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Review: Covercraft Full Nose Mask

Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy I'm not putting false information about anything. And its funny you should mention the "tire" incident you had. That is exactly what one of the incidents

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Old 12-05-2009, 03:02 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy View Post
I'm not putting false information about anything. And its funny you should mention the "tire" incident you had. That is exactly what one of the incidents I was refering to when I had a clear bra on my Shelby GT and it didn't do sh*t. The foot long piece of tire "gator" flew off the back of a semi and slammed the front passenger portion of my front fascia. It actually pierced the clear-bra leaving a ragged edge in the clear-bra material and made it to the actual bumper plastic leaving a tread mark outline and indentation that to the day I sold the car never came out.

Now on my 370Z I had the same thing happen but I had the leather "80's technology" bra on. It slammed the car even harder than the other incident with the Stang as this "gator" was larger and rocked the 370Z when it hit it. I immediately pulled over to the side of the road expecting to find all kinds of damage....and there was absolutely nothing at all. Even the "80's technology" leather still remained intact. It just had a flat-black scuff across the leather at the strike point which came off very easily using some leather cleaner and conditioner.

So spare me your knee-jerk "sales job" when I can show that "80's technology" works any day of the week because it NEVER fails and isn't a pure CRAP SHOOT like when using "modern-day clear-bra technology".

And BTW...just because a clear-bra makes its way onto some exotic brand of vehicle has absolutely nothing to do with how well the clear bra will actually protect the car. So HTP AutoWorks, do you want a shot at the "proven technologies" title?
Well I am not sure what you mean by "taking a shot at the title" but I will put a clear bra up against a leather one any day of the week. For one I wont get laughed at for having something that ugly on a beautiful car. Two the clear bra will protect not only the front but also the rocker panels, lights, A pillars... pretty much every square inch of the car if you want it where your leather bra will only protect part of the front. 1 headlight along will cost more than the installation of a clear bra. Three with a clear bra you do not have to worry about the bra vibrating at high speeds... once dirt gets underneath it is will be abrasive on the paint. And everyone knows how soft paint is on todays vehicles. And lastly I will not ever have to worry about taking it off and putting it back on. Its on 24/7 translating to more vehicle protection all of the time... not just when you have it on. So if we want to make this a test then sure... I guess with a mouth like your you surely have something in mind... or are you just all hot air???
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Old 12-05-2009, 04:09 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Old 12-05-2009, 07:39 PM   #48 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by frost View Post
Reading these posts, I wish ZKindaGuy was a CamaroKindaGuy so he could go join those folks. Did no one ever teach you that it's not what you say, but how you say it?
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Old 12-05-2009, 07:41 PM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HTP AutoWorks View Post
Well I am not sure what you mean by "taking a shot at the title" but I will put a clear bra up against a leather one any day of the week. For one I wont get laughed at for having something that ugly on a beautiful car. Two the clear bra will protect not only the front but also the rocker panels, lights, A pillars... pretty much every square inch of the car if you want it where your leather bra will only protect part of the front. 1 headlight along will cost more than the installation of a clear bra. Three with a clear bra you do not have to worry about the bra vibrating at high speeds... once dirt gets underneath it is will be abrasive on the paint. And everyone knows how soft paint is on todays vehicles. And lastly I will not ever have to worry about taking it off and putting it back on. Its on 24/7 translating to more vehicle protection all of the time... not just when you have it on. So if we want to make this a test then sure... I guess with a mouth like your you surely have something in mind... or are you just all hot air???
Hey I said what I had to say and I provided the examples to prove my point. And there are alot of other people of the same opinion as well. Just read through the posts after you tried your infomercial bit. It seems to me you are the one that has to do the convincing, not me.

Last edited by ZKindaGuy; 12-05-2009 at 07:55 PM.
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Old 12-05-2009, 07:54 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apache_Driver View Post
My RX-8 was a rock/bug magnet. I had a clear bra installed shortly after purchase and it did help out a lot, but not to the degree of a leather bra. On my red 8, I thought the black bra actually improved the way the front end looked, but I agree that they are butt ugly on our 370s. Regardless, I make frequent 300+ mile drives home, and you can't beat the protection that a good leather bra provides for long road trips. Sounds like many of you are comfortable with layering clear bras for extra protection, but for me the 300 dollar investment in something that I only use for long trips is a winner.

To be honest, I don't understand why this is such a heated topic. If the car is yours do whatever you want to protect it to the best of your ability. If a leather bra just makes you nauseous, then clearly they aren't for you. I don't think there's much of an argument, however, for saying that a sheet of plastic or two provides more protection against road debris than a thick leather pad. It may be an acceptable substitute for some, but better? That just violates whatever common sense I have left, which isn't much I assure you.

