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kevin.z 04-10-2010 08:08 PM

lol at zsteve.
is there DIY for clutch fluid change? i could only find transmission oil change. Does clutch fluid uses the same fluid as brake fluid? I noticed u guys keep on mentioning dot4 brake fluid for clutch.
Thanks, i handed out reps again!

1slow370 04-10-2010 09:55 PM

get some dot4 brake fluid and 2 buddies. assign one guy to hold the fluid and keep the reservoir filled, another guy to push the pedal, then get under the car and find the thing that looks like a brake bleeder screw (because it is) and then just bleed it like you would brakes. If you can't do that have a mechanically inclined friend do the opening and closing for you.

kevin.z 04-10-2010 10:24 PM

what brake/clutch fluid would you guys recommend? what are the intervals for replacing clutch fluid?
sorry for keep on asking questions.

370zFORme!! 04-10-2010 11:29 PM

Kevin, I've noticed weird sounds with the car that seem to just correct themselves. Ive had it with my clutch (popping sound), injector tapping, and just about everything in the dash made noises for the first week. Its crazy, but the car is like a fine wine, gets better with age. lol Good luck.

Zat_Zuma 04-11-2010 09:20 AM

I get one of the neighborhood kids to operate the clutch pedal while I bleed the clutch line. Nothing like training them early for hobby in sport cars :tup:

There always around helping me out and asking questions.

kevin.z 04-11-2010 11:25 AM

haha, nice
i guess i am gonna go ap racing prf608. looks like it is the best for clutch fluid.

1slow370 04-13-2010 03:55 AM

Pedal is harder than stock with the new clutch but i have very heavy feet ;) so it doesn't bug me. as for the acceleration heck if i know the car went full bolt on's all at once so i can't really tell what did what other than it rev's faster, sounds great and would kick a stock cars @$$ but again i did intake exhaust testpipes, cooler, flywheel, tires, differential, swaybars, and fluids all at once soo...

kevin.z 04-18-2010 02:28 PM

Sorry to revive this thread again, i check the service manual and it says we should use DOT 3 for our clutch fluid? But everyone recommends me to use DOT4? Should i use DOT3 or DOT4?

RCZ 04-18-2010 02:52 PM

1slow370: Did you change your CSC?

guys, if you are thinking about upgrading the clutch, take a look at this article...

Thank Zat_Zuma for some great info.

ChrisSlicks 04-18-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by RCZ (Post 501931)
guys, if you are thinking about upgrading the clutch, take a look at this article...

Good to know!

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