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Z370Z011 03-03-2015 10:21 AM

some jackass painted something and over sprayed my Z
:shakes head: luckily its with white paint on PW, i tried getting some pics for you guys but you honestly can't see much through the camera, it blends in. However, my Z feels like sand paper, its all over my tail-lights, rear window, and the tiny rear windows. Ill most likely wet sand the paint but dont know what to do about the windows. I've taken off a ton of it with a rag by scraping it with my fingernails.. I was wondering if anyone knew a quicker way to remove it all?

Z370Z011 03-03-2015 10:35 AM rear window, and it isn't dirt. Lol

AntiVenom 03-03-2015 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Z370Z011 (Post 3127027)
:shakes head: luckily its with white paint on PW, i tried getting some pics for you guys but you honestly can't see much through the camera, it blends in. However, my Z feels like sand paper, its all over my tail-lights, rear window, and the tiny rear windows. Ill most likely wet sand the paint but dont know what to do about the windows. I've taken off a ton of it with a rag by scraping it with my fingernails.. I was wondering if anyone knew a quicker way to remove it all?

done this to my own car before. for the glass it's safe to use a single sided blade, like a box cutter blade. for the rest of the car i just buffed it out (i have a high speed buffer). good excuse to give the car the full treatment.

edit: just saw the photo. is it latex? dunno if buffing is the right thing for it if it's latex, might smear/melt/get weird.

brutusvk 03-03-2015 10:37 AM

Clay bar for the paint. Plastic polish for the lights etc. 0000 grade steel wool for the glass.

TreeSemdyZee 03-03-2015 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by brutusvk (Post 3127042)
Clay bar for the paint. Plastic polish for the lights etc. 0000 grade steel wool for the glass.

I second the clay bar. It may take awhile, but it will remove a lot.

Z370Z011 03-03-2015 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by AntiVenom (Post 3127040)
done this to my own car before. for the glass it's safe to use a single sided blade, like a box cutter blade. for the rest of the car i just buffed it out (i have a high speed buffer). good excuse to give the car the full treatment.

edit: just saw the photo. is it latex? dunno if buffing is the right thing for it if it's latex, might smear/melt/get weird.

To be honest I really don't know what it is.. But when I scratch it off it flakes off 90% and leaves about 10% white residue.

Z370Z011 03-03-2015 10:56 AM

Ima try the clay bar thing as well. Completely forgot about that stuff lol

YzGyz 03-03-2015 11:01 AM

I seen this happen on someone else truck. You parked near a commercial building while they were repainting the roof c with silver paint. They spray the stuff on and some made it on your car. The guy them off (call me crazy) by going through a car wash with rollers. If it were me, ?I would do the rollers then back home for a hand wash and wax.


Waiz 03-03-2015 11:19 AM

You can clay bar the windows and that should get the residue right off, I do it all the time

Everything else can easily get off with some light polish on a DA polisher or just by hand. I would not wetsand for what you have

Spooler 03-03-2015 11:31 AM

Goo Gone is your friend. It should wipe right off. After that, clay bar it and wax it.

janglez 03-03-2015 01:34 PM

this has happened to me before... not my z though... i used a plastic scraper and carefully removed the "tops" of the drips... then used goo gone to remove the rest... wash... clay bar... polish and it was good as new... good luck

janglez 03-03-2015 01:36 PM

you could also spray a section at a time with wd40... let it dissolve/soften the drips and then wipe off with a soft cloth also moistened with wd40

dP3NGU1N 03-03-2015 02:09 PM

Clay bar has worked for me in the past to remove paint overspray. It should have dried in the air and only been slightly tacky by the time it reached your car, so it shouldn't be too hard to remove. The clay should also remove the residue, which is probably just a biproduct of further out gassing of whatever chemical they used.

I would recommend NOT wet sanding given how thin our clear coat is.

scottIN 03-03-2015 02:25 PM

Believe it or not, bug & tar remover will work as long as the paint hasn't cured (week or so). Then follow up with clay. I drove through some road paint last summer and Stoner's Tarminator took off 90% of it, the clay got the rest. Just spray it on, let it dwell for a minute or two, then wipe with a microfiber cloth.

First time it happened to me, I did clay. It works, but takes forever. B&T remover is much quicker for the big stuff.

1325 03-03-2015 04:17 PM

I would try Tarminator by Stoner. It is really effective and faster than clay.

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