vividracing |
01-26-2012 06:54 PM |
I know a lot of you guys are still under warranty, or may have heard that K&N filters can cause issues with your MAF sensors. When properly maintained, K&N filters will not harm your MAF sensors. Here's what K&N says about it.
Consumer Protection Pledge
We want to make sure that when you buy a K&N Air Filter or Intake System, you can be confident your vehicle's warranty will not be impacted. We also want you to feel confident that even if you experience a unreasonable dealership, we will step-in and resolve the issue, so you won't have to. Therefore, we make the following Pledge:
K&N pledges to our customers that they will not be taken advantage of and charged for a repair due to a dealership warranty denial blamed on the presence of a K&N product.
A frustrating problem we occasionally face is service technicians making false or unsubstantiated claims about aftermarket products, even something as standard as a K&N air filter going in the factory air box. These false allegations may then used as a reason to deny a legitimate warranty claim and force a consumer to pay money when they should not have to. We are horrified that the presence of aftermarket products could in rare instances be used as an excuse for taking advantage of a consumer. In all instances we have experienced so far, the dealership’s position is mere speculation unsupported by any evidence. However, the dealership is in the & #8220;power position” and more often than not, they will win this unfair fight with a consumer, who needs their vehicle back. We are going to balance the scales a bit. We will use our resources to make the consumer whole and challenge the dealership. If you have any problem at all with a K&N product or a service provider, please call us immediately and we will help.
Vehicle Warranties
Our air filters will not void a vehicles manufacturer’s warranty. They are high quality replacement parts and automotive or motorcycle dealerships cannot void a consumers warranty solely based on the existence of an aftermarket product. The law covering this issue is the Federal Magnuson-Moss Act. There only two ways in which a dealership can void a consumer’s warranty, the first is if the part in question is made available to consumer’s free of charge by the OE manufacturer. The second is if the Dealership can prove the aftermarket part has caused damage to the vehicle. The burden of proof is on the dealership even though they may attempt to shift that responsibility to the consumer. We have certainly heard the rumor that an over oiled K&N Air Filter can cause a failure of a vehicles Mass-Air Flow sensor. We have spent a great deal of money investigating this allegation. We have worked with dealerships and the OE’s and retrieved sensors they claimed were fouled by K&N Air Filter oil. When the sensors were tested both by an independent lab and at K&N, the results were that the K&N Air Filter was not to blame for the failure. We view this allegation as strange and unsubstantiated. Stranger still, some of the & #8220;bad sensors” we tested were in fact in perfect working order. Our investigations have revealed that often dealerships do not even have the equipment necessary to determine the cause of a sensor failure.
So have a consumer immediately contact our customer service department if they run into any vehicle or mass air flow sensor warranty problems. More information on this issue is available on our website
This info can be seen on the K&N website here, about halfway down:
K&N MP3 Audio Podcast Files - Automobile Engine Air Filtration Technical Information
And K&N also issued a letter regarding warranties on US cars. This letter has a lot of good info about aftermarket parts and your warranty in general, not just K&N products. Worth a read for sure.
Letter from K&N CEO - Automotive Dealers Voiding a Warranty due to a K&N Replacement Filter