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J.Wolf 07-17-2009 06:05 AM

You guys have nothing to worry about. What you guys are hearing is the back lash in the transmission gear set. What you are doing while in 1st gear with the clutch slightly or fully disengaged is loading up the transmission and as you depress the clutch and let the load off the transmission you are hearing the gears rattle. In a lot of transmissions 1st and 2nd gear sets are usually designed with different teeth then the rest of the gears due to the amount of stress that the 1st and 2nd gear sets see, so these gears usually create a lot more noise. Just like some cars that have a whining reverse gear due to how the teeth are cut (straight cut gears).

JvKintheUSA 07-20-2009 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by driv3s7ick (Post 78762)
How does the auto trans sound in 1st to 2nd gear?

I have the A/T and it make a clunk noise when moving from neutral to 1st or N to reverse. Though it was play in the drive train, but I noticed it also happening when the car was slowly moving forward with the drive train already engaged, so my theory was that maybe it is the limited slip engaging.

ZKindaGuy 07-21-2009 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by J.Wolf (Post 116599)
You guys have nothing to worry about. What you guys are hearing is the back lash in the transmission gear set. What you are doing while in 1st gear with the clutch slightly or fully disengaged is loading up the transmission and as you depress the clutch and let the load off the transmission you are hearing the gears rattle. In a lot of transmissions 1st and 2nd gear sets are usually designed with different teeth then the rest of the gears due to the amount of stress that the 1st and 2nd gear sets see, so these gears usually create a lot more noise. Just like some cars that have a whining reverse gear due to how the teeth are cut (straight cut gears).

You know what amuses me about this "clunk" issue is that there hasn't been a single manual transmission car that I owned that hasn't had such a noise occur. And I have owned at least 10 of them that I can recall of different makes and models. It goes part and parcel with owning a manual transmission.

And if there are dealers out there "fixing it" then I would wager it is more likely done to appease the customer than to actually "fix" a "problem". It's no sweat off the dealer's service department to appease the customer when the car is under warranty because the warranty provides reimbursement back to the dealer.

However this just serves to turn a non-problem into a "real" problem where non actually exists...and in the long run creates the wrong impression that the mnaufacturer screwed up in the design or the car model has problems. Then this just artificially inflates the quality statistics and then a mountain is made out of a mole hill in the magazine rags.

It really is just what you stated...nothing to worry about....but I am sure there will be many that just don't get that fact and will insist that a problem exists where in fact it doesn't...

Minicobra1 07-21-2009 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by ZKindaGuy (Post 120350)
You know what amuses me about this "clunk" issue is that there hasn't been a single manual transmission car that I owned that hasn't had such a noise occur. And I have owned at least 10 of them that I can recall of different makes and models. It goes part and parcel with owning a manual transmission.

And if there are dealers out there "fixing it" then I would wager it is more likely done to appease the customer than to actually "fix" a "problem". It's no sweat off the dealer's service department to appease the customer when the car is under warranty because the warranty provides reimbursement back to the dealer.

However this just serves to turn a non-problem into a "real" problem where non actually exists...and in the long run creates the wrong impression that the mnaufacturer screwed up in the design or the car model has problems. Then this just artificially inflates the quality statistics and then a mountain is made out of a mole hill in the magazine rags.

It really is just what you stated...nothing to worry about....but I am sure there will be many that just don't get that fact and will insist that a problem exists where in fact it doesn't...

I agree with you that it's not a problem from a mechanical failure standpoint, but it is a problem if you have people complaining about the sound. The 370z is my 10th manual transmission car, (the most expensive) and without a doubt the most noisy one. When you have passengers asking what the rachety clunking sound is, it's a problem. I deliberately push the clutch in extra slow while cruising through parking lots so that it doesn't make the noise. When you have to do that it just takes some of the enjoyment out of driving it. I just expected a little more from a 2009 model that cost me $41K. I don't want to have to explain to everyone that comments on it that its a dual mass clutch, blah blah blah. I've been in marketing for years, and if customers are complaining about something, there is a problem, regardless if its a real problem or not.
Most people will live with this sound, (including myself) because the 370z has so much more to offer, but if you asked 10 people that have the noise if they really enjoy the sound, no one is going to say the enjoy it. It doesn't add any value to the car, it detracts, if there was a quick painless fix, everyone would do it. :tup:

JB1 07-22-2009 08:09 PM

:iagree: Well said minicobra! I can honestly say I have driven hundreds of manual cars (being from Europe originally and having had jobs at car dealers
and leasing companies) and I have only heard similar noises
coming from old and beat up rental or lease cars... Not something I expect from a brand spanking new, near 40K sports car. I do understand it technically is not a problem but it sure is anoying!

JvKintheUSA 07-24-2009 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by driv3s7ick (Post 78762)
How does the auto trans sound in 1st to 2nd gear?

I have the automatic and there is a distinctive clunk when moving from N to D or N to reverse. Metal on metal sound...suspect the suspention at this point.

6MT 07-24-2009 09:38 AM

No problems with 1st gear with me. Although, I've only put 600 kms on mine. I'll keep a listen out for it.


Originally Posted by rench (Post 25758)
First off... Hi all, new member and new z owner (always been a nissan/z fan, finally jumped).

