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bigdog1250 10-23-2012 03:17 PM

iPad Mini Potential
Can't wait to see if we can mount the iPad mini in our cubbies. It looks like it is the perfect size. It would make for an amazing entertainment hub.
I've been wanting to mount the iPad for quite sometime, but it's simply too big. I know others have mounted other various tablets, but I'm an Apple fanboy and LOVE iOS.
Navigation & music would look and work great on that size screen. Much easier to navigate while driving due to the larger, more legible display.

What do you guys think?

koffeegy 10-23-2012 03:36 PM


cheshirecat 10-23-2012 03:39 PM

IMO, it's going to be a tad bit too large width-wise after looking at the bezel (which isn't small). I haven't seen measurement specs yet, though, so I may be off.

coltrain 10-23-2012 03:46 PM

I think I'd rather install the Nexus 7. Even the Wifi version without a connection, you could still use the Maps/Nav to get around.

martin82 10-23-2012 03:48 PM

but screen is not retina... such a holes.... so in 6 month to 1 year they can say OH here is something new! Retina display lmao!! I gave my dad my ipad 3... and very disappointed in iphone 5...

koffeegy 10-23-2012 03:52 PM


Apple - iPad mini - Technical specifications

coltrain 10-23-2012 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by martin82 (Post 1976696)
but screen is not retina... such a holes.... so in 6 month to 1 year they can say OH here is something new! Retina display lmao!! I gave my dad my ipad 3... and very disappointed in iphone 5...

Every freaking Apple product ... they release the crappy version and then 6 months later, add features that it should have already had ... and call it Gen 2.0 :mad:

ARizzle 10-23-2012 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by martin82 (Post 1976696)
but screen is not retina... such a holes.... so in 6 month to 1 year they can say OH here is something new! Retina display lmao!! I gave my dad my ipad 3... and very disappointed in iphone 5...

Why the disappointment? It's opinion. Have you tried the panoramic view for taking pictures...that is mind-blowing!

Size-wise though it should be perfect

LakeShow 10-23-2012 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by ARizzle (Post 1976745)
Why the disappointment? It's opinion. Have you tried the panoramic view for taking pictures...that is mind-blowing!

Size-wise though it should be perfect

I agree I love the iPhone 5. iPad mini was a disappointment though.

ARizzle 10-23-2012 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by LakeShow (Post 1976754)
I agree I love the iPhone 5. iPad mini was a disappointment though.

Part of the reason why apple is down today a little over 3%

NissanGuy23 10-23-2012 04:59 PM

I love the iPad mini, it seems like a great buy for $329. But, at just under 8" I'm not sure it will fit in the cubby.

martin82 10-23-2012 05:14 PM

sorry but they even announced the ipad 4 already screwing EVERYONE that bought a 3... it is BS i'm damn pissed... atleast I gave the ipad 3 to my dad as a bday present but still WTF............
Sorry but I had panorama even on my iphone 3....... yes the 5 makes it easier but other phones had that years ago..... at this point I'm hating apple more and more
and no retina display hahaha what a joke for ipad mini...

bigdog1250 10-23-2012 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by martin82 (Post 1976853)
sorry but they even announced the ipad 4 already screwing EVERYONE that bought a 3... it is BS i'm damn pissed... atleast I gave the ipad 3 to my dad as a bday present but still WTF............
Sorry but I had panorama even on my iphone 3....... yes the 5 makes it easier but other phones had that years ago..... at this point I'm hating apple more and more
and no retina display hahaha what a joke for ipad mini...

How is advancing technology screwing people? The iPad 3 is still just as good as it was yesterday. Just because there is a newer, faster version, doesn't mean the old one is obsolete. I hate this mentality.
Technology will continue to advance at a rapid pace so you'd think people would get used to it by now.

While the mini's screen is not the "retina" it's still a damn good display. The iPad 2's was great, and this has the same resolution but in a smaller package, thus higher pixels per inch which = sexier looking.

The iPhone 5 is in no way a let down. Fast as hell. Sexy looking and built. GREAT operating system. Better battery life... I'm happy :)

**The real issue now is that there are just too many cool products, which ones do you buy and carry around?

NissanGuy23 10-23-2012 07:15 PM


In no way shape or form did apple "screw" anyone by releasing the 4.

