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jwick 06-20-2015 07:25 AM

Sticky: 370Z Clutch Pressure (CSC) Failures

Originally Posted by Misnomer (Post 3234386)
It's only been a couple of weeks, but after reading some of the newer posts in this thread I think I'm glad I went for the clutch assembly replacement. Everything feels great (knock on wood), I'm used to the slightly heavier pedal, and most of the new noises have gone away. What's left now is some transmission noise in first and second, but the mechanic thinks that's likely because they upgraded my transmission fluid and it's thinner than what Nissan originally had in there. He said if the noise really bothers me he can put thicker fluid back in and see if it helps. I'll wait another week and see how much it still bothers me (it's a light grinding/scraping sound; right now I'm leaning toward having him swap out the fluid).

I had an '02 Nissan Sentra -- manual, base trimline, all stock -- for four years and I never had a single problem. I even bought it used (in '04), and tracked it once (don't laugh!). The good experience I had with that car was part of why I didn't hesitate to buy my Z in late 2013. It's been a series of disappointments with this car, though: first the known track issues (oil/brake overheating), now the clutch issues. :mad:

Did you upgrade the clutch/flywheel when you did the elimination kit?

The lighten flywheels make a ton of noise. Mine sounds like a diesel F250 in first at low rpms.

If you are going to change fluids, Redline MT85:tup:

KoolKarmaJoe 06-20-2015 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by jwick (Post 3234387)
Did you upgrade the clutch/flywheel when you did the elimination kit?

The lighten flywheels make a ton of noise. Mine sounds like a diesel F250 in first at low rpms.

If you are going to change fluids, Redline MT85:tup:

What brand/weight light FLYWHEEL did you choose? Pro's vs Con's - do you think the performance gains out weighed the noise issue?

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jwick 06-20-2015 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by KoolKarmaJoe (Post 3234392)
What brand/weight light FLYWHEEL did you choose? Pro's vs Con's - do you think the performance gains out weighed the noise issue?

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Z1 Full Face with their lightweight flywheel. This transmission is noisy anyway so I wouldn't prevent doing something because of noise.

As for performance it's hard to say cuz I only had it a couple of weeks before I put the turbo on and obviously the performance changed dramatically after that. It did take a little getting used to because with the lighter weight the rpms drop off quickly when you engage the pedal. I had my tuner bump my idle rpms to 950 to compensate.

Zbrah 06-20-2015 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by KoolKarmaJoe (Post 3234355)
Master and Slave cylinders were replaced at 30k miles under warranty. ECM replaced as well in that time. Guess what? My clutch pedal only returns 40% of the way. I will never buy another Nissan again and will make sure my friends and family are aware of how unreliable their cars are. This includes "premium" models as well. I was considering upgrading to the GTR but not after this.

Does anyone know if Nissan has ever made any "official" statements about the CSC failures that so many of us have experienced? Or is trying to get a answer from them like Beating a Dead Horse?

As far as I know, Nissan never did addressed this issue publicly, even though people have been complaining about cscs failure since the 350z were still in production.

I wish every person who been affected would file a complaint with the nhts and make their posts go viral all over Nissan's fb and tweeter. I am sure that will at least their attention to start acting on this subject seriously.

Zbrah 06-20-2015 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by hitman21988 (Post 757672)
well lets just hope you get a recall or something.

Five years later and still no recall. People are getting stranded on a weekly basis. Nissan still doesn't give a single **** about Z owners. So as I said it before, **** NISSAN.

Trips 06-20-2015 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by Zbrah (Post 3234750)
Does anyone know if Nissan has ever made any "official" statements about the CSC failures that so many of us have experienced? Or is trying to get a answer from them like Beating a Dead Horse?

As far as I know, Nissan never did addressed this issue publicly, even though people have been complaining about cscs failure since the 350z were still in production.

I wish every person who been affected would file a complaint with the nhts and make their posts go viral all over Nissan's fb and tweeter. I am sure that will at least their attention to start acting on this subject seriously.

