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Bauran 06-21-2015 02:04 PM

Engine will not start, seeking ideas
So, Friday I traveled 2 hours home from work without problem. At my exit I took a little fast but no more than usual. At the base of the exit as soon as I hit accelerator it died (manual). Then after it shutter started a few times, no pings or bangs. More like a couple cylinders wer r firing others werent.

Fast forward to a tow coming because battery died trying to get it started....

He hooked up the wrong terminals. Then it wouldn't turn over at all.

This morning tried to start it and got a click per attempt but no turn over. There is a high pitched whistle though that only goes away if the negative is taken off.

There is now a new battery in it and it still won't turn over. There a fuse I need to check or something? Need help.

All other electrical items work but are running off battery power so i have taken the negative off for the time being.

Anyone had this happen? Know how it happened or how to fix it?

DOOMMONKEY777 06-21-2015 02:20 PM

Bad fuel pump, coil, or worse situation ECU. Also check fuses behind the battery and next to your clutch pedal if they all give continuity.

Bauran 06-21-2015 02:38 PM

Ah yes, fuses was the first place I went. Kick plate fuses all tested good. Fuses next to battery good including the starter one.

Please tell me there is another set I missed, I mean that, I hope it's just a fuse.

Dealership is coming to pick up tomorrow but I hate to see what that is going to run

DOOMMONKEY777 06-21-2015 02:42 PM

Let them diagnose it, it might be the coil pack not sending electricity to all the plugs.

Bauran 06-21-2015 02:46 PM

The high pitched humming, almost a buzz, idea of what that may be? Isolated it to the drivers side of the engine bay.

DOOMMONKEY777 06-21-2015 02:55 PM

Ohh vacuumed tube leak maybe, check the hoses connections near and behind engine.

Z_ealot 06-21-2015 03:21 PM

Sorry to suggest it, but seeing as your tow truck driver hooked the battery up wrong, there might be a chance he fried some things, maybe even the alternator

DOOMMONKEY777 06-21-2015 03:54 PM

I just looked at my engine and tried to figure out what could make that sound and its only the throttle bodies electric motor gears might be stripped and the valve is in closed position, where no air is goin to the engine.

Bauran 06-21-2015 03:59 PM

Those are all things I was worried about. Originally I thought it was air in the lines from the sharp turn. Anyone know what side it's on. I took a hard right so the fuel would have been forced to the left.

And another weird thing. I had 40-50% fuel when it died. Got 3 gallons in it and then it read little over 1/4.

Jordo! 06-21-2015 04:05 PM

Ehhh... he might have fried or at least "bricked" the ECU :eek:

Can you get it on enough to plug a reader into the OBDII port?

EDIT: Wait, did you say you took a sharp right hand turn and it died. It's probably fuel starvation then -- there's tons of threads on that.

SouthArk370Z 06-21-2015 04:06 PM

If you have checked all the fuses (don't forget the fusible links near the battery terminal), then it's time to let a pro look at it.


Originally Posted by Bauran (Post 3235235)
... He hooked up the wrong terminals. Then it wouldn't turn over at all ...

May have damaged one (or more) of the electronic modules. :(

Bauran 06-21-2015 04:12 PM

Kick plate fuses and the ones next to the battery are all good. No signs of burn or burn through

Bauran 06-21-2015 04:13 PM

And literally everything in the car, save the eengine, electronically work. I'm hoping that means the on board computer isn't fubar.

Also rocked the car in gear without it skipping over to see if maybe the starter bound, old trick

BC416 06-22-2015 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bauran (Post 3235235)
So, Friday I traveled 2 hours home from work without problem. At my exit I took a little fast but no more than usual. At the base of the exit as soon as I hit accelerator it died (manual). Then after it shutter started a few times, no pings or bangs. More like a couple cylinders wer r firing others werent.

Fast forward to a tow coming because battery died trying to get it started....

He hooked up the wrong terminals. Then it wouldn't turn over at all.

This morning tried to start it and got a click per attempt but no turn over. There is a high pitched whistle though that only goes away if the negative is taken off.

There is now a new battery in it and it still won't turn over. There a fuse I need to check or something? Need help.

All other electrical items work but are running off battery power so i have taken the negative off for the time being.

Anyone had this happen? Know how it happened or how to fix it?

Did this happen to be a right handed turn and were you low on fuel?

Bauran 06-22-2015 10:26 AM


Originally Posted by BC416 (Post 3235811)
Did this happen to be a right handed turn and were you low on fuel?

Yes 35 mph exit going faster than 35, 1/4 tank

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