is the norm. It is a 2 week job at best, from drop-off to delivery, fully tuned and ready to go.

Zsteve 02-26-2010 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by FailsafePerf (Post 418795)
I treat my customers like gold. I just think it is funny that some of you are brainwashed into thinking 4 months for a simple bolt on twin turbo install is the norm. It is a 2 week job at best, from drop-off to delivery, fully tuned and ready to go.

I think he was more along the line of development but I may be wrong. but if he did mean install then Im sure he meant from the guys that are developing the new kits and you might have to wait a bit. Either way if you are a sponsor then you shouldnt be acting this way. And if your not a sponsor then you should take the shop stuff out.

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