Totally agree with you. :)

Nissan doesn't see it as a safety issue so even if people complain? They wont do anything about like the 350 before us.

So yes this is a beating the horse topic, and part of the negatives of owning the Manual version for some and not a majority since it's a hit and miss issue like other quirks the Z is plagued by.

MagmaRed370z 06-20-2015 08:06 PM

Just so I know, what do people do if they get the clutch pedal to the floor? Just trying to prepare for the future.

Any quick things to do to get it going again to drive it to the dealership? Let me know

Zbrah 06-20-2015 08:13 PM

Stay calm and lift the pedal with your toes :eekdance:

Trips 06-20-2015 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by schellingr (Post 3234760)
Just so I know, what do people do if they get the clutch pedal to the floor? Just trying to prepare for the future.

Any quick things to do to get it going again to drive it to the dealership? Let me know

Best preparation is to simply replace it with HD version.

Waiting for it to fail will just leave you stranded since there is nothing to do once it starts to let go.

But you should pay extra attention if you start to feel it not feel normal as it will give a subtle warning as it start to deteriorate and finally fail.

DIGItonium 06-20-2015 08:19 PM

It wasn't subtle for me. Backed out of parking lot, and it was feeling fine. Pulled out and got into 2nd, and it failed immediately. I barely had 1" of pressure to get it moving back before stalling several times.

TheNismo 06-21-2015 02:09 AM

Well when mine went to the floor, I pulled over and ran down to the gas station and picked up some brake fluid and filled up the reservoir.. then pumped the clutch to get the air out while constantly checking the reservoir to fill it back up until it was decent to drive home...

Ordering my HD CSC and other parts from Zspeed on Monday!

BamBamZ 06-21-2015 09:59 AM


Originally Posted by KoolKarmaJoe (Post 3234355)
Master and Slave cylinders were replaced at 30k miles under warranty. ECM replaced as well in that time. Guess what? My clutch pedal only returns 40% of the way. I will never buy another Nissan again and will make sure my friends and family are aware of how unreliable their cars are. This includes "premium" models as well. I was considering upgrading to the GTR but not after this.

Does anyone know if Nissan has ever made any "official" statements about the CSC failures that so many of us have experienced? Or is trying to get a answer from them like Beating a Dead Horse?

For what it's worth... It's also a common issue on 6 speed manual Tacoma's and FJ Cruisers.

My X-Runner was on the way with the throwout bearing squeeling, People have complained about similar issues with their trucks just being off the dealership floor for a few months. Every car has it's weak points... But it's still ridiculous no less.

BamBamZ 06-21-2015 11:05 AM

I posted this on Nissans facebook page


"Anything on possibly fixing the common Clutch Slave Cylinder issue that is plaguing late 350z's, G37's and 370z's?... At 31K miles my clutch slave cylinder gave out on my Nissan 370z Touring/Sport and upon further research I found it's a common issue.…/25007-stick...essure-…
I opened a complaint with NHTSA because it's a safety issue when you're just rolling and the clutch pedal just falls to the floor, In my case I was in the middle of a 4 way intersection and kept stalling past my turn to go until I was able to limp it to a parking lot. I am trying to get as many people on forum to do the same. Other than that, it's a fantastic car..."
and got this response

"Hi Alan - Thanks for reaching out to us with your concerns. Have you had a chance to have your vehicle diagnosed at a Nissan dealership? Please private message us your contact information, VIN, name of the servicing dealership and the diagnosis and our social media support team can look into this for you first thing Monday morning. Thanks - Sarah, Nissan Community Manager"
Anyone else care to weigh in on the subject in a PM to Nissan?

EDIT: Here's my novel I sent to Nissan... at the end I included my contact info but I didn't copy that to paste it on here.

