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stratburst 01-17-2016 05:01 PM

What are you using for a Phone mount?
I have a 370z with Nav and want to get a phone mount for an S6. I've found that vent mounts don't seem secure and a window mount is too far forward and difficult to see in the sun. CD mount looks promising. What do you recommend? Pics appreciated. Thx...

UNKNOWN_370 01-17-2016 05:03 PM

I use a phone mount as a phone mount. :rofl:

Skinzaholic 01-17-2016 07:27 PM

I just got a CD mount . Seems to work really well. I flipped it upside down for a better fit.

stratburst 01-17-2016 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Skinzaholic (Post 3390506)
I just got a CD mount . Seems to work really well. I flipped it upside down for a better fit.

Does it get in the way of the nav or audio controls?

Chuy 01-17-2016 09:30 PM

I had a CD mountain was good and secure. Down side either give up your climate control or the audio. I'm currently looking a new mount. In front of the transmission stick or in the area where Ebrake is I have been putting everything in the center console.

Skinzaholic 01-17-2016 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by stratburst (Post 3390544)
Does it get in the way of the nav or audio controls?

It does somewhat block the audio controls but there is room to reach behind the mount and get to everything. If I didn't mount it upside down, it would probably work well for a car with navagation .

JC-Nismo 01-18-2016 01:15 AM

Bluetooth HU and phone stays in the armrest. People still mount there phones???

BGTV8 01-18-2016 03:37 AM

Even with hands-free, I put my phone in the boot (trunk) .... one too many near-misses farking around with the phone whilst driving ..........

scottIN 01-18-2016 06:28 AM

I've got a Kenu Airframe (vent mount) and have never had an issue. Although I've got Nav, I use Google Maps on my phone and put it on the vent just left of the nav screen. Holds it perfect.

Wheels3309 01-18-2016 09:01 AM

Been using this one for a while now... works great (I installed it upside down) still leaving everything within reach/accessible. I usually prefer the more "minimal" solutions, so this fit the bill.

kenchan 01-18-2016 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by JC-Nismo (Post 3390639)
Bluetooth HU and phone stays in the armrest. People still mount there phones???

i do in my dd's.

I use Proclip products.

stratburst 01-18-2016 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by JC-Nismo (Post 3390639)
Bluetooth HU and phone stays in the armrest. People still mount there phones???

I use the HU for calls but need to mount the phone for WAZE and Escort Live so I know when 5-0 is around. I drive a Z to go fast.

stratburst 01-18-2016 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Wheels3309 (Post 3390741)

Been using this one for a while now... works great (I installed it upside down) still leaving everything within reach/accessible. I usually prefer the more "minimal" solutions, so this fit the bill.

Thanks for the link!

NorthStyle 01-18-2016 11:15 AM

KUDA is a popular one that the Lexus guys have been using:

KUDA OEM leather iPhone GPS Mount for NISSAN 370Z (since 2010) black

FPenvy 01-18-2016 11:25 AM

cup holder seems to work just fine for me :tiphat: lol

murf51 01-18-2016 05:04 PM

I went and decided to build my own and I love it. It is not in the way, and I can turn it portrait or landscape. Slight cutting involved and easy.

alangoooo 01-18-2016 07:22 PM

I put this right on the bottom left of my windshield, doesn't obstruct anything and its really easy to reach to my left :D Worked awesome on my 350 and just as good on my 370z.

SanDuh684 01-18-2016 09:05 PM

Kuda phone mount. It's pricey for a phone mount but stable.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G925A using Tapatalk

JC-Nismo 01-18-2016 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by kenchan (Post 3390828)
i do in my dd's.

I use Proclip products.

stratburst 01-19-2016 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by alangoooo (Post 3391344)
I put this right on the bottom left of my windshield, doesn't obstruct anything and its really easy to reach to my left :D Worked awesome on my 350 and just as good on my 370z.

Do you mount on the windshield or the dash?

2011 Nismo#91 01-19-2016 10:46 AM

Ram mount X-Grip.
Got fed up with cheap Chinese plastic ones breaking or just not working well. The last one I bought didn't even get a chance to mount before it cracked.

zzzzz370zzzzz 01-19-2016 02:55 PM

proclip works great

stratburst 01-19-2016 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by 2011 Nismo#91 (Post 3391829)
Ram mount X-Grip.
Got fed up with cheap Chinese plastic ones breaking or just not working well. The last one I bought didn't even get a chance to mount before it cracked.

This is exactly whyI started this thread. Most of the stuff out there is garbage.

alangoooo 01-19-2016 07:53 PM

What are you using for a Phone mount?

Originally Posted by stratburst (Post 3391630)
Do you mount on the windshield or the dash?

I mount it on the windshield literally the bottom left corner when you sit in the car. It blocks nothing and tucks in the corner, easy to reach. It took a while to get it in the perfect setting and comfortable but it's been in the same position ever since and i use it everyday. Best bang for the buck in my opinion, you just put your phone in and it clicks into place, and then you can just release it by squeeing the tabs on the sides with one hand. Never need to fiddle with clamps or anything like with previous mounts I've had. Just one hand and go.

rkellogg07 04-16-2016 12:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I'm a big fan of Waze and liked the position of the magnetic mount on the vent, but they seemed pretty janky. So I took the door cover off my cubby thing and put a N42 magnet in it. The 7 little screws for the door cover are #2 phillips even though they look like #1s. Put a thin metal plate to the inside of my phone case and done. Super simple and it works great. And when the phone isn't there it is super clean. If I was to do it again I would get a N45 magnet (1.75"x1/4") which are about $10 on Amazon. Metal plate was $5 and I had the 3M tape to attach the magnet = $15 and 20 mins.