The iPhone 5 is the best phone on the market according to Gizmodo review of

Someone measure the cubby to see if 7.9" fits

martin82 10-23-2012 07:39 PM

sure they did.... maybe u don't feel screwed but its just apple holding onto stuff they already HAVE just to charge u again in 6 month's 1 year later... for fanboys to buy. FYI I had original iphone, 3g, 3g, 4, etc now 5 and ipad 1 and 3... so i'm not an apple hater. I just don't like where they are doing with this and their biz strategy of holding on stuff they SHOULD release....... but instead release partial and make more money next time.......when competing products already HAVE them now!
I now rather stick a samsung galaxy or note in the cubby hole!

jlo370z 10-23-2012 08:03 PM

is there a way to hook up a ipad/iphone to the back of a non nav radio, i hate that the stocker radio has a audio jack in the front. and does the mini fit ? LOL

w0rM 10-23-2012 08:17 PM

I just measured the cubby and there's no way it's going to fit without some serious cutting. The opening is only around 6 inches wide and 4 inches high.

TreeSemdyZee 10-23-2012 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by martin82 (Post 1977105)
sure they did.... maybe u don't feel screwed but its just apple holding onto stuff they already HAVE just to charge u again in 6 month's 1 year later... for fanboys to buy. FYI I had original iphone, 3g, 3g, 4, etc now 5 and ipad 1 and 3... so i'm not an apple hater. I just don't like where they are doing with this and their biz strategy of holding on stuff they SHOULD release....... but instead release partial and make more money next time.......when competing products already HAVE them now!
I now rather stick a samsung galaxy or note in the cubby hole!

So you have proof that they have things they haven't released?
IMO the reason the iOS 6 software has issues is because of the millions that pressure them to have the latest and greatest. Patience would help in getting better products.

afbunn 10-23-2012 08:47 PM

I really don't know why so many people blindly follow Apple products. ESPECIALLY this iPad Mini. So let me get this straight: iPad Mini, 16gb, wifi only, will sell for $329. However, a Google Nexus 7, with the SAME FEATURES AS IPAD MINI, sells for $199. But just because the iPad has the "iPad" name on it, you'll spend close to double what you'd pay for a Nexus 7? Just because Apple says theirs is better and that you should buy it? Even putting their shady, lawsuit-happy antics with Samsung aside, why would/should you buy an iPad Mini over a Nexus 7? Because of iOS? Being locked out of doing anything outside of Apple's playpen OS versus the freedom of Android? I'll never understand it.

EDIT: Correction, I stated the wrong price earlier for the Nexus 7. I stated the price for the 8GB model, not the 16. The 16GB is $249.

afbunn 10-23-2012 08:48 PM

Back on topic: The Nexus 7 will fit the cubby hole better than the iPad Mini, according to dimensions.

jlo370z 10-23-2012 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by afbunn (Post 1977232)
I really don't know why so many people blindly follow Apple products. ESPECIALLY this iPad Mini. So let me get this straight: iPad Mini, 16gb, wifi only, will sell for $329. However, a Google Nexus 7, with the SAME FEATURES AS IPAD MINI, sells for $199. But just because the iPad has the "iPad" name on it, you'll spend close to double what you'd pay for a Nexus 7? Just because Apple says theirs is better and that you should buy it? Even putting their shady, lawsuit-happy antics with Samsung aside, why would/should you buy an iPad Mini over a Nexus 7? Because of iOS? Being locked out of doing anything outside of Apple's playpen OS versus the freedom of Android? I'll never understand it.

its wifi only??? that makes it garbage for the car.....I use spotify from my phone, like pandora i suppose but i like spotify better. I need the 3g to get my play lists to play while mobile.

that being said, apple product are great for home networking applications and ease of use. but for the car I need to access the grid when off the network

w0rM 10-23-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by afbunn (Post 1977232)
I really don't know why so many people blindly follow Apple products. ESPECIALLY this iPad Mini. So let me get this straight: iPad Mini, 16gb, wifi only, will sell for $329. However, a Google Nexus 7, with the SAME FEATURES AS IPAD MINI, sells for $199. But just because the iPad has the "iPad" name on it, you'll spend close to double what you'd pay for a Nexus 7? Just because Apple says theirs is better and that you should buy it? Even putting their shady, lawsuit-happy antics with Samsung aside, why would/should you buy an iPad Mini over a Nexus 7? Because of iOS? Being locked out of doing anything outside of Apple's playpen OS versus the freedom of Android? I'll never understand it.

Looks like you haven't been doing your research. Read this. Android and the Nexus 7 have lots of issues... not the least of which is stability... but who cares about that, right? :)

I'm actually not a huge fan of Apple. I do have an iPhone and a iPad 1 but I own them because they are the most universally compatible mobile devices in the world. Why you Android fans refused to own up to the multitude of issues with the Android OSs over the years is beyond me.