"I am happy with my newish to me 2009 Nissan 370z that I purchased through Carmax with 25k miles for the most part... But a few weeks ago as I drove 50+ miles away from home to go on a date of all things my beloved Z failed me... After picking up the date we got about 2 miles from his home and as I was leaving a stop light to turn right on a red the clutch pedal fell to the floor. I was able to pump it to get it to move but not after stalling about 4 times in a panic since I was in the middle of the intersection with oncoming cars. Fortunately we were not hit and I was able to limp it to nearby parking lot where I had to wait 2 hours for "AAA", Ultimately ruining my date that I have yet to make up for and a weekend of trying to figure out why my beloved Z failed me.

The very next morning (saturday) I looked into scheduling an appointment with my local Nissan Dealership (Tracy, California) but online scheduling said they were booked until Tuesday. I didn't wan't to leave my Z outside (she's spoiled by being garaged) and conveniently I have a buddy I made by using his expertise before on my previous Toyota Tacoma X-Runner (That I had for 120K miles that required nothing but maintenance or regular wear items I might add [like brake pads, rotors, tires, filters and oil changes]).

The place my buddy works at is a independently owned mechanic shop called Tri-Valley automotive in Dublin California... They are ASE certified and all that stuff. But before that morning came... I was up all night doing my own diagnostics on google... Having been able to in seconds find a thread on my Nissan 370Z forums explaining the exact issue I am having. Which is the clutch slave cylinder began leaking

To my dismay I discover that this is a super common problem, My 370Z having only 31,239 miles at the time became one of the many on that thread, I counted over 50 before I got tired of counting not even half way through the thread... So I am sure it'll be over 100 with people that have far less miles than I have. After more research I find it's also on the late model 350z's and the 6 speed G37's.

I was able to get my 370Z repaired at the cost of $300 thanks in part for the aftermarket warranty I paid an extra $1800 for that I did not really think I needed (I really thought I would never use it seeing as how I'm a meticulous owner and the car has such low miles... and to be honest, never considered Nissan to build an unreliable car), A scan of the work order and receipt is attached in a PDF file here... I opened a case with the NHTSA and even after reading from there, I find that several people have had the same issue. I am urging people on my 370Z Forum to do the same thing and file a complaint there... I believe a recall, extended factory warranty and or something needs to be done to fix the problem. Aftermarket companies spotted this as a weak point in the design since it is made out of plastic and have made kits to completely remove the clutch slave cylinder or even as simply make the entire thing out of metal. It's only a matter of time if not already has happened that someone is seriously hurt or even worse, Killed because their 6 speed manual 350z, 370z or G37 decided the clutch pedal is more comfortable on the carpet in the middle of an intersection or highway rendering the car unoperable.

The info for my car is
2009 Nissan 370Z Touring/Sport/Nav
JN1AZ44E59M402001 with under 31,400 miles on it (no idea why they put down it has 31,503 on the work order when it left the shop [type i'm assuming]). "

Zbrah 06-21-2015 02:14 PM

**** Yes!! You are my hero for taking this step, BamBamZ! We have the power of social medias on our side guys! Everyone here need to do this, seriously.

I would even take it a step further and log your complaint with the NHTS then post a link on Nissan's social accounts with a brief description of your issue. If they refuse to act, we can make them react! Here is the linkHome | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

KoolKarmaJoe 06-21-2015 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Zbrah (Post 3235239)
**** Yes!! You are my hero for taking this step, BamBamZ! We have the power of social medias on our side guys! Everyone here need to do this, seriously.

I would even take it a step further and log your complaint with the NHTS then post a link on Nissan's social accounts with a brief description of your issue. If they refuse to act, we can make them react! Here is the linkHome | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

I'm in! Good post:D

Originally Posted by Zbrah (Post 3235239)
**** Yes!! You are my hero for taking this step, BamBamZ! We have the power of social medias on our side guys! Everyone here need to do this, seriously.

I would even take it a step further and log your complaint with the NHTS then post a link on Nissan's social accounts with a brief description of your issue. If they refuse to act, we can make them react! Here is the linkHome | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

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