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jookiyaya 10-16-2009 11:06 PM

exterior - jdm taillights and fog light installed
thanks to simota's diy for fog light installation, and thanks to riverside infinitii for the jdm tail lights.

i just love that cleared and clean look!!! if you dont believe me check out my type R.... anyways....

i thought id never say this but... "studying electronics wasnt so bad'. i was thinking of ways to wire this up and then i realized i read on some other thread the colors, sheesh if i'd known better that would have been 3 hours saved but, on we go.....

Just for that cleaner look (yes yes no eggyolks!)

on the z

with the foglight now


some butt pictures... funny... cuz im more of a legs person. ^_^

and youtube 20 seconds just on the light question.
left is the jdm taillight with 7440/992 and on the right stock taillight with amber 7440A/992
it's been a lousy week in maryland just pouring rain, can you imagine 5 hours in a humid garage? anyways... ^_^

i know my car is still for sale hopefully this wont depreciate. it should increase if any cuz to me it just got that sexier and got me out of my depressed state haha...

oh and some p.s's
the fog light was spliced to turn on while parking and into the brakes as well =) very bright. i love braking and having that thing turn on. gives me extra security. im paranoid after what happened to simota LOL. j/k

another thing, everyone is asking me on the leds, it seems more brighter but that can be due to the lense actually being clear as opposed to diffused red, but it seems to be more focused and maybe perhaps increase in intensity as well? either way, love it.

and last but not least for jon (simota) and bullitt ^_^

joeyz10 10-16-2009 11:21 PM

Sorry man but I like the eggyolks....I have my rear fog light connected to a switch on the seat heater switch so I can turn it on and off when I want it.

jookiyaya 10-16-2009 11:25 PM


Originally Posted by joeyz10 (Post 240066)
Sorry man but I like the eggyolks....

well i dont ok?

simota1 10-17-2009 01:12 AM

sup my man!! +1 i hated the egg yolks on my ride haha... dont forget my rep man haha.... for the diy :tup: car looks f*uckin swweeeet....

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 01:16 AM

thanks so much. in fact i thank you for the diy. spent a good 2 or 3 hours pondering until i said dayam i gotta read the thread ^_^


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 240267)
sup my man!! +1 i hated the egg yolks on my ride haha... dont forget my rep man haha.... for the diy :tup: car looks f*uckin swweeeet....

simota1 10-17-2009 10:08 AM

:tup: no prob jook... :happydance:

370Zsteve 10-17-2009 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by joeyz10 (Post 240066)
Sorry man but I like the eggyolks....I have my rear fog light connected to a switch on the seat heater switch so I can turn it on and off when I want it.

Can anyone explain to me what could possibly be the function of a low-mounted fog light on the rear of a car. Thank you.


simota1 10-17-2009 10:55 AM

its so you dont slam into people when there is thick *** fog and they aint tapping on there breaks... ull see the fog :tup:

2theextreme 10-17-2009 11:48 AM

JDM taillights! I really want them now! ;)

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 11:50 AM

arent they sexy? i feel like im driving a 2010 HAHA

2theextreme 10-17-2009 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by jookiyaya (Post 240603)
arent they sexy? i feel like im driving a 2010 HAHA

Definately love them! I've had them on my "to get" list for awhile....I think they just moved up a notch or two over some other things. :tup: Easy to install? I'd have Altered Atmosphere in Gaithersburg do it most likely. Upgrading my headlights soon to 6000K bulbs.....would be a nice fit to have those new taillights, too.

370Zsteve 10-17-2009 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 240422)
Can anyone explain to me what could possibly be the function of a low-mounted fog light on the rear of a car. Thank you.



Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 240462)
its so you dont slam into people when there is thick *** fog and they aint tapping on there breaks... ull see the fog :tup:

hmm...OK, now that makes sense. Damn, I think I've driven in pea-soup fog like twice in my life..must be foggy in Japan, meh.