It's just like the old Linux vs Windows debate. You can do WAY more with Linux than you can do with any version of Windows. So why isn't everyone using Linux? Because not everyone gives a rats about being able to tweak the crap out of their technology. Some people just want to pick it up and use it.

If you can't understand that, I'm not sure what to tell you.

HamZ 10-23-2012 09:00 PM

iPhone 5 feels like the perfect device, screen size, processing speed, etc..

iPad Mini is a disappointment to me simply because its lacking the retina display..

jlo370z 10-23-2012 09:03 PM

looks like the nexus is the same wifi only??

afbunn 10-23-2012 09:09 PM

Nexus 7 only comes in WiFi only. iPad Mini comes with 3g+wifi or just wifi. I don't know what's so hard about tethering to your phone for your 3g needs and using one data plan versus paying for two 3g devices. If your argument is battery life, ever heard of a car charger? Specifically for the 370z's case, there's two cigarette outlets you could use to charge your phone while tethering. I have a Samsung Epic 4g Touch and just tethering for the connection doesn't eat my battery terribly in the first place.

jlo370z 10-23-2012 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by afbunn (Post 1977284)
Nexus 7 only comes in WiFi only. iPad Mini comes with 3g+wifi or just wifi. I don't know what's so hard about tethering to your phone for your 3g needs and using one data plan versus paying for two 3g devices. If your argument is battery life, ever heard of a car charger? Specifically for the 370z's case, there's two cigarette outlets you could use to charge your phone while tethering. I have a Samsung Epic 4g Touch and just tethering for the connection doesn't eat my battery terribly in the first place.

i know all about the cigarette outlets :icon17: thats the thing i want to get away from them, friggin cords all over, id want to connect to the back of the radio some how with the ipad mini and have it charge off of that, if it cant be done that way then its not for me. i wont even plug my phone into the audio jack on the front because its one more cable id have to have in the car.

and i have both outlets being used now btw, im a salesperson and have one for my personal iphone and one for my windows work phone. to many cords already!!!

m3chhawk 10-23-2012 09:18 PM

Just as a heads up, rumors are pretty strong that the Nexus 7 will be $99/$149 by the holidays.

tjlazer 10-23-2012 09:18 PM

I guess Nissan screws us hard every year, cuz they keep releasing a new Z. ;)

This is great timing for me as I was just about to buy a iPad 3. Having just bought a iPhone 5, I wanted to get a new iPad and was thinking maybe I should wait for the new iPad with Lightning connector. :)

afbunn 10-23-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by w0rM (Post 1977253)
Looks like you haven't been doing your research. Read this. Android and the Nexus 7 have lots of issues... not the least of which is stability... but who cares about that, right? :)

I'm actually not a huge fan of Apple. I do have an iPhone and a iPad 1 but I own them because they are the most universally compatible mobile devices in the world. Why you Android fans refused to own up to the multitude of issues with the Android OSs over the years is beyond me.

It's just like the old Linux vs Windows debate. You can do WAY more with Linux than you can do with any version of Windows. So why isn't everyone using Linux? Because not everyone gives a rats about being able to tweak the crap out of their technology. Some people just want to pick it up and use it.

If you can't understand that, I'm not sure what to tell you.

The article you linked notes the improved stability of the Android OS, specifically Jelly Bean, on the Nexus. And this isn't a comparison of which can do more. It's a comparison of what can do the same as the other, for less money. The only way the iPad Mini's higher price could be justified is if it came with Retina display. But it doesn't. It comes with the same features as a Nexus 7.

ARizzle 10-23-2012 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by martin82 (Post 1977105)
sure they did.... maybe u don't feel screwed but its just apple holding onto stuff they already HAVE just to charge u again in 6 month's 1 year later... for fanboys to buy. FYI I had original iphone, 3g, 3g, 4, etc now 5 and ipad 1 and 3... so i'm not an apple hater. I just don't like where they are doing with this and their biz strategy of holding on stuff they SHOULD release....... but instead release partial and make more money next time.......when competing products already HAVE them now!
I now rather stick a samsung galaxy or note in the cubby hole!

Kinda reminds me of Call of Duty or other video games...your trying to get your rank up, then they come out with a new one... Definitely a marketing strategy but if you think of it, every new game has improvements... Now relate that to the iPad/iPhone scenario... They gotta keep doing this because if they don't, there is a greater possibility that they will fall behind and lose market share which could ultimately lead them to something like Kodak...research them (basically they didn't continue to innovate and fell too far behind -they would come out with something that another company already had while that same company comes out with something even better...this inturn will lead to the possibility of bankruptcy) now I'm not saying Apple will go bankrupt (hopefully not because I am a shareholder lol) but they are unfortunately for your case going to have to keep coming out with the latest innovations.

afbunn 10-23-2012 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by jlo370z (Post 1977306)
i know all about the cigarette outlets :icon17: thats the thing i want to get away from them, friggin cords all over, id want to connect to the back of the radio some how with the ipad mini and have it charge off of that, if it cant be done that way then its not for me. i wont even plug my phone into the audio jack on the front because its one more cable id have to have in the car.

and i have both outlets being used now btw, im a salesperson and have one for my personal iphone and one for my windows work phone. to many cords already!!!

