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Prosport Gauges 11-24-2010 08:51 AM

just checked the z and the fluids are perfect... 13k miles.

do you guys think this is just random for some z users are will this happen to all of them eventually?

Zeto 11-24-2010 10:13 AM

:iagree: My fluids are fine also.

dubhov 11-24-2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Zeto (Post 819645)
I'm having this same issue. Should I bleed it first to see if it improves or just take it straight to the dealer?

Check your clutch fluid level...if it's considerably lower than the max line, take it to the dealer. If the fluid level looks fine...bleed it and give it a few weeks.

Zeto 12-01-2010 01:50 PM

Ok my Z is at the dealership and they said they would replace the pressure plate and clutch. Should I print out this thread to show them a trend and the part number?

6SPD_FTW 12-03-2010 02:04 PM

This loss of clutch pressure is a recurring thing that occurs on 05+ V6 Altima's, MT Maxima's, the 350's and 370's. My previous 2007 Altima 3.5SE did this crap 2 times in 40,000 miles and that's it.

It's a pretty routine thing, from the research that I've done, that the clutch pedal will sink to the ground, loose pressure and will remain that way for varying amounts of time. It seems like regardless of which vehicle it is, the pedal will return to normal given enough time. Some just have to sit for a while longer than others. The Altima's and Maxima's were narrowed down to something in the master cylinder (most likely). Even on older vehicles that had a traditional slave cylinder/TO bearing setup, this failure still happened on them.

If the CSC fails, it would stand to reason that the clutch pedal would still return to normal position when released. There's a big spring on the clutch pedal that pulls it back up. Of course Nissan uses some funky fulcrum/pivot point in their clutch pedals which I think has a big part to do with this.


Zeto 12-03-2010 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by 6SPD_FTW (Post 834903)
This loss of clutch pressure is a recurring thing that occurs on 05+ V6 Altima's, MT Maxima's, the 350's and 370's. My previous 2007 Altima 3.5SE did this crap 2 times in 40,000 miles and that's it.

It's a pretty routine thing, from the research that I've done, that the clutch pedal will sink to the ground, loose pressure and will remain that way for varying amounts of time. It seems like regardless of which vehicle it is, the pedal will return to normal given enough time. Some just have to sit for a while longer than others. The Altima's and Maxima's were narrowed down to something in the master cylinder (most likely). Even on older vehicles that had a traditional slave cylinder/TO bearing setup, this failure still happened on them.

If the CSC fails, it would stand to reason that the clutch pedal would still return to normal position when released. There's a big spring on the clutch pedal that pulls it back up. Of course Nissan uses some funky fulcrum/pivot point in their clutch pedals which I think has a big part to do with this.


Is there a solution?

Zeto 12-08-2010 02:45 PM

Ok guys these are the items with the part numbers that were replaced. They were all covered under warrenty. Clutch feels brand new. Hope it helps.

esfourteen 12-08-2010 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Zeto (Post 842990)
Ok guys these are the items with the part numbers that were replaced. They were all covered under warrenty. Clutch feels brand new. Hope it helps.

ouch looks like they broke a bunch of your flywheel bolts and had to drill them out and re-tap the threads, shitty. It should feel brand new as everything was replaced =]

Calvin 02-03-2011 11:18 AM

just dropped off my car at the dealer. car's at 11.5k miles
been having issues with my clutch being stuck, once i was even unable to accelerate. and recently, having trouble shifting. in order for me to get in gear i had to use A LOT force to even put my car in gear,
oh fluid was REALLY low also

dealer looked at it yday, took in my car for further observation.
was talking to a mechanic he told me that he knows what i'm talking about. happened to him while driving a nismo

i'll keep you guys posted

lazer_Z 02-03-2011 04:35 PM

just got my car back from having these issues. i have 3,412 miles. been going on since about 2,500 miles. they replaced master cylinder, all lines, and slave cylinder

zilent_jay 02-08-2011 06:26 PM

Not only did I have a CS failure (also requiring the entire clutch assy to be replaced) I had massive oil consumption (and wildly fluctuating oil temps) which resulted in a new long block.

The car has been out of commision over 40 days. Have had ongoing check engline lights that are still unresolved. I'm still contemplating lemoning this piece of junk or trading it in and taking the hit.

crystalline 04-21-2011 09:14 PM

My car is a 2009 Nismo, off the lot 5/30/10 currently 8500 mi on it.

I was driving to work today and was stopped at a light to turn into the plaza I work in. When the light turned green the clutch did not come off the floor and the car almost stalled out. It then popped up and the car lurched forward and regained rpms. Then clutch then refused to pop out any father than the engagement point without pulling it with my foot. I limped to the nearest nissan dealer shifts getting harder and harder to pull off and the clutch sinking lower and lower. Once I got into their parking lot it would not go into gear at all and I beached the car into a row of parking spaces. The dealer then attempted to feed me a load of **** about how the clutch was probably bad and this would not be covered under warranty and then proceeded to insult me for not buying the car from them. (They never had any Nismos in stock for the 3-4 months I looked ofc)


Originally Posted by Chrono_30 (Post 766813)
So I finally took my car in to Nissan, and they told me I have a bad clutch. And it is going to cost me over $2600!!!! They made this decision all on how the car is driving. I asked if this is under warranty, and they say no, b/c its a clutch. I seriously suspect is isn't the clutch. But they want me to spend $600 for them to take my tranny off, and do an inspection on the transmission. I think that is ridiculous. Did any of you have to pay for this? Also how in the h*** can a clutch and assembly with labor be over $2600?? That is crazy!! I am calling the dealership I bought the car from today, I didn't take it there originally b/c I live almost an hr away for that dealer....:mad:

I am expecting what happened to chrono's to be what they tell me. They are going to assume I am retarded and say the entire clutch is broken after 8000 mi and try to charge me to fix it. The service woman was telling me that people drive this car for performance so the clutch plate, pressure plate, some bearings (not covered) always break around 10,000 mi. Are people really that stupid? I just told her I was sure it was a covered part and that I wasn't worried. You would think dealerships would want to convince customers to return to buy from them not another dealer...this is my second nissan now and I will never return to this dealership to buy anything.

11Thumper 04-22-2011 02:21 AM

Ouch, hurts to read this. Hopefully the 7AT won't give me any issues. My S2000 has been bullet proof for 50k miles and the Z should be no different. I can understand Nissan having some issues with a new model but asking customers to pony up $2,600 for a new clutch or $600 to inspect is rediculous.

I wish you all the best. You don't deserve this...

Joe@ZSpeed 04-24-2011 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by esfourteen (Post 843018)
ouch looks like they broke a bunch of your flywheel bolts and had to drill them out and re-tap the threads, shitty. It should feel brand new as everything was replaced =]

Looks more like milking Nissan for more time by saying the bolts broke... The bolts didn't break

Daishi 04-25-2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by esfourteen (Post 843018)
ouch looks like they broke a bunch of your flywheel bolts and had to drill them out and re-tap the threads, shitty. It should feel brand new as everything was replaced =]

they may not of broken anything.. some techs make **** up just to make more time. I work in a service dept and see it all the time.

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