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 12:29 PM

taillights are no problem, just follow simota's diy and as far as the foglight, i strongly suggest if youre gonna get the jdm get the fog lamp too. the black protector just doesnt match plus riverside infiniti gives great discounts on multiple purchases. good luck ^_^


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 240616)
Definately love them! I've had them on my "to get" list for awhile....I think they just moved up a notch or two over some other things. :tup: Easy to install? I'd have Altered Atmosphere in Gaithersburg do it most likely. Upgrading my headlights soon to 6000K bulbs.....would be a nice fit to have those new taillights, too.

2theextreme 10-17-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by jookiyaya (Post 240696)
taillights are no problem, just follow simota's diy and as far as the foglight, i strongly suggest if youre gonna get the jdm get the fog lamp too. the black protector just doesnt match plus riverside infiniti gives great discounts on multiple purchases. good luck ^_^

Cool deal....I'm good to the fog light hooked up already. ;) I've seen these for $689 (give or take)....was that close to what you paid?

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 02:25 PM

i paid around 740 out the door for the jdm and the fog lights including shipping. its not bad. plus the jdm tail lights are soooo freakin hard to acquire. apparently theres another aftermarket company that makes this as well. MAKE SURE its from genuine nissan parts so beware.

according to some dealerships this taillight will be the 2010 coupe option just like the 1998 civic and 1999 2000 civic minor modification change. from reds to clear. something like that. which i loved back then as well.


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 240716)
Cool deal....I'm good to the fog light hooked up already. ;) I've seen these for $689 (give or take)....was that close to what you paid?

simota1 10-17-2009 03:02 PM

^^^^ dood i never knew u get discount when u buy more than one item from riverside....

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by simota1 (Post 240868)
^^^^ dood i never knew u get discount when u buy more than one item from riverside....

doesn't hurt to ask. i always ask a ton of questions, im pretty impulsive on buying. talk to rick. real chill laid back with tons of answers for your mod needs ^_^

2theextreme 10-17-2009 06:07 PM

These are the genuine real deal ones, yes?

The Z Store! Nissan-Datsun 240Z-260Z-280Z-280ZX-300ZX(Z31/Z32)-350Z-370Z Parts: J-Spec Tail Light Kit, 2009 370Z

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 06:13 PM

yep. in comes in a box that says nissan geniune parts and then the serial part number. starts with "kotto" and some numbers.
you can see the same serial number etched into the lower lamp just to verify its geniune. plus the instructions are in wacky order in japanese. but it does tell you how to remove your panels too if the diy is too vague ^_^

heres a link

i just called them and asked away instead of ordering through ebay but thats the geniune box ^_^


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 241005)

oh i just realized, i didnt know that was a link to jdm taillights for sale.

you can buy from riverside infiniti for 660 straight up. i know we're talking 20 30 dollar difference. last time i spoke with them 2 days ago they said they had 1 or 2 left and it takes couple of months to re-stock.

but still... im kinda nit-picky on where items are coming from.. again just ask =)

TX_370 10-17-2009 06:14 PM

Thanks for sharing Jook, I like it :tup:

jookiyaya 10-17-2009 06:21 PM

thanks bro, i really appreciate it. makes me want to NOT sell my Z now. if youve done any mods to your pw.... let us know!!! ^^


Originally Posted by TX_370 (Post 241014)
Thanks for sharing Jook, I like it :tup:

2theextreme 10-17-2009 10:52 PM

I wonder who could get them to me faster....The Z Store....or Riverside Infiniti.....I think I'm gonna do this! Got an appointment with Altered Atmosphere on Thursday.....I'd need 'em by Wednesday at the very latest!

Equinox 10-18-2009 10:17 AM

yeah never was a fan of the egg yolks. One of those little mods that makes a difference when you meet another white 370z. You'll be like, but your car makes breakfast. Speaking of breakfast..............

kdo2milger 10-18-2009 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by 370Zsteve (Post 240624)
hmm...OK, now that makes sense. Damn, I think I've driven in pea-soup fog like twice in my life..must be foggy in Japan, meh.

the asian and european market have this foglight for good reason...

if youve ever driven the autobahns in germany you would appreciate having this foglight...

germans hawlass regardless of weather on the autobahn so having driven there myself and having a hoopty that could not keep up with them i used my fog light when ever there was inclement weather...

it helps to have that sucker on when some bmr flies up on yoass at 250kmh in fog or heavy rain...:rolleyes:

Dustin@Z1 10-18-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 241339)
I wonder who could get them to me faster....The Z Store....or Riverside Infiniti.....I think I'm gonna do this! Got an appointment with Altered Atmosphere on Thursday.....I'd need 'em by Wednesday at the very latest!