I believe there are cigarette lighter USB chargers that have two or more USB ports on them. Using the one in your center console would be the one you could use for your two phones. As for charging the tablet, you can probably charge it with a USB port from aftermarket head units. I know some of the newer ones have two USB ports. One in front and one in back. The one in the back could be your ticket for charging your tablet. You'd just have to route the charging cord through the cubby assembly to the rear of the head unit. That's what my plan is for my Nexus 7 install onto the surface of my cubby lid.

jlo370z 10-23-2012 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by afbunn (Post 1977341)
I believe there are cigarette lighter USB chargers that have two or more USB ports on them. Using the one in your center console would be the one you could use for your two phones. As for charging the tablet, you can probably charge it with a USB port from aftermarket head units. I know some of the newer ones have two USB ports. One in front and one in back. The one in the back could be your ticket for charging your tablet. You'd just have to route the charging cord through the cubby assembly to the rear of the head unit. That's what my plan is for my Nexus 7 install onto the surface of my cubby lid.

I hear what your saying, I guess my point for me anyhow is that i would want a seamless looking install with out the wires all over. unfortunately for me i think the stock radio can not do what i want it to do, and in my case a new head unit with nav and ipod integration would work best for me. now if the Ipad mini/ nexus 7 can some how integrate with the stock radio from behind then id be game to go that route

afbunn 10-23-2012 11:26 PM

Adding a tablet to the car won't be possible to do tidily with the stock head unit, as there's no expandability in the rear of the radio unit. You have to go aftermarket. And when you do, make sure you get a unit that has Bluetooth streaming, a USB port in the rear, aux input in the rear can't hurt either. As I said before, with a rear USB port, you'll be able to run the cord behind the head unit from the tablet. You'll just have to get creative with the cubby door like I'm doing or just let the cord peek out of the cubby itself if you just fasten the tablet to the door. Am I explaining this well or are you still kinda lost? lol.

bigdog1250 10-24-2012 12:09 AM

Apple just makes sexy products plain and simple. The design and build quality is the best hands down - that is worth a premium to me. Also, the OS is the smoothest out there, even the first iPhone's touch screen seems smoother than a Samsung GS3. iOS is bulletproof and so easy to use. While I usually like tinkering, I don't care about it when it comes to my phone. I just want something that works every time and the iPhone does.

It's a shame our cubby is too small :(
^Apple is likely just holding out another year until they screw us and release the 6" iPad mini-er to fit in people's cubbies ;)

bigdog1250 10-24-2012 12:10 AM

Check out this old thread I came across, this mount seems to be the best out there for an iPad/tablet install.

Z370Z011 10-24-2012 03:31 AM

well, ill tell you one thing.. the nearby car thief will surely LOVEE this mod :tup: unless of course we can hide it with the little cubby door.. then we have the upper hand :happydance:

w0rM 10-24-2012 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by afbunn (Post 1977328)
The article you linked notes the improved stability of the Android OS, specifically Jelly Bean, on the Nexus. And this isn't a comparison of which can do more. It's a comparison of what can do the same as the other, for less money. The only way the iPad Mini's higher price could be justified is if it came with Retina display. But it doesn't. It comes with the same features as a Nexus 7.

If it's a choice between something I can count on for $330 or something I can't for $200, I'll pick the one I can count on every time. You get what you pay for.

sinceday1 10-24-2012 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by ARizzle (Post 1976745)
Why the disappointment? It's opinion. Have you tried the panoramic view for taking pictures...that is mind-blowing!

Size-wise though it should be perfect

Had this in my phone since ... o I dont know..2 yrs ago??

Wiggins3377 10-24-2012 08:21 AM

Im a Apple whore, but Android tablets offer alot more customization and their 7" tablets are perfect for the Z's cubby, if you search hard enough on the forum some members have been able to customize the stock navi bezel with their 7" tablets and its looks great. There is also a forum ( that has a whole section on integrating android tablets into car. Hoping to do this to mine with my Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 soon.

cheshirecat 10-24-2012 10:22 AM

couple of pics/more discussion here:

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