Fuzzzy 04-16-2016 01:29 PM


That looks great! Could you post a picture of the outside of the cubby without the phone? [[Edit]Never mind--just figured out nothing penetrated the cover--duh.

How long have you been using this now? No issues with the magnet interfering with data cards or anything else with the phone?

busha 04-17-2016 10:13 PM

i use the breffo mount, but i do not have the nav so i hook it onto the cubby hinge...


rkellogg07 05-01-2016 11:43 PM

Fuzzzy, I've had the magnet mount going for about a month now and still loving it. Stays in place over rough roads and quick corners. No magnet interference at all, but I don't use data cards w/ my stereo so can't say about that.

Jayhovah 05-03-2016 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by rkellogg07 (Post 3461087)
I'm a big fan of Waze and liked the position of the magnetic mount on the vent, but they seemed pretty janky. So I took the door cover off my cubby thing and put a N42 magnet in it. The 7 little screws for the door cover are #2 phillips even though they look like #1s. Put a thin metal plate to the inside of my phone case and done. Super simple and it works great. And when the phone isn't there it is super clean. If I was to do it again I would get a N45 magnet (1.75"x1/4") which are about $10 on Amazon. Metal plate was $5 and I had the 3M tape to attach the magnet = $15 and 20 mins.

Dear rkellogg07,

I am stealing this idea. Suck it.


charnathan 05-03-2016 01:57 PM

I use the proclip holder. I designed and 3D printed my own bracket because I didn't like how wide the proclip was:

Jayhovah 06-25-2016 10:49 PM

Here is my rip off of rkellog's mount... Works GREAT except my phone shuts the screen off when it detects a magnetic field (for flip cases and the like).. So eventually I'll have to root it to fix that. As it is, if I wiggle it around a bit, it works fine.

I also tried putting a wireless charger in there. It fit fine, but the phone had to be placed super precisely for it to work and I wasn't happy with it... I might try again in the future.

Thanks for the idea!

I had to do two sets of magnets and metal plates to hold it... I couldn't put them in the middle because I use wireless charging at home and the plate would block it. One big magnet and plate like rkellog did would be much easier.

Gibzki 06-25-2016 11:59 PM

I did this too. Best mount imho. Props to rkellog.

Zbrah 06-26-2016 02:02 AM

I am using a cd slot phone mount for my IPhone 6. The brand is Koomus but you can find others on really well, I picked up another one for my daily.

kenchan 06-26-2016 06:11 AM

On the cheap I recommend the magnet vent mounts. I use it on rentals all the time during biz trips. Comes off clean

SnowXTC 06-15-2017 05:59 PM

Thank you
Thank you, the magnet mount it is awesome. I tried smaller N52 magnets and they did not work, but the N45 1.75 X .25 is awesome. On the screws, they are easy to drop. Once you have taken it off and put it back on once, if you have to take it off again, you will need to find longer screws as the plastic is not made to screwed into repeatedly.

DrNumbers 07-09-2017 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by SnowXTC (Post 3665005)
Thank you, the magnet mount it is awesome. I tried smaller N52 magnets and they did not work, but the N45 1.75 X .25 is awesome. On the screws, they are easy to drop. Once you have taken it off and put it back on once, if you have to take it off again, you will need to find longer screws as the plastic is not made to screwed into repeatedly.

I also tried this today, but need to re-do the job. I ended up stacking four N45 1.75 x 0.0625 magnets. While they hold the phone, the phone did swivel a bit on some bumpy roads and on a few hard turns. At one point, the phone turned upside down. As I've learned, stacking four 1/16" thick magnets doesn't provide the same pull force as one 1/4" thick magnet. So I should've just listened to rkellogg. I did take the cubby door off a few times, however, and I didn't have any issues with the screws/plastic.

stannyboy 08-14-2017 08:39 PM

I am using this phone mount, it works great and I have moved it from my 240, is300 and now to the Z34. it bolts to the seat and you can bend it a bunch of different ways. it can get shaky due to the length of the arm but its never really bothered me.

Mega Grip Seat Rail or Floor Phone Car Holder Mount with 18" Arm for iPhone 7, 6S, 6 Plus, 7, 6S, 6:

NateB370z 01-04-2018 06:10 PM

Thank you rkellogg07!

I am also going to pirate your idea great thinking. I'm going to step it up a notch and do both sides of the lid and possibly add a wireless charger along with it for one of the sides. I have USB from my deck already running into that box so it might just work of heat doesn't become an issue.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

Jayhovah 01-04-2018 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by NateB370z (Post 3719446)
Thank you rkellogg07!

I am also going to pirate your idea great thinking. I'm going to step it up a notch and do both sides of the lid and possibly add a wireless charger along with it for one of the sides. I have USB from my deck already running into that box so it might just work of heat doesn't become an issue.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

I experimented with the wireless charger and never had much luck with it... I could get it to work if I had the phone on it juuuuuust so, but the way the lid curves and the positioning of the magnets around the wireless charger just didn't hold the phone in place consistently and the charging was intermittent at best even if I could get the phone to stick in place at all. If you do give it a shot, I'd be interested to see if you an get it to work properly!

NateB370z 01-04-2018 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jayhovah (Post 3719502)
I experimented with the wireless charger and never had much luck with it... I could get it to work if I had the phone on it juuuuuust so, but the way the lid curves and the positioning of the magnets around the wireless charger just didn't hold the phone in place consistently and the charging was intermittent at best even if I could get the phone to stick in place at all. If you do give it a shot, I'd be interested to see if you an get it to work properly!

Thanks for the info I will definitely take note. I was going to try and take the internals out of a cheap one I had and do a lot of testing before anything final. I had a feeling that the curve would be the real issue as it can't have the magnet plate over the charger so it wouldn't make the best contact with the phone.

Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk

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