I ll throw in another option. We have both the fogs and JDM tails in stock. Just thought I would throw that in! :tiphat:

2theextreme 10-18-2009 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Dustin@Z1 (Post 242599)
I ll throw in another option. We have both the fogs and JDM tails in stock. Just thought I would throw that in! :tiphat:

PM sent! ;)

2theextreme 10-20-2009 09:03 AM

Hey jooki, check this photo out:

I'm trying really hard to picture that Z in blue! :p

Equinox 10-20-2009 09:43 AM

how do you install these bad boys, just black plastic interior parts taken out? or does this involve the bumper?

jookiyaya 10-21-2009 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 245196)
I'm trying really hard to picture that Z in blue! :p

that is one hot looking chicane. whered u get that pic? never seen it and im always looking for jdm style 370z. very VERY sexy.


Originally Posted by Equinox (Post 245218)
how do you install these bad boys, just black plastic interior parts taken out? or does this involve the bumper?

you dont have to remove the bumper at all. although it should make things easier as far as wire access and such if you did.

it took me about 6 hours or so, half of it was figuring out which wire color did what and a lot of troubleshooting. (did not want to short or destroy my electrical system by going rambo)

as far as the tail lights its basically plug n play.

as far as the fog lamp, theres a connector, but if you look at the left stalk theres an option that wasnt available for usdm z's to turn it on. youll find it missing, so thats where the wiring comes in.

hope that helps ^_^

2theextreme 10-21-2009 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by jookiyaya (Post 246348)
that is one hot looking chicane. whered u get that pic? never seen it and im always looking for jdm style 370z. very VERY sexy.

Found it on where someone had posted photos from a Japanese car show. Pretty sweet looking.....cant wait to see what they look like at night! :tup:

6 hours to install, huh? Wow! I wonder if Altered can do it any faster? Then again....don't want to rush them and have something end up going wrong.

jookiyaya 10-21-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 246382)
6 hours to install, huh? Wow! I wonder if Altered can do it any faster? Then again....don't want to rush them and have something end up going wrong.

haha no, these mods ive done take half the time, im just that type of person who likes to take things in step procedures and do them meticulously. kinda got that from being in the military. and from past experience.

the illuminated kick plates take less than a hour
the tail lights maybe 1 and a half

i used to fix up civics like crazy and my integras. i know them in and out, but i do remember rushing things and getting into tons of trouble lol. so after each mod i research and make sure to take pics as well and all that stuff. ^_^

oh yeah and i dont want to scratch my beatiful baby. it should take u less than 2 hours; or quicker if done at a body shop i think.

my future mods now i think,
i want my brakes upgraded. talking to mike for info
im considering spoiler upgrade, waiting for amuse or maybe i should get the stock oem one.

cvega 10-21-2009 06:52 PM

i really like these tails but im not sure whether to get them or go blacked out...hmmm

2theextreme 10-22-2009 09:54 PM

Two quick photos taken by Jon @ Altered Atmosphere today after having the JDM spec taillights added to my Monterey Blue 370....

jookiyaya 10-23-2009 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by 2theextreme (Post 248673)
Two quick photos taken by Jon @ Altered Atmosphere today after having the JDM spec taillights added to my Monterey Blue 370....

I TOLD U IT WAS GONNA BE SEX!! dayam what a sexy butt! i hope its definately worth it because i know it was worth mine.

have you been driving around with it yet? any tennis match stares yet? LOL

2theextreme 10-23-2009 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by jookiyaya (Post 249059)
I TOLD U IT WAS GONNA BE SEX!! dayam what a sexy butt! i hope its definately worth it because i know it was worth mine.

have you been driving around with it yet? any tennis match stares yet? LOL

Haha...not yet....but if the weather holds out for tomorrow, we're supposed to have a little get together in Northern VA....hoping to show it off a little bit! ;)

bullitt5897 10-23-2009 01:18 PM

I must admit those do look good :tup: for a good mod!

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