Its heated because Mr. HTP Autoworks had to latch onto my initial post and try to make an infomercial out of what I INITIALLY said.

He argues from a completely false premise that "modern technology" is better than "past technology" which is a huge bunch of . As the other posts here are testifying too the "old technology" leather bra's protect far better than the clear junk.
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Old 12-05-2009, 09:51 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Well unfortunately I cannot side with either one as I will have both the clear bra on my car for daily driving, and save the leather one for long trips stored in the garage. Overkill, maybe, but I'll put my front bumper up against anyone else's after I put some serious mileage on the car.

I'm not too sure why anybody should be "laughed at" for having a leather bra on their car. Seems a bit much to me. But heck if that's the way it is then so be it. It's my damn car and I'll put a pink boa on the front of it if I want to.

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Old 12-05-2009, 09:55 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Apache_Driver View Post
Well unfortunately I cannot side with either one as I will have both the clear bra on my car for daily driving, and save the leather one for long trips stored in the garage. Overkill, maybe, but I'll put my front bumper up against anyone else's after I put some serious mileage on the car.

I'm not too sure why anybody should be "laughed at" for having a leather bra on their car. Seems a bit much to me. But heck if that's the way it is then so be it. It's my damn car and I'll put a pink boa on the front of it if I want to.

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Old 12-05-2009, 09:59 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy View Post
No what is a travesty is an attitude that one shouldn't try to take care of what they do have so that it lasts longer and maintains the highest possible value. I'm glad you aren't living in my neighborhood.
Well, that's.. uh.. psychotic.

Dude.. you've clearly lost your mind when you've internalized discussions about a car into a rage about personal crap about who lives in your neighborhood.

Seriously.. people enjoy their cars.. and the various things that are involed with them.. but you've gone completely over the rainbow, lost your mind, one flew over the cookoo's nest crazy in response to a thread.. about a car.. on the internet.

I fear for anyone who actually knows you in person.

Last edited by Micas; 12-05-2009 at 10:05 PM.
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Old 12-05-2009, 10:17 PM   #54 (permalink)
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That pic... I peed a little

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Old 12-06-2009, 11:21 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy View Post
I bought the Nissan full-nose mask made for the 370Z. It cost about $25.00 more than the Covercraft, however the stretch fit is perfectly skin-tight so there is absolutely no looseness or folds to be seen anywhere. And the Nissan mask has the plastic use of velcro at all.

From the looks of the Covercraft in the picture it doesn't look well designed given the folds in the material. It looks rather loose and ill-fitted.
The picture was when I was test fitting and I noticed that many are saying the same remarks so I clarified my reference about the picture in my initial post; may bad on the confusion. But I did not know the OEM has hooks. I may have to look into that! Thanks for your input.

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Old 12-06-2009, 11:32 AM   #56 (permalink)
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Advocates or those who has had experience with clear bras, how hard is it to remove after having it on for a very long time (e.g. 5+ years)? I ask out of curiosity since the majority do have clear bras versus the classic kind, with the exception to Apache_Driver!
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Old 12-06-2009, 12:05 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Master_Ly View Post
Advocates or those who has had experience with clear bras, how hard is it to remove after having it on for a very long time (e.g. 5+ years)? I ask out of curiosity since the majority do have clear bras versus the classic kind, with the exception to Apache_Driver!
The guy that installed mine uses steam to heat and remove the clearbra, and says they will come off easily in the hands of a pro who knows what they are doing.
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Old 12-06-2009, 02:53 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Micas View Post
Well, that's.. uh.. psychotic.

Dude.. you've clearly lost your mind when you've internalized discussions about a car into a rage about personal crap about who lives in your neighborhood.

Seriously.. people enjoy their cars.. and the various things that are involed with them.. but you've gone completely over the rainbow, lost your mind, one flew over the cookoo's nest crazy in response to a thread.. about a car.. on the internet.

I fear for anyone who actually knows you in person.
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Old 12-06-2009, 04:43 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy View Post
Wow you really know how to make friends in here. Good luck with your leather bra... really!

by the way, you pointed out the plus's... if thats wht you call them on leather bras, you didnt even respond to what I posted. I guess it was hard to come back with anything when you are so obviousely wrong.
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Old 12-07-2009, 09:48 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by antennahead View Post
The guy that installed mine uses steam to heat and remove the clearbra, and says they will come off easily in the hands of a pro who knows what they are doing.
Ah, okay. I kind of vision like really bad glue residual still on there but I'm sure in a professional's hand, it would be fine.
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