Fly1 Motorsports |
03-31-2014 04:03 PM |
Originally Posted by SnooPPP
(Post 2758709)
Installed mine today. Kinda late in the day for pics so lighting makes it hard to notice
Thanks for posting SNooPPP...looks sick :tup:
Originally Posted by jlbrenne
(Post 2759043)
How much protection does it really offer? I'm not being an *** I just want your guys opinions. I don't care about the asthetics more about if in hit a speed bump or a drive that's to low...etc
From first hand experience, I can definitely say it adds significant protection. Of course, it depends on how low you are, and how careful you drive. Slamming into a speed bump or pothole will do damage with or without a skid plate. But when I was severely lowered and scraping on driveways etc. (to the point where I had a hole underneath the bumper where I was frequently rubbing)...this alleviated that concern. Like you, I cared less about the look, more about the function...and this solved my problem.
For those that ARE just seeking a cosmetic upgrade, here is the first Carbon Fiber splitter for the Amuse bumper: