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'10Anamoly 11-30-2011 12:53 PM

Sunoco 260 GT 100 octane = much better throttle response and power, read
So, I was curious about trying a little high octane gas in the car, after reading the timing maps for the 370 and thinking that it might allow for a bit better timing advance by the ECU (up to max programmed potential). I know some other world regions have higher than 93 octane recommended and I know that the 10% ethanol lowers the effective octane rating a bit from 93 to probably 91ish.

Long story short, I made the hike out to a Sunoco about 35 miles away and put in 6 gallons of Sunoco 260 GT 100 octane gas. Mixed with the rest of the tank filled at 93, its about a 95-95.5 octane total in the car now. The Sunoco 260 GT burns very close to the stoichiometric ratio that pump gas with 10% ethanol does (14.0 vs 14.9ish) so its a safe option. I read several reviews online of this specific gas being completely street legal, safe for street cars and mixable with pump gas without issues before I tried it. It is fully unleaded, has no metal compounds to mess up sensors/cats, etc. Downside is that it is $8.29 a gallon!

Driving impressions: To get a before and after, I drove the car nice and hard before adding any of the 100 octane. I also tested it out under part throttle to look for responsiveness/etc, heavy throttle, etc. All seemed like it always did.

Once I filled up with 6 gallons of 100 octane and the rest at 93, I drove for a bit and did honestly not notice any change for about 10-15 miles. I also did not see any difference under light throttle/etc at all.

HOWEVER, after about 20 minutes of driving, I went ahead and got on it a bit more. The car pulled a LOT more responsively under quick throttle jabs, like it had 10-12 lbs more torque in the lower rpm band. I figured it might be in my head so I found a nice clear area and let her loose. I was not wrong, the car reeled back through 1st, lost traction completely into 2nd with a bit of a slip to the right, 2nd pulled just as hard and I spun again a bit into 3rd. The car absolutely did NOT do this before the high octane gas was in. I was thoroughly impressed. Driving around normally again was not much different, although the car seemed to respond to throttle input right away now, instead of kinda chumming a bit before going as it did before when it was hot. Oil temps were at 210 as well when I got it on and was testing it (before and after the octane switch). I did another WOT run with the same results as the 1st, pulls harder and the throttle is immediate.

I'm obviously not going to keep the gas in there all the time, but I'll be putting a few gallons in every now and then because the car seems to really like the 95 octane-ish blend. I doubt it needs more than that if anything, perhaps it only needs a "true" 93 octane with no ethanol to run at its best. Either way, I think the blend I have in works about as good as it can.

DISCLAIMER: I dont care if you think it was a waste, I know my car and I wouldnt bs myself and spend $8.29 a gallon for nothing, I was actually expecting to be disappointed. Negative comments or "its all in your head" will be ignored. :tup: If you dont agree, stick with your normal octane.

Abdiel 11-30-2011 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by '10Anamoly (Post 1429476)
I know that the 10% ethanol lowers the effective octane rating a bit from 93 to probably 91ish.

pretty sure blending in ethanol raises octane rating. ethanol is listed at 108 RON.

andre12031948 11-30-2011 03:07 PM

sensitive:) no comment.....

fuct 11-30-2011 04:49 PM

8.29... ouch

christian370z 12-01-2011 11:25 AM

These are my thoughts exactly. I filled my tank with 103 VP racing gas and 91 octane and instantly noticed an increase in engine responsiveness and while there were no gains in peak hp/tq, there was a solid gain in both in the mid-range.

Also, Seb at SpecialtyZ was talking to the Uprev guys and they say they found new timing maps that may give us much more control over timing which could further increase engine response and power gains.

Red__Zed 12-01-2011 11:31 AM

Did you data log at all to see if timing was actually being advanced?

'10Anamoly 12-01-2011 03:48 PM

I dont have a tuner, I looked at the maps while another guy was tuning one day and the advance seemed aggressive. This combined with the all controlling knock sensors being used heavily on these cars makes sense, so it safely makes as much power as possible while being flexible for regions with different octane availability.

Glad to hear that others are experiencing the same benefits. I felt the same thing, peak power didnt seem different, but the midrange thrust and throttle responsiveness was MUCH better. I dont doubt we are probably getting closer to or are actually reaching full timing advance.

DarkZide 12-01-2011 09:32 PM

Careful running too much of it if its leaded (although i dont think the sunoco 100 is). It will foul out O2 sensors, and sometimes mess with cats.

6MT 12-01-2011 09:37 PM


'10Anamoly 12-02-2011 07:00 AM

The Sunoco 260 GT is completely unleaded and specifically states that it has no metallic compounds so it is safe for cats and 02 Sensors. :)

Dark Sarcasm 12-02-2011 05:59 PM

you lost me at $8.29 a gallon! haha

as far as the traction example, or lack of traction, after the Sunoco was added could be attributed to being on a different pavement. I know in my Z depending on what kind of surface I am on dictates how much wheel spin is generated.

im not saying your butt dyno isnt calibrated correctly, im just saying that pavement could be a contributing factor.

'10Anamoly 12-02-2011 07:14 PM

It aint the pavement :tup: drove same roads both ways

christian370z 12-03-2011 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Red__Zed (Post 1431189)
Did you data log at all to see if timing was actually being advanced?

I did, and it barely advanced.

cossie1600 12-03-2011 08:30 PM

Placebo effect

'10Anamoly 12-04-2011 09:04 AM

I'll take more placebos then. :tup:

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