Curious if any other 370 owners have heard a whine/noise in 1st gear after everythings warmed up? Out of the driveway there isn't anything... but drive around and get everything nice and warm, and first gear sounds horrible. I had a nissan tech ride with me (and I used to work on cars, even nissan for over a yr), He agrees it sounds horrible but dealer didn't wanna make it official yet so he said he would drive another one or two and they would get back to me.... I'm not worried as its warranteed but... just wondering if many others are hearing this.

I did find one review of the many I read thru (wanna say it was automobile mag web review but not 100%) that mentioned first gear sounding like they stole it from a garbage truck. Just curious if this is uncommon/rare or if everyone hears it...

bradz 07-26-2009 04:29 PM

I just found out that the noise will not occur if you disengage the clutch slowly. Its just proper timing of the cluth and the gas. Just practice to shift it smoothly and you guys won't hear the noise.

355890 09-05-2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by AMPLIFIED (Post 90006)
If its loud, its the gears in your transmission its not uncommon for transmission gears to whine, the thing it is Uncommon for a new car to be making that sound, its a wear and tear kind of problem that develops. Just bug the dealership to warranty it, might as well got to get your money's worth off the warranty.

What are you going to warranty ??? Another new clunky transmission.

The transmission sucks from 1st to 2nd.....pretty close to being all butter from that point.

Up the revs a bit and start off in 2nd and you won't have to deal with it anymore.

Usually gets a bit better when things warm up.

vortrex 11-21-2009 04:31 PM

my new car has this too...

needr6parts 12-25-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Diversion (Post 56963)
First gear on the test drive sounded like junk to me too, but I honestly think maybe that's what a beefy transmission might sound like. I could be way off base but I asked about the clunkiness/noise first gear made and people say it's normal.

Edit: Listened to the video on page 2.. yep, same sounds easing out on first gear.. I guess they all sound like this which means there's nothing to worry about - I bet it's just a beefy first gear with some gnarly teeth designed for longevity and launching in mind.

dont worry about the noise the gearbox on these is just normal thats what they said about these cars when they did all the road tests and the old ones did it two .These cars have a very low first gear thats what you are hearing.

Svre46 09-25-2010 08:59 AM


370zjames 11-03-2010 04:35 AM

I have same problem!!! I'm not a big fan of nissan tranny!!!!

stormos 03-04-2011 07:02 AM

YouTube - 370z spojka

I have the same problem

spearfish25 03-04-2011 07:34 AM

^your noise isn't the transmission. You're revving in neutral. That's the sound of the alternator, water pump...something belt driven.

stormos 03-05-2011 06:15 AM

No man, when I push transmission pedal noise isn“t

Icib 03-31-2011 03:10 PM

Havent been here for a while, my car still does the rattle/chatter noice in first. Just wondering if everyone is just living with it or if someone ever found a solution! Its loudest when outside temp is high and when I have been driving 30 mins+. (driving off at a red light sometimes even makes me feel ****, helps if I keep the revs up more as I normally would do)

Also when I am driving slow in first gear and I have to brake "hard" and depress my clutch quickly I sometimes get a hard bang/clunk :p

cheshirecat 03-31-2011 03:18 PM

It's normal. The 350 does the same thing. You want noise, upgrade your clutch and flywheel. You'll be wishing you had your stock setup back.

ImportConvert 03-12-2012 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by stormos (Post 970843)
No man, when I push transmission pedal noise isn“t

Easy...easy....calm. Mine does it, too. All is well. Sounds identical.

theANSWER 03-14-2012 11:56 PM

i get the same thing, at 29,000 miles.

Flux 10-07-2012 12:49 AM

Hey guys just thought I would share is. I have had my 2013 370z for a week now and it does the same thing. I test drove two of them and verified they both made this noise. What I have found is if I stay in 1st longer and let it rev a little higher, then the noise isn't as bad.

MetalMattZ34 10-15-2012 08:24 AM

3 years later..update?

Originally Posted by crbn_fbr (Post 79247)
i think it had around 1,500 miles in the video. At 3,000 now, it hasn't gotten any louder or less noticeable.

did this situation get better or worse? I just bought an 09 with 35000 miles on it and i'm getting the whine and the clicking into 2nd.


hadokenuh 10-16-2012 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by bradz (Post 126706)
I just found out that the noise will not occur if you disengage the clutch slowly. Its just proper timing of the cluth and the gas. Just practice to shift it smoothly and you guys won't hear the noise.

^^^ This

I used to get this noise as well but starting learning the timing and how much pressure apply to the clutch. The noise is gone about 80% of the time now.

FLYZ 10-23-2012 09:38 AM

I have this same problem. If I am coasting downhill, in first gear, even with the clutch depressed (only in first gear) there is a speed correlated whine. Also, if I am going uphill, and press in the clutch, it makes a nasty thunk as it disengages. Should I have this checked out?

cheshirecat 10-23-2012 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by FLYZ (Post 1975868)
I have this same problem. If I am coasting downhill, in first gear, even with the clutch depressed (only in first gear) there is a speed correlated whine. Also, if I am going uphill, and press in the clutch, it makes a nasty thunk as it disengages. Should I have this checked out?

No. Normal.

NissanGuy23 12-21-2012 10:48 PM

Here is the noise my car is making, is this what you guys are talking about?

370z noise - YouTube

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